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Rachel takes a step back, and Phoebe gapes at the Queen. All I can think about is how my Dad went through that maze...and got out. He knew he would die but he did it anyway. My father wasn't reckless. Every decision he took was with utmost precision. Then why would he risk his life like that?

"Take some time to think about this. Alyssa, take the sisters to the chamber on the top. The one with the blue door." Queen Alaena orders the fairy. "The Council of Elements will reconvene tomorrow morning. Thank you all the Masters and Mistresses for your advice."

The guards and advisors bow to the Queen, as they rush out of the room. Alyssa has already taken my sisters and Coco. But I don't move an inch.

"I want to talk to you." I insist on Queen Alaena. I notice Samuel turn his face to us and then glare at me.

The Queen gives a slight smile and assures him. "Go, Samuel. I will speak to you later." The Lord gives a stern nod and goes about his way.

She points to the chair in front of her, as she sits on her seat. "What is it that you'd want to talk about, Caroline?"

"Your Majesty-" The Queen shakes her head as she interrupts me. "Call me Alaena."

"Ok, Alaena. Why?" I asked her. Alaena furrows her eyebrows.

I calm myself down. "Sorry. My father was cautious. And smart. Why would he do something like this to become something he was so against for?"

"Against for?" Alaena repeats.

I nod in response. "Yes, he was against the whole idea of monarchy. I don't know why it didn't come to me before. But I don't understand why would he want to be a king when he hated them?"

I know why I didn't think of that before. I was too encapsulated about finding my Dad's truth that I forgot to ask the important questions.

Alaena hands me a glass of water and starts speaking as I drink it. "Caroline, your world is different than ours. I have read so many books about how the kingdoms in your world only had one ruler. And how they did what they wished. That is not Manelysse. We have four rulers who are chosen by the spirits of nature. We are not chosen because it is our birthright. Our land has stayed peaceful for so long for a reason. As for your father, maybe he saw how our system was better than his world's."

I gulp the water. My mind becomes clearer. "Is it worth it? Risking your own life to rule a land?" I ask her.

"I do not know. Maybe I never will. But this is my destiny nonetheless. Is it yours?"


I thank Alaena for her explanation and walk out the door. I notice Alyssa standing in the hallway. Waiting for me. She doesn't say anything, just gestures to follow her.

I enter the large chamber after climbing up some stairs and observe my sisters sitting on a large bed. Alyssa leaves us alone as I join both of them.

"Well, today is great, isn't it?" Phoebe jokes but nobody even cracks a smile.

"Now what do we do?" Rachel asks us, with a voice full of regret.

"I'll go. In the maze." I tell them.

"No! No! We listened to you last time, and you got us into this shit. This time, I ain't gonna follow you into another hell-hole." She scolds me.

"You don't have to do anything. Dad did it, why can't I?" I argue back.

"Because you are not Dad! You may look like him, and be smart like him. But you are not him. Just because you both have the same power connection or something doesn't mean you are closer to him than us." Her last word comes out as a grunt.

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