Twenty Five

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I slowly backed away from Brett, Y/N's cries rang through my ears; I looked at the gun as smoke came out of it, my hands are bloody. This feels right yet so wrong. I should've not done that, I should've not done that.

My hands were shaking as I see people around the neighborhood panicking whole Y/N begged them to call the ambulance and the police. I stood there, frozen in fear and in guilt. "Stay with me, please. The help is on the way." Y/N hugged him, never letting go.

The flashing red and blue lights flashed in my eyes, the sirens were getting louder. My lips quivered as I stared at Brett's bloodied body, Y/N's wails... 6 years ago. The same scenario. The same monster.


"Didn't I tell you to stay away from that kid?" My dad spoke and ate his boring meal. I continue to scratch the fork on the plate, letting out an annoyed sigh, "How many times do I have to tell you, HE IS NOT A FRIEND!" He slammed his fists on the table as my tears fell down from my eyes.

I whimpered, holding tight to my toy that Brett gave me for my birthday. "He's just a kid, honey—" "I don't care if he's still a kid. Our son is such a disappointment. I thought you're better than your sister. You're much worse!" My dad walked towards me, glaring at me in anger.

I've always been jealous of Brett. He's got a loving father, a loving mother, and a loving brother. Every move he makes is making me angry, his existence makes me angry. But how could I hate Brett? He's such a nice friend with nice family. He gets all the attention, my dad goes wild when Brett only gets the attention... and not me.

I remember when we eat lunch together at the park and meet his brother, Brent there. "Hello prodigies, Maestro Yang is waiting for you!" He loves calling himself 'Maestro Yang' since he's the one who inspired Brett into classical music and playing the violin. "Guess what. I bought you guys your favorite lunch, but wait! There's something else inside." Brent chuckled.

"No way!" "Yes way!" It was the He-man toys we always wanted to buy. Brent... He loves me the way he loves his brother. He's like a family to me. I remember hugging him after I received my toys and thanking him a million times. I wish I have a brother like him. I never felt so jealous of Brett.

When I turned 10 and Brett was 12, everything went downhill. My dad wasn't happy after finding out I've been hanging out with them. "How many times do I have to tell you to STOP BEING FRIENDS WITH THAT FAMILY?!" He began to break things from my room, "You're spending too much with them and you're not practicing enough for your upcoming competition!"

"Didn't I tell you to relive my dream as a perfect musician? To be a violin virtuoso? Make me proud for goddamn once, Eddy. You are the only one who can relive my dream. They're bad influences to you, you know that? You're bad at almost everything for spending too much time with that family!" I stopped crying.

I was manipulated to hate them even though they haven't done anything wrong. I was manipulated to hate the family that made me feel love. I was manipulated to hate their family until the death of me.

I was brainwashed by my father and I stopped seeing Brett. I even stopped going lunch with him, I refuse to talk to him and I give him the glare of hatred. My violin teacher, Olaf, who also happened to be Brett's teacher, taught me on how to get better. I was hopeful to defeat Brett on Menuhin.

I, once again, was lost by Brett during the Nationals. "Congratulations, Brett. You won again." I forced a smile, "What do you mean? We won! Which means, we're going to join Menuhin together!" He giggled and hugged me, this hug... I miss it. "Hey prodigies!" "Brent!" Brett called and ran towards his brother, giving him an embrace.

"Eddy." He walked closer and kneeled in front of me, "You did an amazing job. I am so proud for you and Brett. I want you to keep going and follow your dreams on becoming the violin virtuoso. I believe in you." Those words... Those words I want to hear from my parents. I can hear my dad's footsteps behind me.

He grabbed my shoulder, "Eddy, it's time to leave. We're having dinner downtown." I slowly waved at Brent and Brett, "Goodnight and goodbye, Eddy!" Brent smiled, I ran off to my mother while eavesdropping their conversation. "Mr. Chen—" "Stay away from my child, both of you. You're influencing my child to be imperfect. You're manipulating him which caused him to lose." They look terrified.

As soon as I got home. I was having a huge fight with my dad. The walls were broken, my bow was snapped, my toys were thrown. I was hurt and broken. All I wanted was validation and love just how Brett's family love me. I was so angry that I want Brett to feel the pain I've been through. Dad never stopped manipulating me and it driven me to hate them even more.

I was 12, he was 14. It's our final violin competition before the Menuhin. My parents are in the front row, I was sweating and scared to fail. I promised myself to win. I chose Sibelius. I did my best to make the perfect performance to be witnessed by thousands of people. Up next to perform was Brett. I was angry, so angry that I slipped my bow in the middle of my performance.

I panned to my dad, sighing in disappointment. As soon as I finished my piece, I quickly ran backstage and came across to Brett, "Good luck." I said in a plain tone. I locked myself in the bathroom, crying in front of the mirror. I look fiercely into my eyes and left the bathroom. I vividly remember, my dad is waiting for me in the lobby. "There's no way you can win this, Eddy." He grabbed my hand and drove back home.

That night of the accident. It was raining heavily. I was arguing with my dad inside the car, we yelled with each other as the rain is getting heavier. "Eddy, don't make me angry!" He yelled again, "Dad, you have to listen to me!" I spoke and he stopped the car in the middle of nowhere, throwing me outside the car under the rain. I stood up from the slippery road, seeing a car speeding up, heading to me.

I closed my eyes then heard a loud crash coming from the bottom of the cliff. I am... alive? I followed at the tire tracks which lead to a cliff. The car was a wreck and it somehow looked familiar to me. I glanced at the license plate... "What?" I whispered to myself. There was no sign of life inside his car; I quickly ran off to my dad and went back inside the car, "We killed Brent."

My voice started to crack, "We should head home before anyone sees us." My dad drove off the scene and I never looked back at the collision. I became numb, my heart as a rock. After knowing Brett will turn into an emotional wreck, I will soon replace him and become the world's best musician. Just what my dad wanted.

That same night, we packed our bags and left Australia and moved to Vienna. My dad hired one of the best violin teachers and I easily became the greatest prodigy in the country. But, 6 years later, Brett came back and this is all Y/N's fault. For bringing him back to life, for being the painter of his canvas. They're seriously getting into my nerves and I hate it.

But seeing Y/N begging Brett to stay, shows how much she loves him which somehow brought back my memories with Brent. The love... is indeed a powerful weapon.

All I want is love.

All I want is validation.

All I want is someone who's proud of me.


"This is the police, don't move or you'll get shot!" I stayed still as they handcuffed me. I walked towards the car, my eyes still gazing at Y/N holding Brett in her arms. Then, the ambulance came after; I never looked back at the scene. I sniffed and whimpered, I am the problem here. I'm out here trying to ruin someone else's lives.

I am the monster... after all.


aye two updates in one day! i just wanna say, thank you so much for supporting my fanfic from the beginning until now! colors is nearly ending :(( but dont worry, i have lots of fanfictions to come an there will be an alternate ending which will be published to marshzellos2 !

will release the next chap soon!


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