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I go back to that scene. Both, my father and I are looking at the waves. "Dad, can I ask you something?" My six-year-old self asks him. He turns to me and nods. "Why do you like the sea so much?"

He smiles and replies in his British-American accent, "Do you notice how calm it is right now? It is so peaceful and serene. Nothing could be calmer. But the time comes when it shows its strength, its true strength. The sea is not impulsive. It slowly raises itself and then attacks. The sea is smart. That is why I like it."

I just blink my eyes and say, "Me too."


The few people present there, start murmuring amongst themselves. Even the grey cloaked guards standing beside the Queen widen their eyes. The only people who don't speak a word are the three men and women sitting to the right of the Queen.

The man sitting closest to the Queen has muddy brown hair, tan skin, and each iris of a different colour. One being auburn and the other teal.

The second man has the slightest of smirks on his face. His light blue hair land on his fair neck. The sea-green eyes of his focus solely on us.

The woman sitting between them glows like a golden flower between vines. Her sun-kissed skin complements her soft brown eyes and bright green hair.

"Your Majesty, is this true?" Alyssa asks with her mouth agape.

"It is. I knew who Kristofer Skye was. As soon as I heard the names of three girls rumoured to be outsiders, I instantly realized whose children had come to Manelysse." Queen Alaena tells the whole audience and then addresses us, "Your father is not forgotten. He helped my mother, the former Air Queen, countless times, and ruled alongside her. And from what I have heard, it seems like his daughters may be up to that task too."

I have known it all this time. It isn't even a surprise to me at this point, that my father was a king of some land. Well, not some land, a magical one. This explains those dreams. And why I also have some kind of power. Everything finally makes sense.

"Your Majesty. Forgive me, but this is outrageous. We are in the middle of a war! Making children Queens will not solve our problems. What have they done to prove themselves?" A man with a bushy grey beard asks in a thunderous voice.

Phoebe, then loses her mind and says, "Who are you calling a child? I'm seventeen. But again everyone will look like a child to you."

I can hear everyone gasping. Rachel slaps her hand on her head, and I fake a cough to keep myself from laughing. Even Coco purrs in enjoyment.

"How dare you- " The man is cut short by the Queen who says, "Uncle, you are facing a spirit of Fire. Do not take offense. However, I do suggest that you be more careful."

She then speaks to the whole crowd, "I understand that many of you have the same concern as Lord Vastice. But I was informed that Caroline Skye, the second-born of King Kristofer was able to get us seventy-five cloud ships, more than what we needed. Isn't that right, Sir Raffle?"

A man with the same hair as Lord Makonus and blue eyes as his mother nods and replies, "As I told your Majesty, my sister sent a letter describing the brilliance of an indigo-eyed girl. Not only the ships, but she also saved Jemime from the talpae. And her younger sister, Rachel Skye saved my father as well."

All the eyes turn to me. I just nod and say, "Yeah, that did happen."

Queen Alaena smiles and says, "Besides, it is the Naemisera that truly decides the rulers. And if these three agree to go through it, then my advisors and I will not object. Now, I would like to have a talk with the Council and the three girls. My Lords and Ladies, you are welcome to stay but my advice would be to go back to your homes and ready your castles for a battle."

Suddenly the whole room stands up and chants after the Queen, "The Night and Rainbow have taken their depart. Come the age of elements to take the part. Air, Water, Fire, Earth. We the servants of your spirits, from the start."


Before we know it, we are walking right behind the Queen with the three advisors and two guards standing between us. Alyssa and Ingozi, however, are beside us.

"Caroline.....what do we do?" Rachel whispers to me. Her emerald eyes are on the verge of tears.

"We go with our original plan. We ask this Queen what exactly it means." I tell her. Surprisingly, I am still pretty level-headed, which I do not expect. At all.

But unfortunately, Rachel is not. "Carry, this is not about some plan anymore. was related to this place. Hell, he was the king here! How am I supposed to feel about that?"

Rachel's usually calm demeanor is gone. I have nothing to say to her. I don't know how to deal with people when they feel this way.

Phoebe overhears the quiet conversation and does something I wouldn't expect her to do in a million years. 

She hugs Rachel.

Alyssa stops and sees this. So does everybody else. The Queen clears her throat,  "Perhaps, we should give the sisters a little time to discuss amongst themselves. Whenever you three are ready, turn right from here and open the first door you see."

She gestures to her advisors and guards to leave us alone. Alyssa gives us one last look and goes away.

Phoebe removes her arms from Rachel and tells her, "Listen, we are the daughters of a freaking king. Do you know how you should feel Rachel? Awesome, you should feel awesome."

I look at Phoebe with a slight admiration. Her eyes, instead of two balls of flame, look like beacons of light. Of hope.

Both of my sisters then turn to me, while I stand awkwardly. "What?" I ask both of them, foolishly.

"You got us into this mess, Caroline. Now you are going to get us out of it or in it." Phoebe tells me.

"And you'll do it? Whatever I say, you will do it?" I point my finger at her.

Phoebe flares her nostrils in frustration. "Oh my god! You should be happy that I am in a good mood right now. Yes, I will do it!"

After observing Rachel's slight nod, I say back to them, "Well, I think we should go inside and see what's waiting for us in there."


Caroline and her sisters finally met the famous Air Queen. What do you think about her? Will she help them or get the sisters into more trouble? And will Caroline learn more about her father? Find out in the next part.

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