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Time check, 8:21 AM. I stared at the ceiling. Thinking for answers about this new feeling called love. I can't believe I felt this feeling called love. How the hell and where did I get this? I stood up and grabbed my violin and my sheet.

What's up with this piece, did they place some love potion here? I started to play Elgar's piece. I feel like I'm relieved, I feel different. "Crap." I groaned, rubbing my eyes. I've been up all night thinking for answers.

But I gotta get to my classes today. I yawned and took a warm shower. I brushed my teeth and dried up my hair. I went downstairs and held the doorknob. As I opened the door, "Bretty." Mom called me using that stupid nickname.

"I told you not to call me that." I complained, "You changed... a lot." She told me, "I don't care. I changed for myself." I walked out.

"Do you think Brent will be happy for what you did to yourself?" I stopped, furious, I stormed inside the house and slammed the door shut, my temper continuously rises, reaching its boiling point.

"Brent is long gone, mom. He's not coming back. I don't care what he thinks of me! This new lifestyle of mine is the only thing that keeps me moving and alive. Leave me be and mind your own business!" Right, what a great day to start my morning. I opened the door and walked away. I can't do this anymore.

As I walked down the pavement while looking down, I mumbled under my breath then someone called, again. I looked up to see who's calling. "Brett!" Here comes Y/N. She ran towards me, gasping for air, "Can I walk with you?" She smiled. Not again.

"Walk by yourself." I walked away, following me. I sighed and stopped walking "Y/N, you're not my tail. Stop following me!" I told her as I walked faster, "Brett, we're classmates. Both of us are heading to our lessons." I'm a dumbass, of course we're heading to the same place. Then her phone rang, "Wait for a sec, Brett." She looked down at her phone and answered the call.

"Hello? Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" Who is she talking to? "Yeah, I'll see you later!" She ended the call then squealed, in public with busy people staring at her. I ran towards her and covered her mouth. "Y/N, stop being a weirdo, we're in the public!" She looked at me.

Y/N pulled away from my hands, "You can't tell me what to do, Ebenezer Scrooge!" She continued to squeal as I scratched my head in embarrassment. "Why are you acting like this?!" I gritted my teeth, holding both of her shoulders, hoping she would be back to normal.

"Zach's gonna take me out after class!" Oh yeah, I forgot. Zach is gonna teach her some lessons. "No one cares, Y/N. Come on we're gonna be late." I raised my voice and walked to the studio. I entered the classroom and there's Y/N's knight in shining armor.

"Hey." Y/N exhaled, "Are you ready for your lesson?" Zach asked as Y/N let out a small laugh. "Stop acting like you're cute. Zach's waiting for you. Go!" I told her, "Are you saying I'm not cute?" She complained. Isn't it obvious?

"Not as cute as me." I joked, "Haha very funny, Scrooge." She rolled her eyes then went to the back of the class to start her lessons. Good luck with that Y/N. What the hell is wrong with me! Brett, why are you acting differently!

I tried to calm myself down as I heard giggles from Y/N at the back of the classroom. I can feel my classmates staring at me, but I'm not in love with her! It's impossible! I clenched my fists, "I'm not in love with her!" I blurted it out.

Everyone stared at me. Shit. I'm out of my mind. I grabbed my violin and stormed out of the room. It was embarrassing! I entered the vacant practice room, slamming the door shut. Oh God, what was I thinking?! Well, it's true but everyone will think I'm weird!

What will I do? My face feels like it's burning, am I... blushing? "No, it can't be." I squeezed my cheeks, trying to remove it from my face. Yes, that's how dumb I am. I slapped, squeezed, and pinched my cheeks as hard as I could.

I can feel my tears rolling down my face. It's painful. Duh. I calmed myself down then someone knocked on the door, I stood up, slapping my face again, "What?" I answered, "Hey uh, Brett, are you okay?" It's Y/N.

"Why did you ask?" I asked her plainly, "About what happened a while ago." Oh yeah, that. "Hey, it's already time for you to take your lessons with Zach. Get lost, I'm trying to practice." I was about to close the door, but she held the handle.

"Brett, you're never okay." She told me, "Well, why did you even bother to ask me when you already knew?" I raised my voice, "Wait, so you're never okay?" She's good at these. "You know what, Y/N, I don't have time for this. Plus, you still have lessons to learn."

"You know, Brett, you can always talk to me when something's wrong, alright? I can't leave someone who's not okay." She told me, smiling, "Yeah right, whatever." I slammed the door shut, sitting back down at my chair.

There it goes again, this feeling called love but I felt something new. I feel important. Very new to me. Pink and orange. These colors seem new to me. Love and importance. Ah, shit. I should stop thinking about this. I need to master a few pieces.

I took out my violin and played Tchaikovsky's piece, my personal favorite composer. Then again, my alarm clock went off, disturbing my practice. I groaned and grabbed my phone to snooze it for 5 more minutes.

I continued to play the piece and somehow I can remember my first violin competition when I was 8 years old. Oh, how I wish I could turn back time when I was still happy. Then, a loud knock escaped from the door, I stood up and opened the door.

"You again." I stared at Y/N, "Yup, me again. Sorry to disturb you," She entered the practice room, "I-I didn't even say you can enter the practice room." I let out my hands in frustration, "Oh, shut up, Brett. Come on, let's eat."

I sat down with her, "Don't worry I brought you food." She gave me the paper bag, I peeked inside, nice! Coffee and sandwich. "Why did you even buy me food when I didn't even ask?" I asked, confused, "Duh, I know you're exhausted and hungry. So it would be nice if I could buy food for my cold and an always angry deskie." She shrugged.

"I can take care of myself, you know." I rolled my eyes, "Hmm, this is why I love-hate you." Y/N crossed her legs, looking at me. "What even is 'love-hate'?" I asked her as I ate the sandwich. "You know, it's characterized by ambivalent feelings of love and hate felt by one or each of two or more parties."

I scoffed, "Well, I hate you." I casually told her, "Thank you for being brutally honest though." She replied sarcastically. She just kept talking and asking questions about my passion for playing the violin.

Then again, an alarm clock snoozed, it was hers. "Oh, my lessons will start in 2 minutes, I gotta go." She stood up, "Y/N," I called her, "Yes?" She turned around and looked at me, "Thank you." I thanked her, giving me a light smile.

"You're welcome, Brett." She gently closed the door as I smiled. A smile that I never did before. It made me very happy. It's been a long time since I smiled this big. Yellow. I felt happiness.

Pink, orange, and yellow.


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