~the next morning~

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Julias pov- I was walking up the stairs to check on Y/N to see if she was okay after she just left me in my office. I happened to meet her in the hallway but I noticed something was wrong with her. Just as she passed me I grabbed her arm and made her face me. I noticed she's been crying as her eyes were all puffy and red. "What happened?" I asked her when she forcefully took her arm back, "Nothing" she said and walked into her room. I was very confused by her acting, something obviously happened.

I made my way forward to see where she would've been. Maybe the bathroom, having a breakdown, I mean it's not the first time but why not in her own bathroom? Right in my thoughts James interrupted me "godday Julia" he said as he got closer to me. I was not really comfortable by the situation as I tried to walk past him when he stopped me. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Away from here" I answered in an angry tone. "A hurry?" he asked and started to move his hand down my boobs. I quickly slapped his arm to stop him as he grabbed my throat and lifted me from the ground. I sprawled with my legs in the air, in a need to breath. "I will fuck you so hard doctor" he whispered as he let me down. I fell on the floor because of the loss of oxygen that didn't held up my muscles and my face was all pale and blue. He grabbed my face and squashed it "If you tell anyone I will make sure to not just fuck you, also your little patient Y/N huh" he said with an evil grin on his face. "Fuck you" I mumbled which I might shouldn't have, he slapped across my face and spitted on me. "Don't try me doctor" he said as he walked away. I secretly burst out in tears as I sat all alone on the floor.

Soon enough I made my way to my office where I had all of my alcohol. I grabbed a whole bottle of alcohol and swept it in big gulps. Just to drown it all in, I couldn't let anything happen to Y/N. I like her too much and that's the problem. She's so cute when she's insecure and the way she looks at me and the way she makes me feel. I didn't know I was something else than straight but that girl changed that. Her soft lips and how she kissed me back I just...

After a while I felt I wanted to go to Y/N for some reason. I wanted to keep her safe but my mind didn't really find the way to her room, I stumbled around the halls until I met her gaze.

Back to Y/N pov- It was in the middle of the night, I was still sitting against the door. I apparently fell asleep without noticing but a mumble from a person outside woke me up. I heard heavy steps walking from side to side in the hallway. I was really confused, if it wasn't a zombie I had no idea what it possibly could be. I opened the door and faced Julia. She was really drunk and could barely stand up. "UH He-L-hello" she whispered as she was making her way to one of the bathrooms down the hall. What the fuck is going on now? I couldn't just let her walk around like that. I caught up with her and grabbed her arm. "Come on now" I whispered as I led her into my room. We walked over to my bed as I let her sit and then I closed my door. "Hey what's up?" I whispered. She started to giggle. I understood it was because she was drunk. She was completely gone, not a word from her mouth made scenes. Oh jesus.

I let her sleep in my bed for the night. I made the bed so we both could sleep in it and helped her to the other side of the bed, where she was about to sleep. "Try to sleep now" I whispered to her. "No come cuddle with me I want you" she said, way too drunk to speak correctly. I giggled a little but I got a little surprised, what if she meant that? I felt butterflies once again at the thought of cuddling with her. I made my way to my side of the bed and laid down under the blanket. She turned over to me and grabbed my face and kept going down my body "I think..you're HoT" she said. Even tho I enjoyed every single second of her touching me I felt a little uncomfortable as she was really really drunk. I stopped her and put her hand back, she giggled a little and turned around and fell asleep in less than 10 seconds and so did I.

I woke up the next morning feeling a weight on my chest. I still had my eyes closed as I felt for what it was and felt...hair? I quickly opened my eyes and realised Julia's head was resting on my chest and her hand on my stomach. A smile appeared on my face and a lovely feeling entered my body. It was weird but adorable. I didn't want to wake her up as she was in a deep sleep so I just let her rest right there. We had all day because it was Saturday after all. As my hands were resting above her head I unconsciously started to play with her hair a little and that woke her up. When she opened her eyes she realised she was lying on my chest and sat up, "I'm sorry" she said with her freaking morning voice! I felt shivers down my body hearing her speak. She put her hand over her forehead, I supposed she had a bad hangover. "I didn't mind" I said as I got out of bed. I was walking over to the bathroom when I realised what I was wearing. I looked down my body as I froze. I was only having a bra and short, green baggy shorts on as I took of the shirt in the middle of the night. I turned my face to see if she noticed and well she did. "I see you don't change bra huh" she said as she met my gaze. "I see you noticed" I answered and raised one of my brows as I turned around so my empty body was in full view for her. She looked me up and down "It's not very hard" she said nonchalant. I walked over to her side, surprisingly I was comfortable with her. She held her eyes on me the whole time as I grabbed the glass on the night table besides her "We say so" I whispered and walked into the bathroom.

