~the lighter~

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TW, self harm

It was lunchtime and I was sitting in my room as usual, lying in my bed while reading a horror book when Elizabeth yelled from downstairs it was lunch. I jumped as I was right in a scary scene where my favorite character Lily was about to die. I unconsciously rolled my eyes and closed the book and just breathed for a moment before I got myself down to the kitchen.

"Y/N darling, could you go tell Julia it's lunch" Elizabeth asked me when she saw me come in. Carolyn was smirking at me and winked. "Shut up" I showed with my mouth to get her to shut the fuck up. "Yes of course" I answered Elizabeth and made my way to her office. Stupid me made a little mistake. I opened the door and walked straight in without knocking, which I might should've done. Cause as I walked in I saw her in her bed touching herself. I didn't know how to react, as I felt wild butterfly feelings in my entire body but I was completely speechless of the sight. She had her hand underneath her panties, rubbing her clit and letting out a few small moans from time to time. "Omg" I accidently said out loud for myself as she noticed I was standing there. "Y/N!" she said as her voice cracked. She quickly took out the hand of her pants and sat straight up in shock of me standing there. "Omg I'm so sorry, I totally forgot to knock" I said as I put both my hands over my face being absolutely embarrassed. I looked up from my hands and she was still in shock staring at me. "And what did you want" I heard she was upset, embarrassed or mad? I don't know but she did not say it in a pleasant tone. "Lunch...it's lunch" I said quickly as I walked out and closed the door after me. I was wet through with perspiration and my face was all red. My heart was beating quite hard against my breast. What the fuck, I'm so stupid, I should've knocked! Ah fuck me

I headed back to the kitchen and Carolyn noticed I was completely shocked and all red in my face. She looked at me like "bitch wtf happened" I just ignored her trying to look as normal as possible, grabbing myself some lunch. I sat myself a few chairs away from Carolyn because I wanted to avoid having the conversation where she asked the most unrelated and weird questions, especially at the dinner table where everyone were sitting. I ate my lunch, attached my gaze at the wall to avoid any sort of social contact.

After a while it was still only me, David Carolyn and Elizabeth by the table. "What did Julia say?" Elizabeth asked me as she hadn't showed up yet. "Uh..uhm I just told her it was lunch" as I did after I caught her touch herself..."She probably still has her hangover" Elizabeth said as she rolled her eyes, getting up from the table and David followed her. Soon enough it was only me and Carolyn left. She looked at me with an excitement in her eyes "Alright Y/N you look like you've seen a ghost, what happened in there" she asked me. "Nothing" I lied as she obviously knew I was lying. She didn't look convinced. "Y/N now you tell me what happened or I'll tell Julia you like her" I faced her faster than you can say Collins. She had a grip of me, I did not like that. "Don't you dare" I answered her. "Oh I dare..." "Julia!" I quickly made my way over to her covering her mouth with my hand. "Alright, alright just shut the fuck up" I said.

"So go on then..." "fuck you Carolyn, not here" I put away my dish and dragged her up to my bedroom.

"Omg what happened" she asked looking excited, like we would've kissed or some. "Nothing fun Carolyn! I totally made a fool of myself!"

"It can't be that bad, you were away for only like 3 minutes?"
"I caught her touch herself" I said straight out without thinking.

"She did-what" she covered her mouth with her hand and I don't know if she was about to laugh or if she just was as shocked as I was. "I forgot to knock and ah I'm so stupid"

"Damn girl, I'm sure she doesn't care, it was an accident right?"

I thought about it for a moment, how mad could she possibly be? I mean she also forgot to knock as I just got out of the shower being completely naked with only a towel covering a part of my body. "Maybe you're right," I said.

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