~past 11~

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Smut warning :)

My eyelids were heavy and I didn't want to wake up. I slowly tried to open my eyes but they were closed the next second. It was like a heavy weight brought them down. I was so tired and the light from the room just gave me a shifting headache. I was just about to change sleeping position when I felt someone beside me. I made an effort to open my eyes and Julia's sleeping face and ginger hair met my gaze. I smiled for myself. A sleeping beauty. I squinted to see my beautiful Julia again but it didn't take much longer until my eyes slowly started to close again and my brain wandered into the dream world.

"Y/n wake up" I could hear Julia whisper while stroking my arm. I opened my eyes and met her gaze. "Hey" she smiled at me.

"Hey" I whispered "I'm tired"

"Okay but we got to wake up, it's past 11 already" she said with her calm voice. The voice that has always protected me. "Already?"

"Mhmm sweetheart" she gently placed a kiss onto my shoulder. I yawned and carefully sat up in bed. I rubbed my eyes to get a clear sight.

"Y/n I'm just wondering...do you remember anything from last night?"

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You were pretty high on something hun"

"I was?" I was surprised. I had no memory of being high really and when did I have the chance to even get high "Are you sure Julia?"

"One Hundred percent" she confirmed. "Dead high" she sighed.

I didn't answer.

"Why? What did you take?"

"Take? I didn't take anything Julia I swear"

"Y/n you were like real high, are you sure?"

"Well I took two painkillers but that's all, if you said I was high it must have been something else"

"Okay, we can look into that later" she said, she was so nice and so very sweet. "Anyways, are you up for breakfast, food?"

"Not really, can't we just watch a movie?" I asked instead.

"Mhm sure, what movie are you thinking of?" she asked.

"Any disney movie or Harry Potter" I said shyly.

"Harry Potter?" she asked curiously.

"Yea" I answered and nervously bit my lower lip.

She looked at me with one eyebrow raised "sure" she quickly answered. She got out of bed and opened the drawer where I stored my barely used computer. Last time I used it was somewhere when I was sick and I remember watching...oh no.

"What's your password?" she asked right after she sat back in bed with my computer opened. "Uhm you know I should take this one" I said and grabbed the computer from her. She looked suspiciously at me "okay..."

I tapped in my password and right I was. Porn and naked women popped up on the screen. I smiled a little for myself and pressed it away. But then I spotted a smirk on Julias face. "What?" I asked. "Porn?"

"What no" I answered way too quickly.

"I saw the reflection in your eyes" she said and then she winked at me. "It wasn't recently...just to clarify" I defended myself. "Mm sure" she simply answered and looked away with a grin on her face. "Stop it, I'm being serious" I said and pushed her lightly. "Yea yea sure" she once again simply answered. I just rolled my eyes at her and went on a website where we could watch Harry Potter. "Which movie?" I asked her. "I don't know, you choose" she said and looked over to the screen. "What is this site?" she questioned and pointed at all the porn advertising. "Illegal movie site" I told her "We can watch the 6th movie" I said and clicked it. She made herself comfortable and cuddled up with me underneath the quilt. I smiled at her and leaned myself against her with my head on the side of her chest. This was something special. With Julia besides me and the Harry Potter intro music playing from the movie. It was official, I was the happiest girl in the world right at this moment. I breathed out and just enjoyed every second of this.

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