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It doesn't take a second for Jemime to take out her sword and head towards the window. Lady Reyne, on the other hand, is beside her husband shouting, "Call the healer!" All of us get up, scurrying across the room, not knowing what to do.

Alyssa looks at the Lord bleeding from his neck. "Rachel!" She shouts while spreading her wings, and nods to the Lord.

"What should I do?" Rachel asks her. Alyssa tears the green cloth off her arm.

The wound...It's completely healed, hardly a mark is left on her arm, except some kind of green tint. Rachel widens her eyes and quickly heads towards the Lord. She dumps a cup of water on him and puts one hand on his throat while she is looking for something.

I see a handkerchief on the table and give it to her. She removes her hand and places the cloth on his throat.

Meanwhile, Jemime grabs hold of a purplish bird-like creature and tells him, "You are going to die."

The bird cackles and speaks, "Don't worry. There are more." Jemime stabs him in the stomach. As she stabs him, the colour of the sword changes from white to black and yellow in the design of a lightning bolt.

Suddenly, I hear something outside- thunder. Before we know it, it is raining and another thing happens. More bird-like creatures enter the room. Jemime stands in an offensive stance and I take out my dagger.

Jemime looks at me and nods to the right, to a bell. I slowly move and ring it. The birds go absolutely ballistic.

The bell keeps ringing. I see Alyssa fending off some birds, Jemime fighting with others. I, for some reason, head to the window. Jemime, who is standing next to me shouts, "What are you doing?"

I ignore her. The rain, that's what I focus on. Then I stupidly let my hand outside the broken window. The rain touches my skin. That control, it comes back.

I take my hand out instantly and notice the creature coming towards me. Everything is really slow, just for a second. Suddenly it's normal, but that feeling still lingers.

Then, I look down. I do not realize that I have killed the creature. The dagger, still in my hand, is covered in dark purple blood. I notice the guards coming in from the door, swirling their spears around.

Everyone is fighting in their own ways. Jemime and Alyssa killing these creatures, Rachel managing to keep the Lord alive, Lady Reyne helping him to stay calm. Even Phoebe is holding a knife, ready to kill those birds. And there I am...

I don't know what comes over me. I notice Jemime swishing her sword, turning those creatures into purple smoke, but suddenly I see another creature with two purple crystals in its talons. This one, however, is about five times larger than the others, and he is heading right towards Jemime.

I just run, faster than I've ever run before. I take my dagger and slash it on the creature's wing. Violet blood is now oozing out of it. I don't wait, I shove the dagger in the other wing. I have absolutely no technique at all, I don't know how to fight. But I just stab the creature in the chest.

Blood splatters all over me. I notice one more thing, water. The dagger is wet, and so am I. I am literally drowning.

I look down and notice that there is a blue streak formed on my hand. It's light in colour but still quite visible. And It has the same design as the tattoo on my father's hand.

I look up and see everybody's face in awe. The room is absolutely silent.

All I hear is the creature crying in agony.


Hope you liked this part! What happened to Caroline? She just killed two creatures and now feels powerful, what could that mean? Find out in the next part.

So...I have not updated this book for a month, but I had released the announcement related to that earlier. I am happy to announce that the first edits have taken their course! I will be uploading these chapters more frequently, as in every 2 weeks, so stay tuned for that.

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