Twenty One

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[ A/N: I highly recommend you listen to Godsent by Ben&Ben while reading this chapter! ]

The stars started appearing in the night sky as Y/N stared at it, pointing every single constellation she can find. The moon also started to appear in the sky, listening to Y/N talk about stars and constellations. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me, I can see the happiness from her eyes. "It's getting late, we should go now—" "Y/N, I-I have something to tell you." I held her hands tightly, as if I would never let go of her, "Brett, are you okay? Your hands are cold." Y/N stared at me worriedly. I don't know where to start.

God sent those eyes to get me through the night

"I just wanna tell you that..." I started to breathe rapidly, "Brett, calm down. Take a deep breath!" I breathed and calmed myself down, trying not to cry. I can feel the lump in my throat, I held back my tears, I tried to smile but I can't do it. "I think we should end our relationship. I'm sorry." I blurted it out and closed my eyes, all I can hear is Y/N's laugh, "Please tell me this is a joke." I started to whimper, "Brett, please, tell me this is just a joke. I know you're great at these pranks." I shook my head as I started to cry in front of her, "Y/N, I love you so much, I love you with all my heart," I started to speak.

And all the shadows of the past fade into white

My voice cracked, tears coming out of my eyes. "It's the only way I can save you—" "Save me from what? Aren't there any more ways?" Her voice cracked, her eyes all on me, "You're saving me from what?" I couldn't answer, I was frozen, "Brett, please answer me." "I'm saving you from the monster himself! This monster named Eddy. I can't lose another person I love, Y/N." I finished talking, Y/N was standing still, nothing to say, "You won't lose me, Brett." She held my hand, her eyes glistened from her tears building up, "Y/N, please, you don't understand. I just don't want to experience the same thing 6 years ago."

When all the memories in my head subside

Y/N scoffed and cleared her throat, "That's not gonna happen—" "How can you be sure it's not going to happen, love? I can't lose another person I love, especially you." I pulled her in a hug and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I don't care if I'll lose my colors, it's the only way I can save you." My tears rolled down to my cheeks as I whimper, "Thank you. Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for your love. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the colors. Especially pink, orange and yellow." I look at her in the eyes.

You remain here, you remain dear inside

I kissed her one last time and gave her the tightest hug. "You're welcome, Bretty." She sniffed as she pulled my shirt to cry on, "Take care of yourself, okay? I love you so much." She gave me the brightest smile. I wiped her tears away and gave her another forehead kiss, "I will. I love you too, Y/N." I calmed myself and drove her back to the main road, "Thank you, Brett." She waved goodbye and left. I went home and got surprised by my mom, "W-Where's Y/N? I cooked her favorite dish." I held back my tears and gulped, "We ended it." I gave her a weak smile.

We try to understand the way the current flows

Her eyes widened, trying to process on what I said, "What, why?" I walked away and completely ignored her and locked myself in my bedroom. It's the only way I can save her, it's the only way I can save her. I whimpered and screamed against my pillow, letting all the anger and sadness out. It hurts, it fucking hurts. Y/N, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for doing this. I just couldn't stop crying. My room slowly turned monochrome, it's dark, it's sad, the colors are all gone. Red, blue and black. I can't feel anything. Everything around me looks dead.

We find the love and plan that only faith can know

Black has taken over me. Fear. I put our photos away and kept it inside my bedside drawer. It wasn't easy, it was not easy. I'm sick of playing this stupid game. I just want to end this. Menuhin is near and he's gonna be there. He's watching me, every single move, every single breath, every single stare, he's always there. The wrecker, the ruiner, the monster. I look at the photo I broke a while back, it's me and Eddy. What happened to us? We used to be bestfriends. "Brett—" "Go away, I don't wanna talk. Leave me alone." I answered and laid down on my bed.

And underneath the veil of my wild eyes

I sighed and stared at the ceiling, like I used to do. My tears can't stop welling up, my throat is hurting, I can't stop whimpering. I hate everything, I hate my life, I hate everyone. I thought I'll be happy forever, I thought I'll be okay forever. Y/N. Y/N L/N, a girl with a genuine smile; annoying but I love her. The highlighter of my world, my serotonin, the love of my life. The person who gave me colors, the person who showed me colors. I miss you already. I will always love you until the end. You will always be my love, my highlighter, my Y/N.

Is a heart unafraid to let love inside


congrats, you made it to the end! this isnt the end, i meant you made to the end of the chapter sjdjjsn im actually tearing up while writing so i hope you enjoyed reading! quite unexpected right, chap 22 will be published soon!

~ cara

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