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Then I leaned back in the patient bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I met James today..."

Julia suddenly looked very scared for me, just staring at me waiting for more. "AND?"


"He told me he wasn't happy with me and he was just about to say something...until Carolyn was heard and he just left, I don't know what he was about to say..."

I looked up at Julia who still tried to process what I'd just said and then my eyes were drawn to the pills and liquor on her nightstand, it made me wonder. "Are you high Julia?"

"Not more than usual, you just..." she inhaled before she continued "I have been high and drunk meanwhile you fought for your life...I'm a terrible person Y/N...I deserve to die" and she started sobbing.

"Don't say that" it came out in a whisper.

"Why not?" she kept sobbing

"...Cause I can't afford to lose you too" I finally said.

I looked over to her again, she was already looking at me. "Can I hug you?" she slurred. Instead of answering I walked over to her nightstand and gathered all the pills and threw them away. She needed to find herself again and I don't think she even knew what pills she'd taken. "What are you doing over there?" she asked.

"Nothing" I said after I threw away all of it in the trashcan and covered it with some paper. I then walked over to her and held my arms all open for her to join. She stood up and gave me a big, warm hug. Like she never wanted to let go of me. I felt like the parent for the first time after all this time she's been taking care of me.

"I want to take care of you" she whispered into my ear, she slowly slid one of her hands along my back down to my ass. I tried to move her hand but she wouldn't let go. "Julia" I whimpered but she was all caught up and started to kiss down my neck. I pushed her away from as I was uncomfortable. She was more high than usual and we weren't directly on he same page like we used to. I guess she felt sorrow and needed comfort But you don't really think clearly during those circumstances.

"Get sober and then you can come up to me" was the last thing I said before I walked out.

I didn't feel like going to my room, I knew thoughts of mine would disturb me. The living room felt better to be in right now but let's say that took a turn.

The fire warmed up the empty big room, the only sound you could hear was the crackle coming from the fire. The orange light from the fire lit up a newspaper "A middle aged man has been found outside the town with serious injuries that could lead to death if not treated..." it said. What caught my eye though was the picture, it wasn't any middle aged man it was James. He had bruises and scars buried into his face, arms and legs. The stomach seemed to be fine but he looked horrible.

Honestly I liked seeing him like that, brutal hurt and begging for him to die. But it still wasn't a realief. I had many questions and was worried. If it would've been fine between me and Julia, I'd already have been on my way, but no, I left a sad drunk doctor behind to receive this news. GREAT!

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