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I froze, I couldn't move, I was completely speechless. "Bet you'd seen the last of me sucker" A male voice laughed. I recognized those eyes way too well and it felt like my heart stopped for a moment. My breath was both shakily and heavy from the sight above me. That familiar laugh who just enjoyed my terrified expression, James. 

I tried to say something but nothing came out. My eyes started to fill up with tears and the sight slightly got blurry. "I thought...I thought you were...dead" I stuttered in pure fear and swallowed hard while still looking at him in his cold and evil eyes. He just laughed at me "Didn't I tell you I wasn't happy with you huh?" He talked to me like I was a little silly kid. 

I frowned my eyebrows at him. "You're dead" I sobbed with a shakened voice as a tear fell down onto my cheek. Everything felt hopeless, I'd lost everything and no one came to save me now. "You weren't just an innocent offer my dear" he spoke softly while the grin on his face wouldn't even flinch. I gulped and my eyes squinted, I didn't understand. "I very well knew your father and we've had some...history but when I knew you existed it was then it all started. Revenge or hunger, I do not know. I first raped you to get to your fathers attention but he obviously didn't care hah!" he chuckled with an even wider grin growing on his face.

 I took a while to connect everything in my head. My lower lip shivered. I moved my head from his finger, I couldn't stand to face him anymore. In the corner of my eye I could see that he clenched his jaw and then he gripped my cheek and forced me to look at him. "Aha you don't get away with this, you see I needed to be more known so I got myself some other offers until I got caught, put in jail where I suffered! I then finally succeeded to get out and found my job exactly where you happened to be, you think it was accidentally?" His voice got lighter and lighter for each word he spoke. I was speechless, I couldn't move, all I could do was sit in his grip helpless while listening to his nasty story. 

"Now I could make you suffer just like me!" he growled into my face. "When I noticed something was between you and that nasty doctor I became more interested you see" my thought went directly to Julia, I slowly started to see where this headed. My eyes started to water again and a feeling of disgust entered my body. "I had everything planned! You were home alone, the doctor would leave the house and I had you for myself, ALL BY MYSELF" he desperately spoke out as his grip around my cheek became tighter and tighter and almost crossed my cheek. "I was gonna do horrible stuff to you and then send you to your father but by the point it wasn't about your father anymore, it was about you" I gritted between his teeth. 

I shook my head remorsefully in his grip, my eyes slowly widened "YOU PSYCHOPATH!" I yelled straight to his face in pure anger and he just chuckled evilly. "A hungry obsession grew for you all these years and yet I thought it was all revenge I searched for." He kept going desperately just looking for the pain in my eyes. "Something happened that night when your nasty lover came and saved you. I was pissed I needed her out of the game so my plan worked perfectly"

And with those words my heart dropped for real. I felt my eyes watered and the need to throw up entered. I swallowed hard of realization and I filled up with rage as sorrow "You fucking killed her didn't you?!" I spat into his face as I tried to get free from his hard grip. Tears started to flow down my cheeks as I was looking for air and all he did was smirking as he enjoyed all of the pain he caused me mentally. I suppose he was just waiting for the physical pain. But the worst thing was that he made me face that hideous face. 

"I mean it was Barnabas all along, I just simply made him believe me. I mean Julia did steal his blood, did you even know that?" he laughed. " I just made my move and poff, she was gone" he seemed so pleased with himself I couldn't bare it anymore. He had my only person who ever had made me feel love killed and he was shoving it right up my face with a grin on his face. I was furious, I was broken, I was grossed out by the man above me. I couldn't take this anymore.

I broke down in tears and he let me go from his grip. I fell onto the ground as my whole body was numb and my heart was drowned. I sobbed deeply to the ground and took out my anger on it by smashing my fists to it. In the background I could hear his evil laugh above me. "I don't need you anymore" He spoke with pleasure "I made you suffer and you will live with that now, you got your lover killed, are you happy?" he laughed. "And I will be a free man for the rest of my life huh, isn't it ironic" he lightly spoke. I looked up at him with the devil's eyes and bit down hard as tears were just simply falling down my cheeks like a waterfall. I had so much to say to him but my body wouldn't let me. I was drowned with sorrow and hate.

He bent down to my level and lifted up my cheek. "nasty girl" he spit in my face before he kicked me one last time in the stomach and left me there all alone. I was lying on the ground bawling my eyes out and I truly hated myself for letting Julia get hurt. It was all my fault, I could only blame myself no matter what anyone would tell me. The love of my life was dead and it was all on me. The guilt, sorrow and anger were drowning. I slightly tried to sit up and looked at my wrist where the tattoo was. I stroked it with my fingers and sobbed. I let out a loud scream, I screamed my lungs out into the empty air. I looked around and all the people who had crowded here before had left and so had the police. I sat up completely numb and just staring into nothing but darkness. I don't know for how long I sat there but it for sure was a while.

After minutes and minutes and even more minutes of just staring into nothing but darkness in the late night air I heard people from inside the manor. I don't if I first heard it now as I'd pushed it away or if it actually was heard first now. I spotted fire and I first now smelled the smoke. Soon enough I saw a tall formed figure walking out of the house carrying someone and that someone did I soon realise were Elizabeth holding onto Carolyn who's body was in her arms. I was swallowed hard by the sight and looked around me. The whole manor was lit on fire and everything was caos. Not far after Willy and David caught up with Elizabeth. I quickly stood up and tried to catch up with them as well but my legs could barely hold me up. I finally succeeded and took the support of Elizabeth. "Oh dear there you are" Elizabeth breathed out as she saw me. "What happened to Carolyn?" I asked her in fear as I noticed her legs who weren't human legs directly. I looked down confused as scared and then I made eye contact with Elizabeth. "She will have to explain later" she said as she held on tighter to her daughter. After a moment she started to open her eyes and threw myself onto her "You're alive" I breathed out in relief. "Why wouldn't I be?" she smiled lightly which made me let out a soft chuckle. I cropped my hand on her cheeks and just looked at her. She was alive. She smiled at me and then I stepped back so she could stand by herself. Her legs had gone back to normal as she stood and held onto her mother as we all watched the manor burn down. Neither Barnabas or Vicky were here but I couldn't bother to even think that far. "What do we do now?" David asked Elizabeth as she pulled him closer to her. "What we've always done, endure" she spoke. I couldn't kill myself right there I had a man to kill out there

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