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"I can't wait to tell brother about this!" I looked up to my parents and smiled. My brother has been supportive of me ever since, he encouraged me to play the violin and join competitions. My mom's phone rang as she answered it, "B-" She stopped talking and froze, "I'm sorry who is this?" My smile broke, still looking at mom. Then, she suddenly broke down, "W-What happened?" My dad asked, grabbing the phone from her hand.

I'm confused, what happened? "Mom?" I panned to my mom, crying her eyes out as she hugged me, what's going on? She didn't answer and grabbed my hand, heading to the car. Dad was rushing, mom is crying. They didn't tell me anything, "What's going on?" I asked once again, "Your brother got into an accident." My eyes went round, I don't know what to react, I feel numb. Red and blue lights were flashing in the distance.

"Brett, stay here. Don't go outside." My dad looked and me, planting a kiss on my forehead as he unfastened his seatbelt, same as mom. The wailings of the siren overtook my ears, leaving my mouth open. My parents were talking to the police and the paramedics, they quickly went back inside the car and I'm still frozen in shock. "It'll be fine, Brett. Your brother will be okay." I'm still in shock, I have nothing to do but stare on my feet and hoping everything will be fine, just what dad said.

We dropped by the hospital and rushed inside, everybody was panicking inside the emergency room, fear overtook my eyes as soon as I saw brother's hands turning from pale to purple. "Brett," Dad hugged me and walked away with me from the emergency room, I started to breakdown, "He's going to be fine, I promise." "How can you be sure that he's okay?" I yelled at him and cried again, he didn't answer me. "Mr. Yang," The paramedics let us inside the waiting room as I sighed.

The doctors and paramedics were running around the reception as I looked away, "Mr. and Mrs. Yang," The doctor called, I gave my dad a glance and smiled faintly, "Stay here, bud." I didn't answer. I just want to go home, I don't want any mess, I just... "I'm sorry." That's all I hear from the doctor, the cries from my mom and dad echoed in my ears. I feel completely numb, I don't know what to feel. My visions went from vibrant to slowly losing its hue. Monotone colors and dark shadows. I'm drained. I lost the person who highlighted my life.

"Brett." My dad walked forward and kneeled in front of me, "I thought he's going to be fine. That's what you said, right?" I struggled to breathe, I can't bear such pain, "Brett-" "No dad, he's gone! He's not coming back!" I stopped yelling and cried, blue and anger is all I see now. "He didn't even got to know that I won the competition. He won't be able to see me perform in Menuhin next year!" I calmed myself down, feeling a warm hug from my mom and dad. Everything went black, I found myself floating in a weightless space.

A familiar figure standing in the distance walked closer to me, revealing himself as he stood under the light. "So, how does it feel to look back on the day of the accident?" I gulped and wiped off my tears, "Eddy..." I stood up straight and looked at him straight into his eyes, "It's sad that your brother didn't get to see you on Menuhin... and cry in front of the audience." His laugh rang the weightless space. "Now that you lost your brother, Y/N will be next. Better say goodbye before you'll lose her." He vanished in thin air, leaving me, crying. "Leave her alone!" I yelled on the top of my lungs.

I woke up sweating profusely, "A nightmare. It felt so real." I checked the time, it's currently 2:45 AM. I opened my phone and called Y/N as quickly as possible.


"Y/N, I'm sorry for waking you up. I-I had a nightmare."

"You had a what?! I'll be coming over right now."


She hung up. I sighed and put on my jacket, it's cold at this hour. I quickly went downstairs, trying not to wake my parents. Patiently waiting for Y/N and then, "I brought you your favorite food and drink." I chuckled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. We laid down on the mat and stared at the stars together, "I'm sorry for waking you up at this hour." I apologized and exhaled deeply, "It's fine, Brett. I'll do anything to cheer you up." She smiled to herself and glared at me, "Well, my nightmare is a little bit different from the ones I used to share to you. It's Eddy." I started to tremble.

"Hey Brett, calm down, I'm here, okay? As long as I'm here, I'll do my very best to protect from him. You can always share it to me if you're comfortable about it." I gave her a half smile and chuckled, "This nightmare is the worst one so far. It left me crying and sweating on my bed. H-He told me that..." I whimpered, stopping myself from crying, "Brett, love," She sat up straight and hugged me, "Whatever Eddy said in your nightmare, it'll not happen, not on my watch. I'll be here for you." Her warm hands slithered on my scruffy hair and breathed.

Thank you Y/N, you're always there for me on my ups and downs. I'm glad to be with you at all times. I checked my phone and realized it's already 3 in the morning. "Y/N, wanna go on a 3 AM picnic to the park?" I just want to distract myself for a moment, "How could I say no to you? Come on, then!" I stood up and helped her carry all the things from my backyard to the park. "3 AM hits different," "Yeah." The park has always been my favorite spot to go on a picnic, reminds me of my childhood. I suddenly remembered me and my brother playing tag under the lonely tree standing alone by the lake.

I used to be alone under that shade, but now I'm with the person that brought colors in my life.

"Y/N will be next."

I'll protect her no matter what.

"Better say goodbye before you'll lose her."

Not on my watch, Eddy Chen.


i hope you enjoyed reading this, it's frustrating tbh lmao i cried while writing this chapter. nineteen will be published within this month or on first week of may!


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