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The next week was filled with nothing. I was in my room all the time, even skipping a few meals cause I wasn't able to eat. Another thing I wasn't able to do was cry, there was nothing to let out anymore...not that I didn't feel anything cause I did. I hadn't seen Julia either and I don't know if it was for the best or not. All I knew was today the new governess were gonna show up to apply for the job.

"Carolyn...Carolyn this is Miss Winters" I heard Elizabeth say somewhere on the floor. I didn't hear much more before a door was shut, I supposed it was Carolyn's door.

Seconds later they were outside my room. I was not looking too horrible when I looked in my mirror so I opened the door. "Ah Y/N good to see you" Elizabeth joked "This is Miss Winters, the new governess I spoke about before"

"Nice to meet you Miss Winters" I said nicely and put a smile on my stone cold face.

"Please, call me Vicky" she said politely. I might like her :) "Okay well nice to meet you Vicky"

"We will be downstairs eating lunch in a moment, come join us Y/N" Elizabeth said

"Yea sure" I answered and then I closed the door and walked over to my closet and picked my outfit.

"Yea sure" I answered and then I closed the door and walked over to my closet and picked my outfit

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(Pinterest) Dark colors to represent my bad mood.

Later on I walked downstairs and only Elizabeth together with Vicky sat by the table.

"I like your outfit" Vicky suddenly said when I sat opposite her to the side.

"Thank you" I said and for the first time IN A WHILE an actual smile came through. Vicky smiled at me as an answer and we had a comfortable eye contact until music started to play from across the room. A woman as friend named Carolyn started to dance around with smooth dance moves in her own little world and another very small smile appeared on my face.

"Chop chop Willie. I'm starving" I suddenly heard a male voice from behind say as he sat beside me, Roger.

"Who's this?" he asked as he saw Vicky sitting opposite him.

She sighed for a moment "Miss Winters this is my brother Roger...Roger Miss Winters is to be David's new governess"

And as nice as she is she still had her smile on while Roger looked all surprised by seeing her, not one of these good surprises.

"Please call me Vicky...it's nice to meet you" she said

"Yea...yea...nice to meet you too" he answered fast and nonchalantly.

She took a sip of her water and the silence didn't last long until we all heard a glass with ice in it walking towards us "You're a liar" the one and only Julia Hoffman said walking towards Vicky, poor her. "I can tell you know...just from a person's face" she sat herself beside Vicky and leaned forward "You're says, I might look sweet and innocent but I have secrets...secrets that'll make the hairs on your arms stand straight up" "

"Leave her be Julia" Elizabeth said annoyed.

She looked up at Elizabeth, not very convinced. "You're the doctor" Vicky said as she realised. "Yea, and you're the nanny and she's the bitch" she answered with her dark, whispery voice.

"How do you ever expect us girls to advance if we keep producing each other to labels" Julia once again said as she leaned back in her chair. Everyone looked at Julia until Roger took the word "So Vicky...wh- Carolyn! Will you please turn that noise down!" Roger yelled to Carolyn who still was dancing across the room. She gave Roger the death look and slowly walked towards the music player and turned it off. I was so caught up by everything that I didn't even notice Julia looked at me but as fast as I looked at her she looked away and took a sip of her whiskey. I sighed for myself while watching Carolyn sitting herself by the end of the oblong table. And then it was a really awkward silence between everyone. The small amount of happiness I experienced before was now all gone deep inside me...

"David this is Vicky, she's going to be your new governess" Elizabeth suddenly said. I didn't even realise David were standing in the doorway, covered in a white blanket.

"You ruined it" David yelled and dragged off the white blanket "I was gonna scare her" he said and walked to the table and sat on my left side. "Damn it David, what have I told you about cutting holes in the sheets....those are Egyptian cotton" Roger said strictly from my right side. I saw Julia lighting her cigarette and beside her Vicky laughing a little. "I was gonna scare you" he said to Vicky "were you scared?" he asked her. "Terrified beyond belief" she played along and gave David a satisfied look on his face.

"You don't have to be nice to him just because he's nuts you know" Carolyn said at the end of the table. "Carolyn" Elizabeth said calmly.

"Carolyn touches herself, she makes noises like a kitten" David suddenly and I almost choked on my food. "David" Elizabeth said now. "YOU LITTLE SHIT"

"Carolyn enough...both of you" Elizabeth ended it with.

"If I may, what is the family's business?" Vicky asked.

"Seafood Miss Winters, we had a large cannary in town...we still own a few fishing boats"

"Rusty old boats that no one will hire and David's mother is on the bottom with of one of them" Carolyn said

"Carolyn, go to your room" Elizabeth said strictly to her.

She showed off a grimace towards her mother and she gave the same energy back.

"Everybody in this house tiptoes around him and nobody cares how I feel!" Yelled over the whole room and ran out. I was surprised by her actions but no one seemed bothered...I might should go talk to her later.

"She didn't die...she can't" David suddenly whispered.

"Enough David" Roger said annoyed

"Yea David believes his mother has some kind of cyclical immortality, fascinating really" Julia said to Vicky, now I understood why he had kept talking about his mother to me.

"I feel her...she talks to me...all the time" David said with his gaze on Vicky. Wait his mother talks to him...

"Well...I think ghosts is people who only have moved into a slightly different dimension than ours and I think some people just have antennas strong enough to pick them up" Vicky explained to David and he looked at her like I'd never seen him look at anyone, like she was his role model, very cute.

"There is actually scientific evidence to support-" "Thank you Miss Winters" Elizabeth interrupted her and she kept her mouth quiet and with that David left in disappointment.

Everyone kept eating as Julia kept smoking her cigarette. Now when it was all quiet I had a hard time knowing where to look, I was a bit uncomfortable sitting there with Julia opposite me.

"Y/N...I haven't seen you down here in a while"

"Oh I just...I'm just very tired" I came up with

"I doubt that, you haven't really been eating and I wonder...how are you really? Do you still go to your therapy? I actually think it's a big reason why you haven't been acting like... normal, I mean you seemed more happy when you went to therapy" she said and I just looked at her. "Julia, do you have time this afternoon?"

"Actually..." she started but Elizabeth once again interrupted. "Great, let's say 7pm tonight and I'll make sure Y/N comes to your office, okay?" she said with a smile on her face. Neither of us said anything...

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