~planning a ball~

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"A what?" Elizabeth asked. We all were sitting at the dinner table eating sweets, an afternoon meal, well except Julia who still was in my room upstairs. After having cuddled for hours we both agreed that one of us had to go down first which she insisted should be me.

"A ball, and a most splendid one" Barnabas spoke. We all looked at him.

Elizabeth looked up from the newspaper she was reading a moment ago "A ball for who?" she asked.

"For the entire town of course" he said while politely holding onto his cane.

"Don't you know the entire town kind of hates us?" Carolyn said to him.

"Balls are demonstrations of power...balls are how the ruling class remain the ruling class" we all just kept looking at him. I was still exhausted and I was just sitting there listening to the conversation.

"Exactly what I've been saying. This family could use some balls" Roger blurted out agreeing with Barnabas, no one in the room looked satisfied with him. I personally had a hard time liking Roger, he seemed so nonchalant all the time and his ego overall disturbed me.

"Indeed, and the Collins family have always held the biggest and most wonderful balls" he kept prattle.

Suddenly I heard heels from outside and turned my attention to it. "Jesus, can somebody shut the drapes?" Julia grumbled as she covered her eyes from the bright light that lit the room. I had my eyes on her the whole time, I admired her beauty and it felt unbelievable that I'd been naked with her just a few moments ago. Willy, who worked for the Collins shut the drapes which let the darkness take over a part of the room but you could still see it bright and clear.

"You know Barnabas has a point, it's about time we throw a little dough around. Hmm?" Roger kept speaking at the same time Julia took a seat besides me. I locked eyes with her and a small grin appeared on my face. "Show the peasants that we're back in action" Roger kept wobbling but all I could think of was Julia. She broke eye contact and didn't seem bothered by me which slightly hurted. I looked away as well and gulped, I felt stupid.

Elizabeth looked at Roger displeased. "People don't throw balls anymore, stupid" Carolyn muttured. "Do they not?" Barnabas asked while in the corner of my eye could spot Julia dragging the tee across the table to have some.

"They throw...happenings" Carolyn explained in a sigh. Barnabas now looked more interested in what she had to say "And how, pray, does one thrown happening?" he asked while tilting his head up slightly. "Well..." Caorlyn started but my focus wandered over to Julia again who poured up some hot water in her cup. I looked over to her to try to get some sort of contact with her but she completely ignored me and she damn well was conscious about it. It didn't feel good anymore, I had this lump in my stomach. I shakily sighed for myself and sat back in the chair, holding back tears. I don't know why this affected me so much but I cared so much about her, what she thought of me and how she thought of me and right now she was completely ignorant to me.

"Carolyn" I heard Elizabeth sigh as I'd just kept up with the conversation again. I could see Vicky smirking, thinking this conversation was quite funny but interesting. "We shall have spirits enough to fill a schooner's hull." Barnabas spoke. His English was so odd to me and apparently to everyone around the table. I furrowed my eyebrows and just looked at him. Carolyn smirked, "And...Alice Cooper" she said and looked over to Barnabas, now we're talking taking advantage. Everyone around the table chuckled slightly but Barnabas wouldn't bother. "I seem to recall an Alice Cooper from my youth" he said "Does she reside in Collinsport?"

"Not exactly," Carolyn somewhat grinned.

"Well, she shall be our guest nonetheless" Everyone around the table seemed satisfied, even me as I thought Alice Cooper was pretty cool. I also found it funny he pronounced her as a she, he really had no clue but who could blame him?

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