~the phone call~

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I woke up the next morning being extremely tired until I looked over to the clock on my wall to see it was already 10am. I got up still having my eyes half closed and only put on a pair of brown sweatpants and an oversized black hoodie. I didn't have energy or motivation to care about my outfit today. I went down to eat some breakfast before the sickness kicked in. While down the kitchen I saw no one sitting around the table anymore, no wonder it was 10.30am soon. I just grabbed a sandwich without any butter or anything to drink, I just needed something to eat right now.

Later I walked back up and knocked on Carolyn's door. "Come in!" she yelled as she had loud music playing in the background. When she realised it was me she turned off the music and lit up in a smile. "Hey, what's up?" "Nothing, I'm boreeed" I complained. "Come over here then" she smiled and made room besides her for me. I sat myself on her bed and we talked, we talked for hours about our dream jobs and she told me all about her dream to move to NewYork and how no one understands her in this house. After a few hours I headed back to my room again, being bored, again. I decided to go down to the living room as I've seen there were loads of books there in a huge bookshelf. I absolutely love to read, it's like going into a different world and overall it's a good way to let time pass here.

I walked into the living room and saw the huge bookshelf on the side of the room. I walked to it searching for something interesting when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around to see who it was and I saw Julia sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey in her hand as usual. "Hey, what're you looking for?" she asked me. "Hi...I'm just looking for a book to read" I said, looking back to the shelf to find a book or most likely to avoid eye contact with her. "Have you changed your mind about therapy yet?" I thought about it for a moment. "Actually I...never mind" I said but right away changed my mind and just grabbed a random book to get out of there, just before I was gonna leave "Y/N, as I said before my door is always open" she said, I just nodded to her and then walked back to my room.

I apparently choosed a book called "Hide and Seek" . It was a horror book. It looked quite interesting so I red the back of it, "I thought it was a normal abandoned house. I thought she was a normal girl. I thought we'd play a normal game of hide and seek. Turns out I was wrong. Dead wrong...Hi my name is Sierra, I enter the house, follow the rules and I play the game."

I was just about to start reading when my phone started to ring, it was my mom calling. I rolled my eyes at my phone as I picked up and answered. "What do you want?" I sighed, I could hear she was drunk. "They made me call yOu to say your rapist is out, yesterday...he got out" and then she hung up.

I dropped my phone in the bed, this couldn't be happening. Tears tried to escape my eyes but I wouldn't let them, not even one. It felt like I was gonna throw up so I ran into the bathroom and right I was. My hands were shaking and my breathing was heavy and somewhat loud. 

After some time sitting on he bathroom floor with my head in the toilet I decided to go down to Julia's office, after all 'her door was always open and she was a doctor. I put my hair in a bun and snuck down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible. 

It was about 10pm when I was outside her door so I wasn't sure if I could knock or if she even was awake, but I did. She opened the door almost immediately, looking quite surprised of seeing me. I walked straight in, sitting myself on the brown patient bed, just staying quiet. She was still in shock and walked up to me and sat herself in the black chair. "You wanna talk" she asked me, pouring herself some whiskey. I didn't say anything cause I knew my voice was gonna crack if I did as I tried to not let a tear escape my eye. "I see" she said after a moment and poured up another glass of whiskey and gave it to me. Damn this doctor gives me some whiskey.... I took it right away and drank it all at once, "Jesus Y/N!" I swallowed it and poured up more. "No I need this" I said, trying to catch my breath as I kept drinking, drowning my feelings. I can't really say what happened after that...


The next morning I woke up with a horrible headache, the light from the room almost made my head explore and my eyes, for god's sake. At first I had no idea where I was until I heard her voice. "I see you're awake, how're you feeling?" it was Julia. I opened my eyes trying to take everything in.

I remembered my mom called last night and then I went to Julias office and then... everything was quite blank, I couldn't remember a thing. I realised she'd put a thick red blanket on me last night as I was rapped in it.

"Here, drink" she said while handing me a glass of water and two pain killers.

I drank up the water, all at once and swallowed the pills. My eyes were still half open, half closed. "What happened" I asked in confusion. "You fell asleep after a few drinks" she answered as she was walking around, fixing a few things in her office. "Did I say something weird?" I asked as I was worried I might have exposed anything. "No" she said, coming up to me putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to face her when I almost drowned in her eyes, honestly I only thought people said that but I think I actually did. I noticed myself just staring at her as I quickly looked away. I couldn't tell if it was a smirk or a smug look I spotted in the corner of my eye, either way she noticed and I felt myself blushing

 "I should go get breakfast" I short after said and she let go of my shoulder. I put my hand over my forehead because of the horrible headache, and walked out of her office. I went directly to the kitchen for some breakfast.

"You look horrible" I heard Carolyn's voice say, "aw thank you so much, I appreciate that" I made myself a sandwich and poured up some orange juice in a glass and sat myself besides Carolyn who kept watching me. "What" I sighed. "Nothing" she said as she realised I was in a bad mood.

Julia walked in a few minutes later, she had this adorable brown flower dress and sunglasses, I started to understand exactly why. She didn't say anything about last night or even looked at me, to be honest it was such a relive but I was kind of wanting a glance, just a little.

After breakfast I headed back to my room with Carolyn following me. "Where were you last night?" she asked me. "Julia, therapy, you know" "That's great Y/N, you will need it" she said and then left my room. I still had the clothes from yesterday and I'd spilled whiskey all over it. I throwed it into my laundry basket and took a shower in my bathroom. I started to think of what had happened last night. I really just walked into her office drinking, she must think I'm a miserable teenager.

I grabbed my towel and walked out to my drawer where I had all my lingeries. I was just about to put something on when my door opened and I saw Julias face. "Omg jesus, sorry" she said covering her eyes with her hand. "You don't knock!?" I yelled as I put the towel back on my bare naked body.

"It's clear" I then said as she took away her hand from her eyes, looking at me. "Uhm... about last night, you sure you don't need therapy?" she looked questioning at me "I'm fine, okay" I sounded quite irritated. She looked at me like that was the most horrible lie, which it might have been. "Alright" I finally agreed ina whimper. "Great, we start tomorrow at 6pm" Then she walked out, closing my door. This moment, right there I realised my big mommy issues for this woman, a small unhealthy crush growing. 

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