Twenty Four

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As the sun set, I closed my bedroom window and sighed. I look at my reflection deeply on my window; my swollen lips are almost healed. "Such an idiot." I murmured to myself and grabbed my phone by the bedside table. All I want now is some peace of mind, a coffee perhaps? Should I ask Y/N out?

I opened my messages and tapped on her name. Thinking... Maybe not. I turned off my phone and put on my jacket. I left home and walked to my favorite local cafe; everything is still the same. The atmosphere, lights, aroma, and the bitter aftertaste of my favorite drink. It feels weird.

The only missing here is Y/N.

I sipped my coffee and sat by the window, reminiscing the moments I shared with her. The time I went with her at the arcade, the time when we shared the jacket under the rain, the time we went on a picnic together while pretending I wasn't in love with her... which I failed miserably.

"Brett?" I blinked and snorted on my coffee. Oh God, when am I gonna stop embarrassing myself? "Oh my God, I'm sorry for scaring you! Here, some tissues." A familiar voice said, handing me tissues. "It's no problem, thanks." I looked up to see who it is, "Y/N?" I smiled and gave her a hug.

"What are you doing here all alone?" She asked, "I uh, need some peace of mind. I'm so stressed lately and I've been practicing too much." I explained, sipping my coffee, "Hey," I began to shake as I felt her warm hands on my palm, "Don't go too hard on yourself, take some rest. You can always talk to me." She gave me a warm smile.

I glanced outside and scoffed, "Do you wanna take a walk?" I asked nervously, waiting for her to answer, "Of course! You know how much I love spending time with you." I felt my cheeks burning, assuming I'm blushing. Goddammit, this is embarrassing. I finished my coffee and left the shop with her as the cold breeze pinched our skin.

The sky started clearing up, the moon and stars are now visible at the big night sky. "Don't you miss going at our spot? The peak? Where we can view the city lights and try to find shooting stars?" I asked, smiling nervously, "I do actually. It's been a long time since we went there." Y/N sighed and chuckled.

"We should go there, maybe stop by. Well, if you don't mind." I glanced at her, "I don't mind at all. I miss the breeze and the view there!" I can't help but smile at her. Her genuine smile, her voice, her personality. Everything about her is vibrant.


The peak still looks the same as before. It never changed. She took a deep breath and exhaled, "It's good to be back." I gathered some twigs as I light it up. We sat down on the grass as the fire is starting to grow. "Hey Brett, remember when we used to yell at the top of our lungs here? I vividly remember you flipping off the sky?" She let out a small laugh, "Oh yeah! I was so pissed at that time."

We laughed out loud, remembering every memory we shared with each other, then, silence. I cleared my throat and sighed, "I still love you." I murmured, "Say that again?" She asked, raising her eyebrows, "I said 'I want more coffee'." I said, my heart was beating faster. Thankfully, she didn't hear it.

I need some way to prove that this was real
A memory is not enough
I'm scared that I'll forget the way it feels
To be young and in love

"I still love you too." My eyes went round, my lip quivered and my hands were getting cold, "But... Didn't I promise you I'll be fine? Why did you choose to let me go?" She asked, her voice now cracking. "I-I was scared. To lose you the way I lost my brother." I stuttered and chuckled through the pain.

Y/N glared at me and held my hand, "I was hurt, it was excruciating. I cried a lot, and what I'm feeling still remains burdensome. And it was such a selfish move, you know that?" She laughed it off while tears fell down from her eyes. "But I understand. I know you are afraid. I promise you this: you will never lose me."

I sniffed and wiped off her tears. I gave her a warm hug as I whimpered, "I'm so glad I met you, Y/N." I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath, then I looked at her. Another pause. I leaned closer and stopped, "It's getting late, we should go home." I spoke as the fire died out. "Yeah. We should." She replied and grinned.

"I should send you home. It's late." I talked, trying to escape from the awkward air, "Oh, I can walk home alone—" "Y/N, it's late. I want to make sure you're home safe." Her eyes sparkled like stars, "Thank you." I held her hand while we walked and talked. Y/N's sincerity is making me fall in love with her even more.


We stopped walking and our hands are now apart. It's time to say goodbye, "Thank you for today, Brett." She gave me a smile, "I had a lot of fun. We should do it again sometime." I replied. Long pause. "Yes. Of course. I'll see you." Y/N hugged me once again. I swear, her hugs are like home, "Goodnight, goodbye."

I look at the time, it's almost 8. I should go back home before mom starts worrying about me. "What a surprise." I startled and squinted my eyes. It's goddamn Eddy. "Eddy?" Y/N raised her voice, shocked, "Eddy, what the hell are you doing here? Are you stalking us?" I asked, furious

"Woah there! You don't want me to bust your lip again, right? Let me explain." I exhaled deeply as I backed up Y/N away from him, "I just want to talk." Eddy snapped his fingers and chuckled like a psychopath, "To talk about what? There's nothing to talk about." I furrowed my eyebrows.

Eddy laughed as he fixed his hair, "You really ARE ignorant, prodigy." He clicked his tongue, "How come you get all the attention and not me? Besides, we're on the same level. But you somehow got everything. Everytime I see you, I get jealous. Angry. Hurt." Eddy explained while I'm perplexed.

What does he mean by that?

"But I've outdone myself. You became an emotional wreck after you found out about your brother." I let out a small gasp, "You somehow vanished, rebelled and filled with hatred." He laughed once again, "It's funny seeing your colors fade. As what they say, happiness won't last long." I'm in the verge of breaking down, I want him to shut the fuck up, "Enough." Y/N warned.

"Suddenly, your beloved Y/N came and became the Van Gogh, the Monet, the Picasso of your life. Bringing back your colors again. You rose back up again, prodigy. You don't understand what I've been through and you don't understand how much I hate you!" Eddy reached to his pocket, pulling out a damn gun.

I can't believe this is happening right now! "Don't you dare hurt her!" I grabbed Y/N's arm, letting her hide behind me, "I'm not hurting anybody. Don't worry. Unless, Mr. Prodigy owes me an apology." I raised my hands and walked closer to Eddy, "Say you're sorry." He insisted. I breathed heavily.

"No." Everything went slow motion, all I see is Eddy pointing the gun to her, "Goodnight and goodbye, Y/N." "No!" I grabbed his arm, hopefully he didn't pull the trigger. A loud deafening bang. I closed my eyes and glanced over my shoulder, Y/N is petrified and Eddy looked at me in shock. I let out a breath, my mouth felt warm.


Her voice echoed through my ears as I see her running towards me. I slowly collapse to the ground, my eyesight is getting blurry, "Y/N..." I reached to her cheek then it went black.

Did I just got shot... by Eddy Chen?


it turned pretty dark really quick lmfao also as what ive said, i made a little trailer for colors!! enjoy watching the video!!

the next chapter will be released in no time :)) thank you for your patience!!


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