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She just said portal, not a mirror but a portal. As we are walking I ask her, "Can I ask you something? Did slaves ever come to Manelysse?"

She nods and replies, "Yes, 500 years ago, they migrated here to get away from their masters. My father's family is descended from them."

"Is your father a lord?" I ask further.

She shifts a little as if she's uncomfortable. "Was." She corrects me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I say.

But she answers, "But yes, his family rules Red Mine, which I assume you do not know anything about. It is a province, part of the Land of Lights in the West of Manelysse. "

So, the book had been right. I thought that it was telling me about our world but no, it was talking about this land. And I suspect the person who had brought the book there but I'm still not sure.

Ten minutes have gone by and we still haven't found those two pillars. Apparently, my memory is garbage here cause I don't remember being that way in my world.

"Where is that stupid mirror?" Phoebe rhetorically asks while throwing her hands up in the air.

"I know, it's like my brain doesn't remember a single direction." Rachel agrees. They both turn to me, in hope and frustration.

I shrug and say, "Same. Alyssa, do you know if there are any pillars around here?" I ask her to know if she can help us.

But she looks at me in confusion and asks back, "Pillars? Why would there be pillars in the Ostium? That does not make sense." She then thinks and asks, "Did you perhaps encounter anything other than the trolls?" We all nod and she gestures for us to answer.

"We saw this cool firebird- " "Phoenix." I correct Phoebe again. She rolls her eyes and continues. "Fine. We saw a 'phoenix' in the sky. Both of them looked away but I stared right at it. It almost touched me. It was awesome."

Alyssa looks at her in shock. "A phoenix almost touched you and you didn't incinerate. I'm sorry but that does not happen to humans." Phoebe squints her eyes and takes something out of her tied hair.

"You plucked a feather off of a phoenix?" I ask her.

Phoebe shakes her head and replies, "I didn't pluck it. It fell on the ground and I picked it up." She then turns to Alyssa and shoves the long feather in her face. "Go ahead, touch it!

Alyssa backs away from Phoebe and tells her, "If you're within a hand distance from a phoenix, you know what happens? Fire. That is the last thing you see. How is it that a human from another world not only almost touches one but can get a feather and keep it from turning to ash once it leaves the birds' body?"

The tone of her question is not suspicious but curious. That's what I had thought as well. Now, I'm even more confused than before. Then suddenly I remember the water in my dream, the trolls heating up the kindling with their hands, the colours in the Palace that my father designed, who I'm sure definitely knew about this place. Everything snaps into place.

Red, White, Green, and Blue. Aunt had told me what they represent.

"Alyssa, are the natural elements important here? You know like Fire, Air, Earth, and Water." I ask her.

"They are everything here. All the people in Manelysse have served these elements for centuries. Especially the rulers. After all, they are named after them for the high amount of powers they possess of that element." She explains to me.

It all makes sense finally, why there are waves painted on the walls of my chamber, and why those colours are freaking everywhere- the staircases, the doors, the main lobby. Dad's greatest design ever is not something he thought of randomly. He was inspired by this place, by his own powers.

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