~a vampire~

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The next day I helped out with the new refreshing business in town. It was almost all done except that I heard about our rival Angie. No one Barnabas seemed to like.

Julias pov- I was about to go up to David and at the same time leave the news about James in the latest newspaper in Y/n's room to make sure she was the only one reading because of what was written in there, when I for some reason found Barnabas staring into Carolyn's room like a hungry dog.

"Barnabas, why are you staring into Carolyn's room?" I asked.

"What is that thing?" I found him staring at her red lava lamp in her room.

"It's a lamp" I made sure

"It looks like a pulsating blood urn" he answered with an obsessed behaviour for it.. It made me wonder, what the hell...

"I think it's time I show you to my office, Barnabas" I said, something was up with that odd pale man.


"Do you know what a psychiatrist is?" I wondered and took a pill of the few I had last and scooped it down with the whiskey, where did all the pills go? I really need to stop this, anyways

"May I assume it is some species of American delicacy?" He said while resting in the patient's bed where always Y/n used to be. It felt odd, someone but Y/n were lying so incredibly numb there.

I put down my whiskey to fill it up "it's a medical doctor that specializes in disorders of the mind."

"I'm a psychiatrist"


"Now where were you born?" I deeply wondered.


Liverpool, Interesting "Can you describe it for me?"

"Filthy. The air is choked with soots and the street reek...of freshly hurled chamber pots. The smell of urine permeate the air"

This was all a weird man, who was he really? It didn't make sense and even if I would believe him he would be... slightly out of his mind.

"Have you any experience with hypnotises, Barnabas?"

"Find it very useful, yes" he answered.

"Yes I agree" I said, now it's time to see who this man really are. I grabbed my golden old clock and stood up. "You see...sometimes we make up a fantasy world...to help us erase horrible memories from our past" I said while I stood up, looking down at him. ""I find hypnotism cuts through all that" and I lowered my clock to to capture his gaze.

"I employ it for other purposes." and his gaze were following the clock. "May I hypnotise you Barnabas?"

"Madam. I do not believe that remotely possi..." and I had him. Perfect.

"Good" I whispered in satisfaction.

"Now, I'd like you to tell me a few things..." It's time now.


"A vampire!?" I yelled while I rushed into Elizabeth's office. "Keep your voice down" she calmly said. My heavy steps with my heels were heard as I walked over the alcohol. "What on earth are you talking about?" she asked. Like she doesn't know. I grabbed the whiskey. "Oh spare me. I had him under hypnosis for hours" I was mad. In need of alcohol, whiskey.

"Barnabas?" she wondered. How could she possibly be so calm!

"There's a point where delusions fail, but his didn't budge" I almost yelled, walking straight to where she was sitting so calm. "He told me everything..." I was desperate "including the fact that you've known his secret sense i arrived!" I was now screaming, frowned. "Why the hell didn't you say anything!?" WAS SHE MAD?!

"I was protecting the children"

"Oh by letting a vampire use one of the guest bedrooms?!"HUH.

I walked over to the sofa thing and sat down "You know he admitted killing those men at the construction site!" I almost whispered in pure anger. "He's a murderer " I poured in whiskey.

"He's a Collin and a good man..." she kept going. "And these days, that's a desperately rare combination"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, the family that can do no wrong" I sarcastically said.

"You know Julia, I'm surprised at you...I think physician like you would find him fascinating"

I mean maybe I do, I couldn't decide for myself as half of my brain was drowned in alcohol.

"Well, sure...medically, psychologically and physically, he's fascinating" he really is I thought. "Which is why I came to you instead of the police" I slurred.

"Then be fascinated, Julia" she seemed pleased. "And if you have an ounce of love or respect for this family...keep your mouth shut." she lastly spoke and the conversation was over.

Y/n pov- I'd just come home from town with Carolyn and I was exhausted. I will just say it was not fun at all except when Carolyn got mad at this lady for speaking her thoughts about her religion and started screaming at her. I think they both yelled at each other for at least 10 minutes before an old cop came and interrupted. Hah.

Anyways on my way up to my room I heard yelling. It seemed to come from Elizabeth's office. I pretty much recognized that yelling voice from before, it clearly was Julia in there. I just brushed it off. I was way to tired to even think about it. Instead I kept going towards my room. I thought I could ask her later.

While in my room I noticed a newspaper lying on my bed. I walked over and grabbed it and even on the first page I could spot James in the right corner. The unpleasant feeling on my stomach arrived as fast as I could see his face. After a lot of research to find who this person was we finally could sort him out. The well known man who was in jail a few years ago and who got released not too long ago had been found with serious injuries. May we say many offers of him have been pleasant and more information have come to open up. The injuries have been more serious over time and chances of the man surviving is low. He's now lying at a hospital and daily surgeries are on going.

Was he about to die? I read the text over and over again but nothing changed. Was he about to die?

I didn't have energy to think much longer and sleep did sound pretty well in my ears.

A/N: yup okay Julia is coming -->>

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