~a night with my doctor~

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smut will appear

I made my way to Elizabeth's office to talk with her about James. Not that I was sure what I was gonna say...

I knocked on her door as I heard her say come in from the inside. I opened the door and stepped in. "Oh hello Y/N, come in'' she said. I stepped into her office and walked towards her desk where she was sitting. "Did you want to talk about anything?" she asked me. "Uhm yea...uhm have you thought about hiring a new governess?" I asked a little carefully. "Oh uhm no not really, is there any problem?" she asked me. I wasn't ready to tell anyone, I was actually terrified as I didn't know what he was capable of. "No no he's fine..." I said and gave her an awkward smile. "Alright and yea right I forgot to tell you! Me, David and Carolyn will go visit my brother Roger soon so that will leave you alone in the house...well except Julia but I guess she's not much to company except for your therapy. Are you okay with that?"

"Uh yeah uhm sure" I said, that would give me some alone time with her and we could maybe figure out some things but that would mea- "Great! I'll see you then if you don't have anything else?" she interrupted me in my thoughts. "Yea...yea bye" I said as I walked out of her office. My hands were sweaty and I felt how my face turned red for some odd reason.

I walked up to my room again where I a few hours ago were cuddling with my doctor. I looked over to the bed where she was sleeping last night and then I looked over to the bathroom where I was only standing in a bra before as she admired my body. I just couldn't stop thinking about her, all I wanted was to experience that again at least one more time. I know it would never happen during the circumstances but I could always dream. But now I was here again all alone in my room and being bored. I think I've already red 10 books since I arrived but to stay positive, I totally was obsessed with 7 of them and it's not that usual to find so many good books in a row. 

I had one book left in my room I hadn't red yet so I grabbed it and laid myself on the bed where me and Julia were before. I laid my head on my pillow as I pretended it was her chest and started to read the book.

Hours passed by and I was half through the book already. I really missed Julia but what stopped me from meeting her? I thought.
I know I didn't have an appointment on weekends but I could always just go talk to her. I decided that I was gonna go down to her office but I didn't really have a plan for the rest. I would let the universe decide.

I tripped down the stairs and made my way over to her office as I passed the kitchen, "Oh Y/N there you are, dinner is ready if you would like some" Elizabeth said. I didn't feel like eating. All I felt for was to see Julias face again. "Oh no thanks I just ate a sandwich" I lied and continued my way over to her office. While outside I could hear whispers? I couldn't really tell but suddenly something smashed against the wall. My adrenaline got up as I was worried for whatever was going on in here. I opened the door a little carefully and two terrified eyes met my gaze. Soon enough I realised it was Julias but she wasn't alone in there. She was pressed up against the wall by James. I think my heart skipped a beat as I felt anger as sorrow. "Hey what the fuck!" I yelled at him. He quickly realised I was in the room as he quickly let her go. He looked over to me as he fixed his suit. "We just had a little talk you see" he said calmly and passed me. I was in shock as I just stood there with my mouth opened. Did he do something to Julia that I didn't know about...

I closed the door after him as I quickly made my way over to Julia who was pale and tears had escaped her eyes. "Jesus Julia are you okay!?" I asked her as I grabbed the both of her hands. "Yea...yea it was nothing" she answered as she tried to act normal, why didn't she say anything?

"That wasn't nothing Julia" I said as I was confused by her answer. "Hey look at me" I continued as she refused to look at me. She met my gaze and I saw she was hurt but there was another feeling in her eyes that I couldn't tell. I know what he had done to me and that is why I was more than worried over her. "Did he hurt you?" I said as my voice cracked and I held back tons of tears. She noticed the sadness in my voice as she cupped my face in her hands "No no darling, no" she whispered the last word. "Please you need to tell me" the sadness in my voice wouldn't go away even though I tried hard to make myself sound normal. She said nothing and I was just about to hug her when I felt her warm lips against mine. Butterflies invaded my stomach with the lovely electricity between us. It was like a shock to me, a lovely shock as I immediately kissed her back. "What was that?" I asked as she broke the kiss. "I don't wanna talk about it" she whispered and was about to walk away when I grabbed her wrist, just like last time and kissed her. I wanted this but she started it. She didn't even stop me. She kissed me back as fast as our lips touched. The kiss became more rough and soon enough the red haired doctor explored my mouth with her slippery tongue. I let her take every inch of my mouth as we made our way over to the bed without breaking the kiss apart. A wind of confident blew over me. I pushed her down the bed so she was lying on her back "This isn't right" she said trying to catch her breath. "What is now days?" I asked as I laid myself over her, kept kissing her soft lips. I needed her and I had her. I knew this was wrong on so many levels but I couldn't.

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