~a spot~

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The Collins house was soon enough a beautiful fresh manner just like back in the days. It was once again weekdays and a whole new week in front of us. There were just a few rooms unfinished which included only a few workers in the house. It didn't bother me like it did when people were all around the house building, cleaning etc. I hated it. At the same time I noticed a flirt between Vicky and Barnabas which I found adorable. As for everyone else they were all busy building up the new company which also soon enough was in it's order. It was yesterday I had Julia in my room. After she left, she was the only one I thought about. It was like a new secret crush even if we've had a long history in a short time. Let's just say yesterday was something different than I ever could imagine. And while we're summarizing there was still no news about so-called James.

I hadn't been speaking to Julia senses yesterday. Mostly because I haven't seen her but it was only in the afternoon so I hoped I would see her at least one time today. It's crazy how I couldn't stop thinking about her. I was like obsessed with her. I felt so attached to that woman.

I was on my way to Carolyn's room. I needed to tell her about yesterday or not the details but that Julia knew that she knew about it. I knocked on her door and could hear her from inside yelling. "Who is it!?"

"It's me Y/n" I said, waiting impatiently.

"Oh, come in then dumb ass" I heard her say from the inside. I giggled and then opened the door and stepped inside. I walked to her bed and sat down by her feets as she was lying down. "Okay tell me" she said. "What?" I asked confused but I lowkey knew she could tell. "You have that face when something has happened" and right I was.

I rolled my eyes at her but couldn't resist a smile. "First of all, it's fine between me and Julia" was the first thing I said. "Finally" she chuckled "It took a while"

"Yea I know and...uhm I admitted that I've told you"



"Alright uhm what did she say about that then?"

"Nothing really, she hasn't said anything specific about it but at least she's not mad"

"Okay that's a good thing, what else has happened?"

"How do you know something else has happened?" I asked her, was it so obvious?

"I don't know there's just something in your eyes that hasn't left" she tried to explain. I looked confused at her and giggled. "The thing is I don't know what happened, I was like a nervous wreck yesterday. I mean I don't know why or how but it felt so different to speak to her, and how close we actually are when we're not fighting."

"How exactly did you get nervous?"

"Just nervous, you know red in the face and stuff, butterflies, I got totally embarrassed"

"I mean...yea I have no idea Y/n"

I sighed, "Anyways how are you doing?" I asked now wanting to care for her.

"Just fine I guess, nothing has really changed" she said.

"Okay but just come to me if somethings up" she gave me a smile and nodded "Anyways I gotta go down now, maybe talk to my doctor" I said and hugged her goodbye.

I made my way down to the first floor and headed towards Julia's office but right when I spotted the door I saw Barnabas walking inside. I almost forgot he also had appointments nowdays.

I decided to grab some food in the kitchen and wait him out.


After about an hour I could finally hear him talk to Vicky right outside Julias office so I assumed he was done. When I couldn't hear them anymore I walked into her office. I saw her sitting with her back against the door on a stool so she couldn't see me. She was so pretty from behind with her white doctor robe and ginger hair. I loved her back for some reason or I basically just loved everything about that woman. I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. She winced by my touch and quickly checked who was standing behind her. "Oh it's just you" she said in relief and then turned around again.

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