~ the ball~

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Today was the day of the so-called ball that Barnabas had organized for the whole town. Two days have passed and during that time me and Julia went into town and got matching tattoos. I felt like she would never leave my side after that but she kept hiding away in her office, she wouldn't let me in. I knew I said I would trust her which makes it even harder for me to interrogate her. Anyways I'd chosen the prettiest dress for this party, I was almost in love with myself or rather the dress, hah.

It was soon enough 7pm and people started to enter the fully decorated manor that eventually would be filled with music, people and overall Alice Cooper and yea we can't forget the alcohol. I stood beside Carolyn who just came back from the front door. It was the first time we talked scenes she walked in on me and Julia. It wasn't weird but something for sure was in the air.

"Hi Carolyn" I spoke softly when she joined me. She had this adorable dark blue dress that went to her knees with ruffles at the end. Her blonde hair was curled and she seemed to be excited for Alice Cooper as she checked every single soul who entered the house.

"Hey" she said back with a smile. I fixed my dress a little cause I didn't know what to do or say.

"I hope it's not weird between us" she said in a light chuckle and made eye contact with me. "Of course not, I hoped you would say that" I finally breathed out and tilted my head slightly to the side "Will you be drinking?" I asked her. "Yes of course" she said like it was the most obvious thing. I chuckled slightly at her answer "Great, cause I thought I could join you as I think I could need this". She lit up in a smile and pushed me slightly "Julia got influence on you" she joked. I rolled my eyes at her "don't even". She put her hands in the air as some sort of peace sign.

"Okay but honestly, is it serious between the two of you?" Carolyn asked.

"I don't know" I sighed "I mean I guess yea, look" I said and showed her the tattoo men and Julia had gotten yesterday. Her eyes widened in an excited look on her face "Omg that's so cute". "Yea..." I breathed out and hid a smile.

"Well I have to go, my mom wanted to speak with me" She sighed while she rolled her eyes. "Okay" I simply answered and then she walked away from me. I was just about to join the party that had just begun as I could hear music playing when I heard someone say my name. I turned around but didn't see anyone. Did I just imagine that I wondered till I heard it again, a whisper. I looked around once again when I spotted Julia standing by a corner wanting me to come. I smiled in relief and walked over to her. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Ah you look sexy my dear" she slobbed and took balance from holding onto my shoulder. She was clearly drunk. "Shh there's people around" I hushed her and walked her over to a more private area. She just giggled and I couldn't help but laugh at her. "One ball once in who knows how long and you couldn't stay a little bit sober?" I cleared out to her. "I'm not even that drunk" she made very clear for me. "Mhmm sure" I mumbled. "Look at out tattos" she excitedly said and grabbed my wrist besides hers. "Yea lovely" I giggled to her "Just sober up till Alice Cooper comes" I told her and was just about to walk away when she grabbed my wrist. "Don't leave without a kiss" she purred and I rolled my eyes at her. She dragged me close into her body and I kissed her softly on the lips. Honestly I wanted to stay here a little bit longer but at the same time go out there and party and spend some time with Carolyn. "I should go get some stuff done in my office, goodbye my love" she teased and walked away while she held onto my arm until they couldn't reach anymore. 

I just smiled at her but this feeling again of feeling outside, that she was hiding something for me and I couldn't do a shit really. I took a deep breath and tried to knock it off before I joined the rest of the party. I walked over to the big hall where all the stairs connected. I found Carolyn standing in the back vibing to the music. I secretly grabbed two drinks before I joined her. "Here" I said loudly so she would be able to hear me. "Thank you" she said back in the same volume.

We kept vibing to the music while drinking. No one seemed to notice us and with that I mean any family member who was in the same room. I mean I would soon enough be 18, a month from today actually but Carolyn was still a year younger than I was. I could spot Elizabeth in the other corner of the room also vibing.

After Alice had finished another song he took a break for water. Carolyn told me to hold onto her drink and started to make her way to the scene. I looked confused at her and was just about to ask but she had already left me behind. But suddenly I could see Julia joining the party. She had dressed up and everything in a pink and orange dress, her lips were light pink and she had put on some blue eyeshadows. I was truly in love with her look and her hair. Her hair was flat until it reached the hand and was curled out. She was so very pretty and I was obsessed with it. I walked over to her and placed Carolyn's drink on the table as she was sitting around one. "Hey Julia" I once again had to speak loudly. When she noticed me she lit up in a smile "Hey.

"Have you sobered up?" I asked her as I sat down on one of the chairs. She looked questioning at me, like she was completely gone. "What?" she asked like she didn't understand what I just said. "Have you sobbed up?" I once again asked her. "Yea yea sure" she answered with widened eyes and I guess that when I released. "Are you high again?" I sighed and rolled my eyes at her. "Aha" she said completely gone while she was vibing to Alice Cooper who once again had started to play again. I walked over to her, behind her and placed my hand on each side of her forearms. "Don't go" I bent over and whispered in her ear. She clearly was confused about whatever I did. I left her behind and was just about to look for Carolyn when I heard Alice speak. "And now we will have a guest joining us" I spoke out to everyone and Carolyn walked on stage. I squinted my eyes to more clearly see if it actually was her. Well this will be interesting.

"Mommy, Where's daddy?" She started off with the music. I got a little taken back and then my eyes wandered to Elizabeth who had just moved her attention towards her daughter. "He's been gone for so long..." Elizabeth looked confused but soon enough released what Carolyn was up to. "Is he ever coming home?" Carolyn clearly had directed her words personally to her mother and then she walked off stage. I was completely taken back from that and stood frozen on the floor with the drink in my hand. I stood like that until Carolyn joined me once again. "What'd you think?" she asked and it was then I realized she probably had fought with Elizabeth. "Uhmm..." I started off with, I didn't quite know what to answer. I looked over to Elizabeth who was just staring in our direction. I raised my eyebrows and moved my attention back to Carolyn "Your mother seems mad" I awkwardly answered. She looked past me to watch her mother. "Yea" she answered and just shrugged her shoulders. I nodded awkwardly "You wanna talk about?" I asked her, trying to sound supportly, which I was but this was just really awkward. "No not really..." she sighed "maybe some other day, anyways where's my drink?" she wondered. "Oh uhm right over...there" I said and pointed to where Julia only a few moments ago was sitting. "Okay" she simply answered and walked over to grab her drink again but I was more concerned for Julia. 

A/N note: Short chapter, I know 

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