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I strolled along the pavement, dodging the puddles on Brisbane's wet streets. It's been pouring rain for the past three days. I turned and went into the studio where my violin lessons are held.

They were rehearsing when I opened the door, and it pained my ears. They keep uttering my name in a whisper, "Hey, shut up. He's here." They whispered as I entered the room. But I'm used to it while they're giving me furious or frightened looks.

Since I started my new violin class five years ago, my classmates have never liked me. All I hear from them is how cold, nasty, and pessimistic I am. It is so because it is the truth. I despise them even more if they aren't fond of me.

It's nice for me that no one wants to sit next to me. "What are you looking at?" I asked, peering around the room as I noticed someone staring at me, goddamn it. He turned around, looking scared. Works without fail.

The teacher eventually showed up after ten minutes of waiting. He's late all the time. "Good morning everyone." He greeted as everybody sat down. I remained silent throughout the lesson. While they have their lessons, I silently play my brother's favorite piece.

Paganini's Caprice No. 24.

When I was about five years old, my brother was the one who encouraged me to take up the violin. We were happy together, and he was the only person I know who has ever supported me since I was a little kid. However, our happiness didn't last longer.

I was not aware of what was going on until I watched my classmates leave for snacks. And as I turned to look at my teacher, there he was, looking back at me, "How are you, Brett?" he asked. "Angry." I muttered, "Again? You're always angry, it's not good for your age." Yet I don't care.

"I saw you playing Caprice No. 24," He began. "Are you thinking about your brother again?" I was enraged, got to my feet, and said, "It's none of your business." I then turned to leave the building.

How dare he talk about my brother?! How dare he talk to me like that!

15 minutes later...

With the birds chirping at the trees and the leaves blowing into Brisbane's sweltering air, I turned my gaze to the lake and tried to find some peace. I pulled out my violin and started playing a piece by Tchaikovsky. I can forget all of my troubles, struggles, and traumas when I play the violin.

Until the alarm clock disturbed my moment, I returned back to the studio to do another episode of, 'Brett not giving a single fuck what the teacher taught in his class'. I walked on the pavement, looking down at my phone.

I checked my schedules to-, "Oh, I'm sorry my bad! I'm rushing!" I looked up to see who bumped on my back so hard that I dropped my phone and cracked my phone screen. As soon as I saw her turn left, she's nowhere to be found.

If ever I'm gonna see that lady, I swear to God I'm gonna have a fistfight with her. I entered the classroom, everyone was settled down, staring at me, "You're late." My professor said plainly, "I don't care." I shrugged and sat down in my chair.

"So today, someone's new in our class. She's also new to playing the violin, she's here to join the lessons." Our teacher spoke, still not paying attention to him describing this new girl in our class. "Let's welcome her with a round of applause." Everybody did, of course, except for me.

I stared at this girl, that girl, that damn girl. "I hope he's joking." I took a deep breath, it's that girl that bumped into me a while ago! God, her smiles are annoying, "I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you guys!" Everyone greeted her with a warm smile as well.

I am not lying, seeing her jolly face makes me wanna strangle myself. "So, Y/N, welcome to the fam! You can sit beside Brett." I see my teacher pointing at me. Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?! It was silent as soon as they heard my name.

This Y/N girl started to sit beside me but I tried my best to ignore her, "Hey, uh, Brett. It's nice to be your deskie." She said, "Um, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." She let out her hand for a handshake. As I stared at her hand, she laughed off her embarrassment.

"So, Brett," She started talking and asked me a ton of questions. Lady, I'm no criminal or some celebrity.

"How many years have you been playing the violin?"


"What's your favorite piece?"


"Favorite composer?"


"As a violinist, is it annoying when someone ask you to play Canon in D by Pachelbel?"


"You know how to play Flight of the Bumblebee?"

I groaned and looked at her eyes, those beautiful eyes, I mean ugly eyes! "Listen, Y/N. You are getting on my nerves. Can't you just shut your mouth just for once?" I hope this works.

"Wait, aren't you the guy I bumped into a while ago?" She widened her eyes, "Oh, I'm so sorry about what happened a while ago, I truly am." I swear, if she doesn't shut up, I'll let myself out! I can't stand her! "Just keep your mouth shut, I don't care what happened a while ago!" I raised my voice, making her finally shut up.

She continued to pay attention to our violin teacher, I looked at her, trying to play all the chords. All I hear are scratches, "Dammit, you're out of tune." I grabbed my violin from my case, and started to play all the basic chords.

"Y/N, you're doing it wrong! Can't you follow my hand?! Don't hold your bow like that." I held her warm hands and fixed her posture, "Now, play all the chords." She proceeded to play, it's still screeching, making my ears bleed again. "You're still doing it wrong!" I grimaced, "Well, sorry. I'm new." She shrugged. Fair enough.

"Do it again." I asked her, still the same. "I give up." I let out my hands in disappointment, "Well, it's your fault why you got exhausted of teaching me. I'm not even asking for help from you." She rolled her eyes, "Excuse me? How dare you talk to me like that?" I defended myself.

"How dare you try me with your cocky attitude?" Damn, this girl is good at arguments, "Fine, you win. Woman." I stuttered as she continued to play all the basic scales. Please take me away from this place.

4 hours later...

"Okay, that's all for today. Please be back at 9:30 in the morning tomorrow." Everyone stood up, I quickly grabbed my case and headed out of the room, "Hey Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge." That Y/N called me, "You left your phone at your stand." She gave the phone to me as I grabbed it and walked away.

She scoffed loudly, "Could I even get a 'thank you'?" She complained, "Look, Y/N. I don't care, I asked no one to give back my phone." I rolled my eyes at her and walked away from the building.

I made my way where my brother stayed, I sat down at the grass and stared at his dusty gravestone. "How are you doing, bro?" I talked, panning to the cloudy sky as the sun peeked at the clouds. "I met this girl named, Y/N." I laughed, "She's very annoying though. I can't stand her."

"I miss you so much. I wish you were here." I looked up at the sky, it's getting clear. He heard me.


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