~the doctor~

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I thought a lot of what David said last night, I was lying in my bed letting my thoughts go through everything. I also had a really bad headache when I woke up so I've just been lying in my bed all day until Carolyn knocked on my door. "Yes?"

She opened the door and stepped in. "You look horrible, you sick?" she asked me as I was lying in my bed half dead, red puffy eyes, pale, tired, red nose, messy hair and still in pyjamas. "I don't know" I said as my voice sounded really dark and hoarse, "I woke up with a horrible headache... I feel kind of dead"

She walked over to me putting her palm on my forehead, "Jesus, have you taken the temp you really hot." She walked out of my room as I sat myself up in the bed, rubbing my eyes. She came back almost immediately with a thermometer in her hand. She handed it to me and I put it into my mouth. A few seconds later I took it out and it showed 40 degrees fever. I sighed.

"Oh honey, i'll go pick up something for you to eat," she said as she left the room.

So I was sick out of nowhere, whyyy? I had literally no energy at all and light from outside made both blind and my headache even worse.

A moment later Carolyn came back with a pain killer and a tray with some fruit, water and toast. It all looked delicious. She placed the tray on my thighs, "Thank you, I freaking love you" I said.

"Ofc, get well now and if you need anything just yell at me to come" she said. "Alright, thank you again" I said before she left me alone in my room.

I really enjoyed the food before I decided to freshen up in the shower. I looked horrible when I looked at myself in the mirror, I swear I could've been in a horror movie.

When I finished I just put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a long sleeved, thight, dark blue shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and kept reading a book I started on a few days ago.


The next few days were exactly as horribly. I threw up a few times, headache throughout the day, sickness, really tired, caught a cold. Carolyn came with food three times a day, my angel for real. Nothing really happened as I was too sick to get out of bed, honestly I missed my "therapy" sessions. I mean it was only Julia who tried to help me and even if I wanted to talk out with her, I had some sort of barrier that stopped me every time.

It was day seven of me being really sick, bedridden. Carolyn thought I was gonna see Julia to check up on me as it had been a whole week. I didn't really feel for it but as it was Carolyn who thought so I had no option really. She even dragged me over to Julias office. My nose were stuffy and red just like my eyes. She opened the door for me and pushed me in. Julia got shocked as I was pushed in, looking really sick. "Check up on her Julia, she has been really sick the whole week and I'm tired of making food for her, no offence Y/N" Carolyn said before she left us behind and closed the door. "Oh dear, you look horrible" was the first thing she said as I tripped in. "Thank you" I said with a hoarse voice and almost didn't make it to the patient mad because of my low energy level.

She walked over to the sink as she tried to reach her doctor stuff on the highest shelf in the locker. She looked so adorable, trying to reach the top shelf so I laughed a little for myself but my headache got way worse. I turned back on the bed, putting my palm over my forehead. "Ah shit" I got out.

She finally reached the stethoscope and the other stuff and made it over to me again. She had her doctor robe on, it fitted her so well I thought. "Let's see here, I need you to take off your shirt" she said, looking at me. I looked unsure before I slowly dragged my shirt over my head, the shirt was quite tight so it wasn't just to drag off. I noticed she glanced at me a few times as I got my shirt off.

As I got it off I kept it on my arm because of the old scars I was insecure about, or really my whole body. I was only sitting in my red lace bra and my sweatpants. "Alright, I'm gonna listen to your heartbeat a little" she said as she put in the stethoscope in her ears and placed the ending on the left side of my breast. A bit of her warm arm was touching my boobs as she was listening to my heartbeat. I'm not sure but she looked down at my boobs from time to time, it made the butterflies wild in my stomach, it was the only way to describe it. I was just sitting there in no shirt as she was so near me. I almost could feel her breath against my bare skin.

"It sounds great," she finally said and leaned back. "I would like to measure your pulse, to make sure everything is great" she said and looked down at my arm. Ah shit not my arm.

I took a deep breath for myself as I slowly relived my arm and gave her access to it. I noticed she looked at the burning from about a week ago and scars but she tried to ignore it as she put over the meter on my arm, measuring my pulse. She was holding in my arm the whole time, she was so warm as I was really cold, I literally had no blood circulation. I looked at her a little and caught her looking at my boobs. She noticed I caught her as she immediately stopped staring and looked away. "It looks good as well, now I just wanna look in your eyes and your mouth as well" she said as she prepared for that. I made myself comfortable as I waited for her. She picked up a little lamp "Turn around here so I can check your eyes" she said as she grabbed my shoulders to turn me around until she was satisfied. I wish she could touch me like this forever...She lit the small lamp into my eyes, "Look at me" she said as I tried to look everywhere else. I did as I said and met her beautiful eyes, looking into mine even though I was half blended. "Looks good as well" she said and pulled away. "I will just need to look in your mouth then we're finished" she said and pulled up some sort of stick. "Open up" she said, grabbing my face. I opened my mouth and she stuck in the little stick, looking around in my mouth. She's so close to my mouth omg....I felt I just wanted to kiss her beautiful soft lips right in this moment but I obviously could not do that.

The next moment she pulled away, "Everything looks good, you should get well in a few days" she said and stood up to put back everything. I just sat there in the silence waiting for her to say anything.

"Are you excited to be 18 next year?" she asked as she just put everything back in the right place. "Not really or maybe...I don't really know honestly"

"18 is fun, but now I get half as pretty and twice as drunk" she said, still up to something in the sink.

"That's not true" I said, confused of why she said that. She walked over to me with a soft smile. "You don't have to lie darling" she said, taking off her glasses. "I'm not, I think you're really pretty" I said without thinking of what I just said to her. She smiled at me looking into my eyes but broke it as she looked down at boobs again. It was then I realised I was still sitting in my bra. I pulled over on my shirt, "Thank you" I said to her. "Oh no problem darling, try go for a walk and get some fresh air" she said right before I left. I had a great feeling, I mean she looked at my boobs. Ah I'm so in love with that woman. My pulse was high and shivers was down my body.

 On my way out I met Carolyn. "I see it went great" she was smirking as I noticed I was smiling. "Maybe" I said, still hoarse. "Do you wanna go for a walk, doctors order" I giggled. "Yes of course, you haven't been out in days" she said as we walked out.

We walked around a little everywhere talking about the meeting, I told her everything that happened between us.

"I told she likes you!" Carolyn said

"No, no I'm not sure"

"Ah come on! isn't it obvious Y/N"

"..." I didn't know what to answer really.

"When you've gotten better I will make you two a couple"

I choked when I heard that sentence. "What the fuck, she's like 30 years older!" I got out.She laughed at me "better keep it a secret then" she winked. 

A/N: 7 chapter out :)) I've plans for the next few chapters, how desperate are ya'll for a reletionship cause I'm not really there yet lmao

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