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I woke up late the next morning in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up and a yawn escaped my mouth. I looked around the bright room which gave me a shifting headache from the hangover. I couldn't really put a finger on how much I'd been drinking last night but it for sure mirrored how I felt today. I scratched my neck and tried to stretch it out. My whole body was stiff and my muscles were sore somehow. I put my palm over my head and threw myself onto the sheets again. I groaned for myself and a deep sigh was exhaled as my clock on the wall caught my attention. It was soon about to turn 12pm and I had been sleeping like a dog. I hesitantly moved away the sheet that gave my body warmth and slowly got up. I sat myself on the side of the bed while I dinged my feets back and forth. I had no energy at all today and my head was hurting as I felt sick, like I wanted to throw up. Never will I be drinking like this again, that's for sure. I don't know how Julia handles this horrible hangovers daily.

I finally made my way out of bed to the bathroom and did my normal morning routine which didn't include more than washing my face and brushing my hair. I then grabbed a comfy outfit, brown sweatpants together with a black hoodie and then made my way downstairs for some breakfast.

I was all alone down in the kitchen, not a single soul was with me. I poured up some water in a glass and leaned against the kitchen counter and tried to stay hydrated. I took sip for sip until the glass was empty. I then grabbed an apple and started to chew bite for bite as I didn't have anything else to do. I had baraly been eating the last few days. 

When I finished I made my way to the living room to just chill for a while. I was looking for a new book to start on when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and faced Carolyn. She gave me a smile instead of a hi and went to sit on the couch. I quickly just chose the book I already had in my hand and walked over to Carolyn. I sat beside her and crossed my legs. "What's up?" I asked her softly. She looked up to me and tried to say something but no sound came out.

"It's just...my mom doesn't understand me at all and I'm just so tired" she finally said and her voice cracked. I could hear the pain she was trying to push back. "And I just...I just can't" a tear fell from her eye and she softly let out a sobe. "Carolyn..."i comforted her and grabbed both of her hands "I'm so sorry". 

"No no it's okay, it's all very complicated and it's nothing I can... you know...I don't know" she kept sobbing and all I wanted to do was hug her and protect her from all kinds of problems. "Okay" I spoke calmly "if you ever wanna tell me I'm here for you, okay?"

She just nodded for an answer and leaned back on the couch. "Aghh I have a horrible headache" she whined as she wiped away a tear and put her palm over her forehead. "You're not alone" I chuckled slightly but was still worried for her. I tried to read her but I just couldn't get through what was going on inside her head. Instead I leaned back and opened the book. "By the way, have you seen Julia today?" I curiously asked her. "No not today no" she said with closed eyes. I sighed for myself, she was so distant lately and I'm for sure it had something to do with Barnabas and all that blood in her office. It sent shivers down my spine of only the thought of it. I knocked it off and started to concentrate on my book instead.


After a while of reading the book Elizabeth joined us in the living room with a concerned look on her face. "Come on, apparently Roger is leaving us now" she said to the both of us. "Of course he's leaving!" Carolyn blurted out and walked out with strict steps. The both of us looked at her furiously leaving the room. Then Elizabeth looked back at me "I'm coming" I simply said and walked with her to the front door. 

Roger had packed his bag and was standing by the front door ready with a crying David in front of him crying. I could see guilt flowing over him while keeping a straight face. That selfish little bitch just decided to leave huh? I wasn't even surprised and neither were Elizabeth who I stood besides. I was only feeling bad for David who had his 'father' leave just like that. Not even a hug or a pretty goodbye he just grabbed his bags in each of her hands and walked away to thrift away with the yellow taxi waiting for him. Me, Elizabeth and Barnabas were watching David standing by the front door watching Roger leave. I felt really bad for him and so did I for Carolyn and neither was Julia around. It was only the three of us standing here and Vicky in the back. "Where on earth is Doctor Hoffman when we need her?" Elizabeth asked as she watched David. I looked up at her as she was a little bit taller than me. "Indeed" Barnabas spoke suspiciously. I looked over to him and furrowed my eyebrows. When he found me looking at him, he looked a little suspicious like guilt had entered. We broke eye contact when David's sobbing was heard as he ran away. He was just about to run up the stairs when he tripped on the ladder Willy was standing on. He was about to bring down the discolamp from the party when it simply fell down. I gasped and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the disco lamp falling right onto David, seconds from crossing and killing him someone quickly saved him before he was completely crossed. As I heard Elizabeth loudly gasp beside me it turned out it was Barnabas who had saved him. Let's say Julia wasn't lying about that at least.

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