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I went back home and plopped myself on the sofa, I tried myself not to smile but shit. I smiled. I smiled big for the first time ever since my brother left me. "Brett?" I was startled and looked at mom, holding the picture frame. I groaned in anger and looked at the frame once again.

"I don't want to see this picture, mom. Get rid of it." I told her plainly as she looked at the picture, "But why, you and—" "I don't care, mom! That innocent looking image brings back bad memories of me." My voice cracked.

That picture was taken before my brother died from a car crash. Blue. Sadness. That's the color I only see after his death before everything turns to monotone.

I quickly knocked off the picture frame as the glass broke into pieces. Mom gasped and looked up to me, "Stay away from the broken glass, I'll clean it up. Don't touch it!" I glanced at my mom, rushing to the back of the house, I slowly picked up the picture from the floor.

I felt a small pinch on my skin but I didn't care. A single picture brings back lots of memories. I slowly turned at the back portion of the picture and saw something. Best friends forever. With his and my signature written on it.

"Brett, I told you not to touch it!" I heard my mom yelling at me, I started to sniff, my eyes went blurry. My eyeglasses were filled with tears. "Brett?" I didn't answer. I whimpered, I just want this picture to be burned until it'll completely turn to ashes.

I quickly dropped the picture and ran to my bedroom. That's when I broke down, literally. I picked up my phone from the bedside table and took off my eyeglasses, wiping my tears away.

Then, my phone lit up. It's coming from the reminders. Without any hesitation, I tapped the icon.

If you need something, don't hesitate to call or text me. I'll be there for you, Brett. Doesn't matter if you hate me or not. I'll always be here to listen.

A small smile plastered on my face.

I can't believe that someone like me actually cared. I sighed and opened the messages, she also saved her phone number already. But, I don't feel like texting her about the things I need to face.

I buried my face into the pillow, groaning out of my lungs. Then, I heard a knock. "Brett, dinner." I hear my mom calling from the outside of my room. "I'm not hungry, mom." I answered, then I heard my mom went back downstairs.

I don't have the mood to do anything. Instead of staring at the ceiling, I fell asleep.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doot~

What the hell?

Doot doo doo doo doo doo doot doo doo doot~

I groaned and tried to grab my glasses by the bedside table. I rubbed my eyes and put on my glasses. Why did Y/N pick the most annoying ringtone? I turned off the alarm then it rang again.

Reminders for today: Don't forget to smile, Brett! :) -Y/N.

"Dammit, Y/N." I chuckled and stood up, stretching my arms.

I went downstairs and saw mom and dad eating their breakfast. "Morning." I greeted, grabbing my cereal from the cupboard and milk from the fridge. I sat down beside dad and saw the two of them, staring at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?" I held the spoon with cereal in it, ready to eat but my parents are freaking me out. "You're acting... differently." I hear my dad speaking, "I'm always different, what do you expect?" I sighed and ate my cereal, mom looked at me.

"You're jumpy and happy, is it because of Y/N-" I spat out my cereal and choked from the milk, "Okay, that's enough." I quickly ate my cereal and went back to my room. "Goddammit, mom." I mumbled under my breath and groaned.

I did a quick rummage on my phone. Part of me wants to call Y/N, and the other part of me is NOT to call Y/N. I really want to talk about what's been bothering me for years. My long lost acquaintance and my brother. Alright fine, I'm gonna call her.

I tapped her name and it started ringing. Then, I hear her pick up the phone. "Morning, Brett." Her groggy voice took over my phone's speakers. "Y/N, coffee shop, 10 AM. Don't be late. I'll pay for everything. We need to talk about something." I talked fast as she stuttered.

"Wait, t-today?" She asked me, I groaned in annoyance and grimaced, "Yes, Y/N! Don't be late. See you at 10." Before she could say anything I hung up my phone as I went to take a shower and get ready to meet Y/N at the coffee shop.

I feel like she's the only person that listens to me. I'm ready to tell her what's been bothering me. I got ready to meet up with her as I heard my phone ring.

I'm on my way. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

I closed my phone and left her on read.

I went downstairs, "Where are you going?" I hear my mom ask from the kitchen, "Coffee shop with Y/N." My mom better not hear it, I can't stand her jokes about me and Y/N being in a relationship.

I don't even like her. Well, maybe a little. Platonically.

I walked all the way to the coffee shop and saw her waiting for me. Finally, she's early. I entered the shop, greeting me with her warm smile. I sat across from her and cleared my throat. "Look, I want to talk about something." I began to speak.

She nodded and waited for me to continue, "Sorry for acting strange when you asked me about the picture frame. It... kept bothering me for years." I sighed and looked at Y/N. "I know this is really weird but... you're the only person I can tell you about this."

"I had a brother; Brent was his name. He died 6 years ago, car crash." I explained. "I think... it wasn't due to natural causes." I exhaled sharply, Y/N's eyes went wide, speechless. "Why do you say so—" "Let me finish. Please."

"I even tell myself that I am the reason why my brother is gone. If I should've followed his words, then my brother will still be here." I held back my tears, trying not to cry in front of her.

"And I always think everyday... his death isn't a car crash, someone's involved in my brother's death." I stopped for a while, letting Y/N speak. "Did you mean, your brother was murdered?" I nodded, "Of course this sounds ridiculous but I think he's behind my brother's death."

I inhaled sharply. Red. I see red. Anger.

"Who's that he you're talking about?" She asked me, her eyebrows furrowed, "My long lost acquaintance," I stopped, I hate it when I say or even think about his name.

"He's been my best friend since we're 5 years old, but after my brother's death, he vanished. No one even knew where he and his family went." I explained as I breathed heavily.

Y/N looked at me worriedly as I tried to calm myself down. "Who is that long lost acquaintance of yours?" She asked me. I closed my eyes. Memories of me and him started flashing on my mind.

"Edward Chen. Also known as Eddy Chen." I finally spat it out.


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