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I woke up the next morning from noises downstairs, like at least 20 people were down there breaking the house. I walked downstairs in my green, checkered pyjama and right I was. Not twenty but around maybe 30 people were working, cleaning and moving furnitures.

I stopped one of the men working and asked if they knew where Elizabeth or Carolyn were. He said Elizabeth headed into town and if Carolyn was my age she followed along together with a young boy. I just nodded and made my way to the living room where I hoped there would be less people running around.

The living room had only a few workers in it. I looked over to the fireplace that was now cold grey of ashes. I also noticed the newspaper that was still lying on the coffee table. I might should have thrown it away last night, just to be sure my past would stay in the past. I made my way to  it to trash it but just before I was about to grab it someone behind me cleared their throat which caused me to jump. "Did you see the news?" I turned around to face Julia who was sitting on the couch.

"Mm" I answered and looked at the picture of James.

"That bastard really deserved what happened to him"

"Mhmm" was the only thing I spoke. I was mad but also not in the mood having this discussion with her. Learn from your mistakes, or am I right.

"Y/n listen...I've decided to sober up. I really want to talk to you"

"What a wise decision" I said sarcastically. I looked down at her from where I was standing and without a word she left. Left me behind confused,  asking myself why she just walked away. With the newspaper in my hand I walked over to the trashcan and trashed it.

I ended up helping out in the house as I had literally nothing else to do. Something or rather someone got my attention that day. The pale so-called Barnabas. He was acting a little odd and by that I mean he was everywhere but still nowhere. I didn't put my mind into that too much but something I actually adored was the way he always looked at Vicky and the way she looked back at him. It was so adorable and reminded me so much of...Julia.

The workers finally started to go home and let's say the mansion was almost good-looking, like really fresh and colorful. Not so depressing, it was more life to it. Neither Elizabeth, Carolyn or David had returned yet. It was about to get dark and I was pretty tired.

On my way up to my room I met Barnabas and Vicky. I said hi and gave them a warm smile.

"Godday madam" Barnabas spoke to me

"When Carolyn comes home could you please tell her to come see me, I will be in my room"

"Of course, anything for you" he said so politely and then they both kept on walking.

It was soon 7pm and I just heard David from outside. Not many seconds after Carolyn had just opened the door to my room. "Barnabas just told me..."
"Yea I know, do you mind coming in?" I asked her

She walked in and sat beside me, "Did you want anything specific?" she wondered.

"Not really, I just have been alone all day. Anyways, what's happening in your life?"

"Not much at all but you on the other hand?"

"Same here"

"Not even with Julia?"

"Well we actually talked last night but she was drunk, as usual"

"Okay I'm listening..." She looked at me to keep talking.

"No she just said that she was sorry but her drunk ass kind of ruined it"

"That damn doctor, I'm so tired of her"

I just smiled compassionately for an answer.

Asudden someone knocked on my door, "yes?"

Julia opened my door and was a little surprised that Carolyn was sitting there.

"My office?" she asked a little carefully. Carolyn excused herself and on her way out she gave Julia a disgusting look and she was most confused by Carolyn's sudden disgust of her.

"What was that?" she asked when she had left the room. "I don't know" I said innocent.

She then just looked at me, probably wanting me to follow her down.

"Right..." I said to myself and walked with her to her office.
"And here we are again" I sighed and dunced down into the patient bed.

"Y/n about yesterday.. She started off serious. "I'm sorry I really am. What can I do to make up for it? For everything, even how I acted."

"I don't know Julia, I have other stuff on my mind right now"

"Please Y/n you gotta help me out here" She said, trying to solve everything between us but I had no idea if I was ready to forgive her even if I strongly wanted to. A long silence took over the room. My thoughts wandered fourth and back, I honestly had no idea what I was supposed to say. What could she do to make up for everything? Honestly I just wanted to know the answer to why.

"Everything I ever have said to you has been one hundred procent true and I don't know if I can be without you for much longer, it did hurt like shit for me too. I thought I did the right thing but I was so hurt I didn't even realise what position I put you in." she finally said in one breath.

I looked over to her "you say this first now? After all this time?"

"I'm not proud of it, I just need you to know I'm truly sorry and I never meant to hurt you..."

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say either. I knew she was truly sorry, I knew she wanted to make up for everything and I somehow knew I was ready to forgive her.

"...It's okay" I finally said and smiled at her and it looked like someone just pulled off an heavy weight from her shoulder and she finally breathed out.

"I just have one more question...does Carolyn know anything?" She asked curiously.

"Uhm why?" I wanted to get away with this one.

"She seems kind of mad at me, any chance you've talked to her?"

"I don't know" I giggled and then I directly made my way out of her office. I somehow knew she wasn't mad at me. She followed me with her gaze until I was out of sight.

It was around 9pm in my room and for the first time in a while I felt slightly happy. I giggled for myself thinking back on what just happened. An actual smile with all my teeth showing and a warm, safe feeling in my chest. It was finally okay between us. The relief from my chest that I didn't need to handle everything on my own anymore. I actually could walk down to her office again. I could actually be around her again without feeling regret.

A/N: let me know what u think

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