~Davids mother~

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I was dreaming such a weird dream last night, a dream about Julia and I. And as usual I woke up in the most exciting part, I deeply hate when it happens. I thought back on my dream the whole morning as I took a long warm shower. The cute relationship we discovered and how she caressed my body...uh Y/N the fuck you can't dream about that.

I got out of the shower getting dressed in an oversized striped blue shirt with a pair of green baggy jeans, adding some cute golden jewelers. I put half of my hair in a bun and the rest was down. I realised the clock was 10am soon so I made my way down to the kitchen where everyone was sitting enjoying breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head" Carolyn welcomed me with. "Good morning Carolyn, nice to meet you too" I rolled my eyes to hide a smile as I grabbed myself a sandwich. Julia was sitting there as well, having her gaze on me most of the time. I sat opposite to Julia as I sat besides Carolyn, as usual. "How's therapy going?" Elizabeth suddenly asked, taking a sip of her morning tea. "Great actually" Julia answered before I had the chance to say anything. "We actually have time this afternoon at 4pm" she said as she gave me a big smile. I gave her a fake smile back to not act sus but obviously Carolyn noticed but she kept her mouth shut for once. "Ah that's great" Elizabeth said, putting her hand over mine before removing it. I gave her the fake smile too.

"We're thinking of hiring a governess to David" she kept going to avoid awkward silence. "That's great he would actually need one" Julia answered. Carolyn rolled her eyes "Of course he needs one, isn't that obvious" David gave Carolyn a death gaze. I didn't know my part in this conversation as I was really good friends with Carolyn but I liked David too. I just kept my mouth shut the rest of the breakfast until I was finished. "Oh Y/N darling could you take the dishes, me and David are going into the town and Carolyn she's...she's Carolyn as you might understand" Elizabeth said. "Of course, no problem" it would keep me distracted so I could think clearly for once, so I didn't mind. "Thank you Y/N! Come on David we gotta hurry"

Soon enough David and Elizabeth left the house and Carolyn headed to the room which left me and Julia in the kitchen. I wasn't really comfortable but i still enjoyed her company.

I started to pick off the table and putting everything in the sink, thereafter starting to wash everything.

The following 10 minutes she was still just sitting there, sipping her whiskey as she watched me the whole time. I didn't notice that until I turned around to see why she was still in the kitchen. "Keep going" she said as I looked confused at her. "Not even a little help?" I asked with an unconsious mad tone as I turned around and kept doing the dishes.

A moment later she suddenly she came up behind me and tried to reach a plate so she almost hugged me with one arm. As she reached the plate she made her way besides me and helped me wash the rest. I kind of really reeaallyyy liked it as I felt a weird feeling entering my body, a smal smile escaped my face and I think she noticed it as she glanced at me and a very smal smile escaped her face as well. We were silent the whole time, not a word from either of us but it didn't bother me.

"I see you at 4pm" she said as we finished and she walked out of the kitchen. I caught myself smiling again by myself in the kitchen. Stop it Y/N, she's older and nothings gonna happen between the both of you...


It was finally 4pm so I made my way to her office, once again. I opened the door walking in, "You haven't learned to knock yet I see" she said with a grin on her face. "Ah I totally forgot, I'm so sorry" I said and put my face in my hands. "No no it's okay darling, come sit here" I felt how I turned red from the nickname. I sat myself on the patient bed once again as she was fixing a few papers letting me sit there, not enjoying the silence.
"Okay..." she said as she just finished her paperwork, "What was that about last night?" she asked me, looking me right in my eyes. Myy goood. "Nothing, mood swings?" I tried to get away with that sentence. She sighed for herself, not looking convinced. "I didn't read the newspaper but I will if you don't tell me, so is it better you tell me or do I need a piece of paper too?"

"I've already trashed it" I said.... as I actually had, later that night as I knew she would or had red it. "Oh Y/N" she sighed again. After a moment of silence she suddenly asked unsure "Do you know what hypnosis is?"


"I would like to try it on you"

"Absolutely not!" I said as I gave her a death gaze and was about to move myself out of the patient bed.

"I'm just tryna help you alright?" she said and pushed me down again.

"Yes yes I know...but I'm fine I..."

"You're not. Come on, tell me"

I took a deep breath and leaned back on the bed "I...I've had a hard time trusting doctors" I finally said. I wasn't even supposed to say that.

She looked a little surprised but soon enough her expression changed to be more caring, "It's okay, I won't hurt you, I hope you know that?" she said as she put her hand on my thigh. I flinched by her touch, both cause I'm not used to being touched and it was her, her hand was on my thigh...I love this.

"I know I just...I don't know, I should go" I sighed as I stood up. I grabbed her hand, holding it until I pulled it away "I don't feel so good that's all" and then I made my way out of her room. I feel like she was kind of disappointed in me just walking away but I just can't, doctors scares me, bringing back trauma... even if this doctor is a hot... milf...

As I was on my way back to my room David grabbed my hand from behind. "Do you wanna play with me?" he asked with his cute little voice. I couldn't say no to that little cute face. "Of course, what do you wanna play?" I asked him as we dragged me over to his room. "I've just got a NEW DINOSAUR!" he said excited as he was looking for it. "HERE LOOK HOW COOL!" he said as he held up the huge green and blue dinosaur in the air. I couldn't help laughing for myself, "Wow it's so cool, let's play" I said. We played for about 40 minutes before he said something that made me both confused and gave me something to think about. "You should talk to Dr Hoffman" he mumbled as he played with the toys. "What? What did you say?" I asked him as I wasn't sure if he said the thing I thought he said. "You should talk to Dr Hoffman" he said a bit louder. "May I ask why?" "My mom...my mom told me you need to talk to Dr Hoffman" he kept going, I was so confused. "Not to be rude but isn't your mother dead?" I asked trying not to sound mean or dumb. "Yes, but I can see her, a ghost," he explained. I didn't know if I was gonna believe him or not I just sat there trying to take it all in. "What exactly has your uhm...mom told you" I was a little anxious. "Only that you should talk to Dr Hoffman, that you can trust her and that you have to tell her before it's too late" he said like it didn't affect him. "Tell her what?" "I don't know, my mom says it's private" I-I didn't know what to answer, "I might should leave, we can play some other day. Goodnight David" I said as I left the room.

While in my room I couldn't stop thinking of what he just said, his mom? What.

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