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It's been days since I'm sick. Y/N is still visiting me nonstop, making me try new things and treats me like a baby. Today is Saturday, I'm feeling a lot better than before. I got up from bed and put on my glasses. I quickly went downstairs and came across the piano. It's been a long time since I played piano, Chopin's Nocturne is the only piece I can play on it. I grabbed the sheet music from the bookshelf and rubbed my eyes. I haven't touched the piano ever since.

I opened the fall board and cracked my knuckles. I pressed the key and began to sightread, Chopin's Nocturne might be overplayed but it's a beautiful piece. I gently pressed the piano keys then someone knocked on the door, "I'll go get it." Mom passed by me and I stopped playing the piece, I turned around and saw Y/N. I exhaled, "Are you ready for your lessons today?" Y/N nodded and looked at me, "I never knew you play the piano." 

"I-uh, used to play the piano." I stuttered and scratched my head, she took out her violin, "Let me tune your violin first." She slowly gave me her violin as I tuned it, "Brett, I uh. Have something to tell you after the lesson." I gulped, did she found out about it? "Yeah sure, shall we start out lesson for today?" I asked Y/N, "Y-Yes!" I gave her back her violin and took out my violin from the case.

We did a little warm up before she starts to learn the new piece. One of my favorite piece. I taught her the few bars and I'm quite surprised that she learns this piece a lot faster than the other ones. She really loves Salut d'Amour that much? I noticed that something's off, "Uh, Y/N." She stopped playing as soon as I called her, "Try to feel the piece. Think of someone you're in love with. Play the piece like you're dedicating it to someone you loved."

She breathed deeply and started to play the piece, sight reading it. She looked at me and I gasped, "Y-You're doing well." Wait, what? If she's doing well, she's feeling the piece, does that mean she's in love with someone? I mean it could be her parents. I'm so dumb. Drowned in my thoughts, I didn't realize that I'm spacing out. "How was it?" Y/N looked at me, "Splendid." I gave her a half smile, "Would you like to play it with an accompaniment? I mean, I am no accompanist but I practiced it for you."

She gulped and smiled, "Let's give it a try." Y/N looks like something's going on with her, she's not the Y/N I knew. Her playing is more passionate, I can't be overthinking right now. I told her to think someone she loved then she played the piece gracefully. She's in love with someone? Nah, it's probably her parents or her friends, I don't know. I don't want to assume. We end the piece as I inhaled deeply, looking at Y/N, "Brilliant." I smiled, why is this giving me the 'Your Lie in April' vibes? "It sounded beautiful." She grinned, "Should we practice it again?"

Y/N looked at me, "That would be great." I began to sightread again as she played the piece, once again, beautifully. I haven't heard someone play this piece filled with passion and dedication. Her expressions, her playing, her own message of the piece, everything. Everything is perfect. Y/N owns this piece, no one can play this piece the way she plays it. Because of her playing, I started tearing up. Man, I can be a good violin teacher. We finished off the piece and we looked at each other. "Perfect. Y/N, you own this piece." I smiled at her as she looked down.

"Thank you. I always wanted to learn Salut d'Amour since you played it before. I fell in love with the piece." I can feel my face burning again. Shit, here goes my blushing crap again. "No problem. It's one of my favorite piece as well but I haven't heard someone play it passionately, until I hear you play it." I explained, fiddling my fingers nervously. "Your tip helped me." "Which one?" I asked her, "Think of someone you're in love with. That tip helped me so much." I widened my eyes, "Ooh, Y/N has a crush!" I teased as she started to chuckle.

"Who's that crush of yours?" I teased her, trying to shut my mouth, "It's just a friend of mine, Brett! Oh my God, stop!" She giggled, still trying to keep my mouth shut, we started laughing at our own stupidity and calmed ourselves down. "My crush is actually a close friend of mine, he hates me at first due to my annoyance but we got along after weeks of being stuck together." She explained, that's very... detailed. I don't know what to say. "Brett, Y/N, come on dorks, lunch is ready!" I hear mom yell from the kitchen.

Hours pass by, her phone rang, realizing our lessons for today is done. She returned her violin on her case and exhaled sharply, "Thanks for today again, Brett." She started frowning again, "No worries, come on, let's get going before the sun sets." She nodded and we walked to the main road, awkward silence filling the air. "Okay Y/N, I know this is none of my business but you seem sad today, is something bothering you?" I asked her, looking at me shocked. She took out something from her pocket, giving me this crumpled paper? What is this?

I gently unfold the paper, shit. No. "I don't know if I'm helping you but... There's a violin competition here happening next next week. I am not forcing you or anything but I am encouraging you to join the competition—" "Really? I told you once before, I can't join in these stupid competition shit anymore! Why this? Among all shitty things, why this?" Red. Anger. I looked at Y/N, scared and terrified, "I-I'm sorry, Brett! I'm truly sorry for what I did. I-I can wait for a taxi here, you should go now." She looked at me again.

I am still furious. I walked back home crumpling the paper, "Encouraging me to play? Are you fucking serious?" I dropped the paper and stopped. I looked back and picked up the paper. I immediately went up to my bedroom, reading everything that's being said on the paper. "Mom?" I called from the bedroom, "Brett?" She answered as I sat down on my bed, "Is it too late to list my name on Brisbane National Violin Competition?" I asked. Brown and Pastel Red. Confidence and Determination. Dammit Y/N.


sorry for the hiatus! i am very busy bc of online classes and modular classes. it sucks, i hope you love reading this! (especially the little argument between y/n and brett ooh la la) i'll try my best to write everyday! thanks for waiting chap eleven!


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