Twenty Six

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I walked around the waiting room, it felt like eternity... The operation is still going and I'm starting to worry. I hope everything is fine. I panned to Brett's mom, trembling and sobbing quietly while his dad is holding back tears.

I sat down beside his mom, "I still can't believe what happened, sweetheart." She whimpered and looked at me, "I-It should be me." I stuttered, "Brett didn't deserve any of this. It should be me who's lying on that hospital bed. It's all my fault." Tears fell down from my eyes.

"No, no, sweetheart. No one deserves this. It's not your fault, no one's at fault here. Okay?" She gave me a warm hug and a little kiss on my forehead, "If you weren't here to enter his life, he'll never be the same way again."

"As soon as I saw Brett's rosy cheeks when he mentions you, smile during your lessons with him, sparkling eyes when he sees you, I immediately thought to myself; You are the one." I gulped and sniffed, "He loves you very much, he cares about you very much." 

I exhaled and wiped my tears away, "He can be so careless and clumsy. I'm pretty sure you've seen that." She chuckled as I did too, "Mr. and Mrs. Yang," The doctor called, they walked closer and entered inside the private room.

Minutes have passed, I saw them exit the room. His mom approached me and let out a faint smile, "It's successful. He's currently in the post-anesthesia care unit." I smiled and hugged her, "Thank God he's fine." I tried not to cry as we broke apart. I glanced at his dad, he smiled in relief and gave me a hug.



I opened my eyes, blinded by the bright lights inside the ward. I got up from bed, everything felt... light. Every step I take, it feels like I'm stepping on a cloud. Am I stuck between life and death? I turned around and saw my body in the bed. The room is filled with apparatuses and one nurse, I'm assuming they're checking my vital signs.

But why? Why am I stuck here? I walk out of the room and saw my parents talking to Olaf, "Mom, dad!" I called them but they didn't seem to hear it. I tried to tap my dad on his shoulder but I can't. Am I a damn ghost? I went inside the waiting room and saw Y/N sleeping with her arms crossed. I let out a smile, "How I wish I can pinch your cheeks."

Then, a faint light came from outside the building. I exited the waiting room and followed the light coming from the outside. The street of Brisbane is still busy as ever. I walked faster before the light disappears and it led me to the park. Specifically the lonely tree by the lake where Y/N and I used to have picnic dates.

I breathed in deeply, "Don't you miss staying here for hours?" I furrowed my eyebrows upon hearing that familiar voice. That familiar voice that I wanted to hear for 6 years. I look over my shoulder, tears formed from my eyes, I can't believe what I saw. This feels like a dream. "I miss you so much, Brett."

He's wearing an all white suit, he still have scars all over his face and his smile is still the same, I ran towards him and hugged him tightly, "Brent... I missed you so much." I clutched on his shirt, my tears leaving a stain on his clothes. "You've grown! The last time I hugged you, you were so small." He chuckled and smiled at me.

"And wow... You're 20 already! 6 years ago felt like it was yesterday. I would've been 26 years old now. But you know, I'm stuck to being 20. Well, at least we have the same age now!" I smiled and let out a small laugh, he's still talkative. "Eddy... I didn't expect him to turn out like that person." He frowned and shook his head. We sat down by the lake and exhaled.

"The night of the accident. I could barely move, I saw him from up the cliff, looking at me. I reached out my hand, telling him to get some help but he ran away. That was the last thing I remembered." He sighed and cleared his throat. "That same night, the time when nurses and doctors tried to resucitate me,"

"I was dumb. I could've said goodbye first before I took off to the light. The moment I saw your colors drain and turn to black and white, that's when I realized that it was a terrible move. I am so sorry, Brett. I wasn't a better big brother." He sniffed and smiled weakly, I inhaled sharply and sighed.

I look up to him, "Y/N, she brought back my colors again..." He looked at me, perplexed, "Y/N? Is that your friend?" He asked as he tilted his head, "Y/N L/N, was the most annoying person I've ever known to man. Her smile, her face, her voice, everything. It's annoying." I explained.

"She's very annoying and I don't even know why I find her annoying." Brent raised his eyebrows, continuing to listen, "Ever since I saw her; playing 'Salut d'Amour' was never the same. All I see is pink. Love. The first color I saw since 6 years ago. I've been denying it a lot, I even assumed that I love Edward Elgar himself." We laughed as I bit my lower lip.

"That's when I realized... I'm in love with her. Well, 'Salut d'Amour' meant 'Greetings, My Love' after all. She made me see these wonderful colors again. Eddy came back and tried to lose my hue again and so I abandoned my life to save her. I don't want to lose her, Brent. I already lost you." I finished talking.

Brent gave me a warm embrace, "You're not going to lose her, Brett. You're still reckless, you know that." He teased, ruffling my hair, "Eddy... He may be tough or egoistic but he's actually scared, broken and imprisoned; scared to let out what he truly felt, he's broken since he was young, and imprisoned by his fears. All he need is love."

We fell silent as the light behind my brother started to get brighter. He gently took out the clock from his pocket, "Oh, I guess I only have 10 minutes left before I leave from here." "Well, I think I have to go back to my ward." I stood up from the ground. Brent and I went back to the hospital. I was moved to Intensive Care Unit.

Y/N was holding my hand, caressing it. Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red, God, I wish I can hug her right now. If I'm gone, everyone will be safe, right? No more messed up shit and no one will be hurt because of me. "I think it's my time to go back, Brett—" "I'll go with you." My voice cracked, glaring at him.

"Wait, what? Brett, you have to think before making a decision—"

"Then, I've made my decision."

Brent looked at me in disbelief, "Think about mom, dad, Y/N! Don't be like me, you can't just leave them. They're nothing without you." I clicked my tongue, "They'll be safer without me." "Brett, that's not true!" He talked back while he tried to calm down.

"Brent... please." I speak.

"I'll go with you." I finished.

I held his hand as we slowly walked towards the light. Everything went slow. The faint beeping sound from the ICU went rapid, "Brett? Brett!" Y/N voice echoed inside my ears, the doctors and nurses came rushing inside the unit. "Are you sure about this?" Brent asked as I looked at the bright light in front of me.

I stepped forward to the light, hearing the prolonged sound escaping from the room.



omg you guys pls dont cry. also thank you so much for waiting this chapter! the next one will be published in no time (maybe tomorrow or within this week) sorry for hurting yall, pls dont cry :((

~ cara

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