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The day of the competition...

I took a deep breath as I stared into the mirror, wearing my suit. "Don't mess up, Brett." I whispered to myself and sighed, I hope this will go well. I hear a knock on the door and opened it, it's mom, "M-Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked her quizzically, letting out a smile, "Of course I'll watch you perform." Mom smiled at me as I fixed my glasses, "Really, mom?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Brett, I support you no matter what," Mom spoke.

"You are my soloist, my sunshine and my happiness, Brett. You can be a musician, a doctor or anything you like, I will still support you until the end of time." She finished off with a tight hug, rubbing my back, "I'm proud of you, Brett. So proud." I can feel a lump in my throat, tears falling down on my cheeks, "Thank you, mom." My voice started cracking as I sniffed, "Dry your tears, Brett. Come on, let's go." I walked towards professor, pulling him a hug, "Thank you Olaf."

Professor looked at me and smiled, "You can do this." I gave him a light smile as my phone started vibrating on my pocket, I checked on my notifications and it's Y/N calling. Maybe later. I declined the call and hop on the car and went to the venue of the competition. I took a deep breath and my phone started vibrating again, it's still Y/N calling. "Brett, we're here." I got off the car and fixed myself, I took a deep breath, "You can do this." I whispered to myself and went inside the hall.

I see familiar faces, I remember every single one of them, but everyone started staring at me. Hearing them whispering about me is giving me anxiety attacks.

"Brett Yang? The boy who won the biggest violin competition is finally back."

"Isn't this the boy who didn't become a soloist?" Okay, harsh.

"Oh my God, it's him. It's Brett Yang."

"It's been 6 years. Now, he's back."

I looked at professor and my parents, "It's time." I whispered and put on my best smile. "Good luck, sweetie." My mom and dad pulled me a hug as I hugged them back, "Thank you, Olaf." I looked at professor and smiled at me, "Good luck, Brett." I walked to the backstage, seeing both unfamiliar and familiar faces. I see Ray Chen at the corner, shit. I tried to keep myself hidden, "Brett?" I rolled my eyes and sighed, fuck, there's no escape. "Hey." I looked at him plainly. "You've been quiet after winning the Menuhin."

"And so?" I looked at him, anger drawn in my face, "It's such a shame you haven't achieved your goal as a soloist, unlike me." He smirked as I scoffed, "You're still the same as before, Ray." I approached him, staring at him angrily, "People don't change, Yang." "You are the talk of the competition right now. It's sad how our other colleagues can't watch you perform and fail just like you did in front of the soloists after your brother's death—" As I clench my fists, I pushed him against the wall while I breathed heavily.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Ray. Don't you ever mention my brother again." I let go of him, fixing himself and walked away. What a fucking dickhead. Red again, anger. I need to calm myself down. I sat down on the chair, waiting for my turn. I hear some of the violinists messing up their piece in the middle of their performance, bad intonations, their tempo, those are the things I've noticed. I'm hoping I don't mess up my performance. My phone started to ring and saw a text message from Y/N.

"Brett Yang, you're next." Shit, I'm sorry, Y/N. I have no time to reply. I stood up and slowly pick up my violin. Make them proud, self. There's nothing to be scared of. As I walked into the hallway with frustrated violinists at the corner, practicing their piece before their turn, all eyes turned to me. Again, I can hear them talk about me, Ray is right. I am the talk of the competition. I waited for my opponent to finish, my heart is racing hearing the applause and cheering going on at the stage.

I gulped and wiped off my sweat as the audience went silent, waiting for the next performer. Me. I walked on the stage, gasps filled the room. Mom, dad and professor are watching me, no sign of Y/N. Fuck, why did I even expect her to be here? As I reached at the center of the stage, the spotlight made my anxiety intensify. "I am a fighter." I muttered and looked at my accompanist, I started playing the piece and I felt... nothing. What?

Kreutzer, Beethoven. The very first piece I performed on stage. My sweat started falling, I'm glad that my accompanist still accepted to play for me. I paused and looked at the audience; mom, dad, professor and... what the hell? "Eddy Chen?" I whispered to myself, I took a deep breath. Red, anger. I started playing intensely, making the audience startle. I am angry, very angry. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down but I just can't. He's here, he's watching me.

I opened my eyes again and he's gone. Where did you go? I want to talk to you. Why did you do that. You imbecile. You monster. I panicked and tried to keep my anxiety down. As my sweat fell down on the ground, anger filling my face, I saw Y/N across the room. You're late, dork. My heart is beating normally after I saw her. I don't see pink. I looked on my violin and saw different colors coming out, spreading in the room.

I see different colors instead of just one. My world is know filled with colors. I looked at her. Thank you, for bringing back my colors. Everything is brighter and pleasant to see. I finished off my piece as I gasped for air, the whole room silent, everybody is staring at me. I did it, I faced my fear. There's nothing to be afraid of. Then, everybody started clapping and cheering, it does put a smile on my face. I looked at Y/N, smiling back at me.

I bowed, just like I did when I first performed. I walked out of the stage, waiting for the competition to finish. I packed up my things and saw professor walking towards me, "Was it good?" I tried to catch my breath, "No," "It was the best." I looked down and smiled, "Thank you." I gave him a tight hug, never ending tears were falling on my cheeks. "Your parents are waiting for you at the hall."

I carried my case and went to the lobby, I see my parents and Y/N talking to each other. "Hey." I called, my mom and dad facing on me and again with the hug, I finally hugged back. It's been a long time since I haven't hugged my parents like this, we broke apart and I approached Y/N. "Hey, Y/N." "Brett, I-I'm very sorry about what happened last week, I-I-I didn't mean to—" I held her hand as I stepped forward, embracing her.

"You dork, it's your fault," I spoke, "If it wasn't for you, everything will still be black and white. Y/N, you brought colors in my life." She hugged back, feeling her happiness, "I'm proud of you, Brett." I grinned as we stared at each other. We're gonna wait for the results. I sat down beside Y/N, awkward silence filling our atmosphere, I really need to ask her out or something. "How's Melbourne?" She asked as I flinched. Brett, calm the heck down.

I muttered and cleared my throat, "It's a long ride but fun." I explained and chuckled. Recognition drew on her face and frowned again, "I kinda miss going on a road trip with my friends back in my country." I looked down on my phone, "Well, if you missed going on a road trip, let's have a road trip together. Just the two of us." Our eyes locked, smile plastered on her face, "Really?" "Of course, I owe you one."

Everyone went to look at the results as I saw mom and dad hugging each other, they slowly approached me and gave me a smile, "You're in. Congrats, Brett!" I stood up and thanked my parents and professor, I looked over my shoulder and looked at Y/N, "Should we go for dinner to celebrate? Come on, Brett." "You go first, I'll talk with Y/N for a while." Mom, dad and professor went out of the building and I looked back at her.

"Y/N, I wanted to thank you so much. I feel like I'm back again, it's because of you. I was so hopeless at first but when you came, I always tell myself; you're the one who can bring me back. And it's all true. Y/N, I—" I stopped talking and frowned, black, fear. I'm afraid she'll reject me. She looked at me, "Y/N, I'm grateful for bringing me back." I finished off, "Brett," Her warm hands touched my ice cold palm, "You don't need to thank me."

I looked at her deeply, our faces leaning forward. Our hands intertwined, I chuckled as we let go of our hands and cleared my throat, well, that's awkward. "Stay for dinner, mom makes amazing food." "Duh, did you just realize it now?"


hello! how did you feel after reading this chapter? i'm excited to know! also this is longest chapter i've written in this fanfic!


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