I filled the glass with cold water and placed it on the counter as I tried to grab painkillers on the top shelf. "Is it going great you think?" she asked as she watched me taking out all of my power to reach it. "Shut... up" I said as I just reached it. I took the glass and the pain killer in my hand and walked over to her. "I'm the doctor now" I joked as I handed her the water and the pill. She took it and raised the glass of water as a thank you. I walked back into the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I had her full attention as I was still standing in my bra and shorts.
When I finished I made my way over to my dresser and grabbed a long sleeved shirt to cover up. "You not comfortable anymore I see" she said, being a little flirty when I had put on the shirt. I ignored her and sat myself in the bed "So...why were you drunk last night?" I asked. Her face expression changed, she looked away and completely ignored my question. "Hey I'm talking to you" she looked over to me again "no reason" she answered. I know how it felt being asked why so I didn't ask anything more about that, she has a private life but I was worried for her.

I started to move myself closer to her in the bed as I moved her arms away and placed myself in them, lying their and just breathing. She was surprised at first but then she started to stroke my arm with a peacefully movement and play a little with my hair. I didn't know why I did it but it felt so right and all I wanted was to be near her, away from reality. I HATED REALITY. I think we both enjoyed the piece.

"Y/N...?" she suddenly asked. "Yes?" I answered in a whisper.

"...nothing..." she ended up saying as she hugged me. I enjoyed this more than a human possibly could and we stayed like this the whole morning...

An hour later we were still together, we both lying down in the bed as I was resting myself on her chest. We hadn't really talked about anything, we just stayed quiet and enjoyed each other's company. It was at this moment I wanted to tell her everything but at the same time the thought of it scared me and builded uncomfort in my stomach.

I sat myself up, stretching out my tired body. "We have to go eat breakfast" I mumbled. "lunch" she corrected me, looking over to the clock on my wall. I gigglde a little and put on a pair of simple gray sweatpants. "You coming?" I asked her. "No" was her answer "I don't feel like eating".

I walked over to her and grabbed her arm as I pulled her up from the bed. "NOoo" she complained. "Come on now, you need to eat" I said, she finally agreed and walked with me downstairs. We were all alone in the kitchen when we got down. I made the both of us toast and poured up some orange juice.


Later the same afternoon I was about to walk into the living room to find a new book when I saw James doing work with David. "Can you come over here Y/N please" he asked as he saw me.


"Why?" I asked. "David would like some help you see" he said as he glared at me. "You don't wanna help me Y/N?" David suddenly asked. "Of course I do David but..."

"But what?" James asked, pressing the situation "Come help David now, but of course if you don't like him so..."

I couldn't believe he had a grip around me. I swallowed hard and walked over to David. "What do you need help with?" I asked nicely. "Here" James said as he pointed at an equation. I looked at it and tried to count on it as I felt he pinch my but as he then caressed it. I flinched as I moved away. "You don't like equations?" he talked to me like I was a little baby but then suddenly I heard someone clear their voice, it was Julia! I quickly made my way out of there as I saw Julia watching me walking away, almost waiting until I was gone...?

Anyways on my way out I met Carolyn who had her full attention to listen to music. I stopped her walking as she noticed me, "Yea what?" she asked.

"Just...what do you think about the new governess?" I asked quiet her as I was worried for her as well.

"James? Well I don't care, he minds his own business and that's all I need, why?" It was such a relief for me that he hadn't tried anything on Carolyn.

"Nothing" I said and smiled. She smiled back "so you and Julia yet?" she asked me. I just nodded no and kept on walking. I made my way to Elizabeth's office...

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