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I cleared my throat, exhausted playing the same bar over and over again. "Shit, it's distracting." I mumbled and continued to play the same bar, only to fail once again. "Dammit." I cursed as I tried to keep calm, "Olaf, can I take a break for a while? I got so distracted by something from a month ago." "Sure, have a tea. You wanna talk about it?" I breathed out and sipped my tea, "Well, it's about Eddy." I gulped as my hands started shaking.

"I'm scared of him. I don't know what to do. What if I fail on the competition again—" "Brett," I look at Olaf and he smiled, "I know you can do this, Brett. Just keep practicing." I gave him a lopsided grin and sighed, "Thanks. I need to practice more to make it perfect. I want to make you, my parents, my brother and Y/N proud of me." "Brett, we're already proud of you." I tried to control myself from bawling my eyes out.

It's been a long time since I've heard someone said that to me. The feeling of importance and love. The fear is still in there, the anger is still in there but not the same as before. My feelings are much more pleasant and vibrant, all thanks to my love, Y/N. "Cheer up, bud. We gotta continue practicing." We laughed together and talked for a moment then back to practicing for hours until my day ended.

I walked alone from Olaf's place to the main road, I took out my phone and saw missed calls and text messages from Y/N. I want to call her back but I'm guessing she's asleep already, it's like 11 p.m., I wonder what she's messaging me, maybe I'll check it tomorrow when I wake up, I'm tired as fuck. I entered the house and jumped onto my bed, I charged my phone before hitting 1% and went to sleep.


The sun peeked on my curtain as I stretched my arms, it's finally morning. I rushed downstairs and saw mom looking at me worriedly, "What?" I asked, perplexed, "Y/N stopped by before she went to her violin lessons today. She told me she was worried sick about you." Oh fuck, the unread messages! "W-Wait, mom, I'll be back." I ran to my room as quick as possible, "Shit, shit, shit, Y/N." I mumbled to myself.

hello brett, you know what day it is today!
Delivered, 7:31 AM

you're still asleep?
Delivered, 7:52 AM

remember, this 8 pm at the coffee shop :) ily
Delivered, 8:03 AM

have you eaten your lunch? you better be! :(
Delivered, 12:05 PM

I breathed heavily and scrolled down to continue reading it. I can feel the lump on my throat as I gulped. Why the fuck am I like this?

brett? are you still practicing?
Delivered, 5:40 PM

i'll wait for you at the coffee shop, okay? :)
Delivered, 6:07 PM

i'm excited for you to open my gift :)
Delivered, 6: 45 PM

bretty, i'm on my way! i would be surprised if you arrived already haha!
Delivered, 7:45 PM

you're always late, sir. >:( haha joking
Delivered, 8:12 PM

brett, are you coming? i've been waiting for 30 minutes :(
Delivered, 8:48 PM

hey brett, it seems like you're not coming, i'm going home now.
Delivered, 9:02 PM

still not reading my messages, i'm guessing you're busy :)
Delivered, 9:26 PM

I looked at my calendar and saw that yesterday was our day.

hey brett, before i go to bed, i just wanna say a happy anniversary to us. i understand you can't come, you need to focus on your upcoming competition. you don't need to apologize, i completely understand. i just wanna say that i love you very much. i hope we can have our coffee dates together soon :)
Delivered, 10:53 PM

It's 9:20, she should be going to the convenience store to buy her favorite sandwich. I quickly showered, changed my clothes and ran to the park. "Oh God, I hope she's here." I panted, my hands on my knees, "Brett?" I turned my head and saw Y/N, "Love!" I planted a kiss on her forehead and gave her a hug. "Slow down, Bretty!" She chuckled and smiled at me, "I'm so sorry for being a bad boyfriend. I-I could've cancelled my plans on my practice week—"

"Bretty, you don't need to apologize, I understand you. I should've known you have a busy week but anyways, belated happy anniversary. I left my gift to your mom, have you seen it?" I gulped and raised my eyebrows, "I haven't yet, why don't we open it together?" "Sure, I'll be there in 6:30." She held my cold hands as it quickly turned warm. We spent our time talking about her lessons and my practice week.

I'm glad to hear her contagious laugh, see her pretty smile and feel her aura. Her funny stories always put a smile on her face, "I gotta go now, I'll be late for lessons." She cleared her throat and glanced at me, "So, I'll see you this 6:30?" I smiled weakly, "Yeah, see you." Y/N left me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. I sighed, still hating myself for being selfish. I can hear in her voice that... she's definitely not okay on what I did. After meeting Y/N, I walked home and wait for 6:30 to come.


"C'mon, open it!" She grabbed my hand and sat down on the sofa, I gently ripped the gift wrapper then a thick journal fell on my foot, I grabbed the journal and looked at Y/N, "Open it." I opened the journal and saw photos of us in every page. "Whenever you feel something, you can express it on the journal, it's an ugly gift but—" "No it's not. I love this, this actually will help me. I don't think I can write anything sad here because as soon as I open it,"

I flipped the journal to the first page, "It's your cute funny face that'll see first." I giggled as she slapped me playfully, "Thank you for this, love." I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "God, I love you so much!" "Dinner time, lovebirds!" Mom called from the kitchen and she smiled. I felt so lucky to have a girl like Y/N, we do have little problems in some point in our relationship, it's never been easy but, we always find a way to keep our relationship going.

I thank her for that and I love her for that.

I'll never find someone like Y/N.


sorry for the long wait! if you're interested, i have a playlist for this story! here's the link, i hope you enjoyed reading this!


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