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Another shitty day at my violin classes today. I get to see that Y/N girl again. How can I avoid her? I entered the classroom and... Wait, that's weird. Everyone's not playing their violins but they're sitting all together, laughing and talking.

I placed my case and sat down at my chair, sight reading pieces I needed to master. "Hey Brett, come join us," Y/N called, so she's the center of attention now, huh. I just rolled my eyes at her, letting her chuckle. "You're so lonely. Come on."

It fell silent when Y/N talked to me, everyone looked shocked. "I don't want to hear your talks, Y/N. You have friends around you, isn't that enough?" I told her plainly, "Again with your attitude." She crossed her arms and laughed.

Goddammit, she's making me so mad that I want to explode right now. "Well, if you don't want to, then don't. Enjoy your own little world. Say hi to the aliens for me." She raised her eyebrow, smiled, and rolled her eyes at me as I heard the "ooh"s from my classmates.

I opened my violin case and grabbed the sheet and placed it on my stand. I exhaled sharply and started to play the piece.

Salut d'Amour, Elgar.

I continued to play freely but got distracted when I heard complete silence. I stopped playing and checked on Y/N, who's staring at me, pupils dilated. "That was beautiful, Brett." She's still in shock, I looked into her eyes, which are literally hooked on me.

I-I don't know what to say, I looked down and smiled lightly, that was the first compliment I ever got since I was 14. I tried my best not to smile, but I blushed furiously. Brett, calm down! You're not having a crush on her! "T-Thank you." I spat it out. Happy? Everyone, again, looked shocked.

"But I'm not playing this anymore." I grabbed my sheet and placed it back on my case then walked away. "Brett-" "Just, shut up." I stood up and left the room, then the professor arrived. "Where are you going?" "I'm sick," I said plainly and walked away.

Fuck, I can't stop thinking about what happened a while ago. Did she just say that? I am so confused. I wanna freshen my mind. The tree by the lake, of course! I stared at the lake, seeing the reflection of the sun, making little sparkles in the water.

I played it once again. Salut d'Amour. Just this damn piece, I can feel. Love. I never felt love, not until now. But how is this possible? I can finally feel the piece when I play it. This is new. I can't help but blush while playing it. Without any reason at all.

I refreshed my mind, playing my violin endlessly, I checked my wristwatch. 11:43 AM. Well, I didn't notice that. I returned my violin inside my case and went back to my violin class. Yeah, I know I made an excuse but I gotta go back. For some reason.

"You're back. Why's that?" Professor asked.

I didn't answer and sat back down at my designated seat.


I went inside the classroom, there's only one person inside the room. It's that girl again. Y/N L/N. Practicing Canon in D, overrated. Just sitting down in her chair. "You're out of tune." My voice echoed, making her startle, "God, you scare me!" She giggled. Cute.

"Just what I taught you. Don't hold your bow like that. Your piece would sound like a dying rat." I explained as she let out a small laugh. "What?" I looked at her eyes. "Oh, nothing." She smiled. God, her smiles are annoying me.

I fixed her posture, "Now, play." I told her, she played Canon in D. There are few errors but she's not as terrible as the other beginners out there. She continued to play passionately as I started to accompany her. It sounded so beautiful, I feel like I'm at peace.

"How's my playing?" Y/N asked, I gulped. "Not bad. Keep practicing. No excuses. You always have to practice." I pointed at her, "Right, no excuses." She repeated, "Good. Now, master it, don't be a loser." I stood up, "Yeah right, Mr. Scrooge." She joked, making me let out a small laugh.

"Stop joking around, practice," I told her, I left the room and started to look for a vacant practice room. I finally found one. And it's horrendous. Cobwebs are everywhere, dust is covering the broken piano, the stand is wobbly. "Damn, someone clean up this mess."

I placed my sheet music at this annoying wobbly stand, again, I played Elgar's piece. As I played his piece I kept asking the same questions. Why can I feel love when I play this just now? I feel nothing when I play this piece.

Why is that? I need answers. It can't be Y/N, we only met yesterday. Plus, she's annoying. Dammit Brett, you're not in love with Y/N. Remember that always! It's impossible! You only met her yesterday. Fuck, I can't stop overthinking.

What's up with Y/N? Why can't I erase her in my mind, we're not even friends! Damn you, Elgar! I groaned and sat down at the chair, I exhaled sharply. "I need fucking answers." I cupped my face, groaning it out. Then, a loud knock ruined everything.

"What?" I opened the door to see the professor. "Brett, I want you to teach Y/N the following." Professor gave me a list, a long list. "So I'm the professor now?" I raised my eyebrow. "Professor for Y/N. She seems to better understand when she teaches you than me." He shrugged.

"You're a bad violin teacher." I shook my head. Professor didn't respond but laughed, "So, will you accept this offer? If you don't, it's fine. Zach is available to teach her these lessons she needs to keep up." God, no. "Give it to Zach instead. I'm not interested." I folded the paper and returned it to the professor.

"If you say so. Thank you for your time." He left as I slammed the door. Why did he even bother asking me when Zach is available for Y/N? And that Zach guy? Gosh, that guy has been getting on my nerves for almost 5 years.

And he's teaching Y/N how to play the violin? He's not even good at playing it. Zach can go home and never see me again. Well, if he's really doing it, I pity Y/N. I could've accepted the professor's offer. But it would be rude for Zach.

I left the practice room and went back to the classroom, my ears are ringing again. I hear the girls screeching and screaming their lungs out. Again, they're talking with Y/N. What's up with them again.

"Seriously? You're so lucky!" What?

"He's our hottest violinist here." Who are they referring to?

"Really?" I hear Y/N's voice, it sounds enthusiastic.

"Yes, Y/N! Every time you play in class, his eyes are always on you! I bet he's crushing on you." And who's that guy?

"Zach's crushing on... me?"

They can't be damn serious. Zach is crushing on Y/N?! Isn't that too early?


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