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A/N: Izuku's POV unless said otherwise.

It was the first day of UA. I was up and ready for it hours earlier. I was so exited. Me and Hitoshi spend the night together and at some point he fell asleep while I couldn't. I decided to visit my Domain an all my quirks creation or creature of the darkness as they like to call themselves.

I was born quirkless and I lived my whole live being treated that way. Needless to say I tried what almost every quirkless kid did but in comparison to them I failed terribly and that I think around 7 times.

A great number I know!

I tried different things and nothing worked. Funny or more like sad thing was that I was actually saved by one and the same person and that person kinda adopted me. He together with Nezu are both my father's now. The person I am talking about is none other than the pro hero Eraserhead also known as Aizawa Shota or as I like to call him Caterpillar!

Thanks to him and Nezu, I am still alive and not only that but they also made sure that I knew that they would be there for me no matter what.

I loved them all as a family. I had three dads and one brother. It was funny being with them. First, it was me spending each week with a different dad but that soon changed in everyone living on UA's ground.

After being so far away from Dadzawa and Hitoshi, I proposed Nezu to make some kind of dorm system for him and all the students that would be attending UA.


Because I had this feeling that someone had something against UA and was about to attack it. I knew for a fact that UA was about to be attacked because of my quirk. I told Nezu about it and he immediately strengthened the security measurements and built a whole building for every department. Each class would then have only access to their floor. Each floor also had a different entrance so that the other students wouldn't even be able to go to another years floor.

I just said I was born quirkless and now that I had a quirk.

Confusing right?

Well you see, I was born quirkless but after trying so many times to end my shity life, I kinda got an trauma induced quirk. I call it Shadow Master.

Shadow Master:

- Teleportation: The user can teleport himself, any object or person he desires through shadows. The places he wish to travel need to be connected with a shadow for obvious reasons. With a lot of training, he can bypass that condition and summed shadows anywhere he wishes.

-Summoning: The user can summon any creatures of the night. The summoned creature has only one master and cannot be taken away from his master.

-Control: This allows the user to control and command any shadow creature or quirk of other persons including any teleportation quirk that uses the element of darkness.

-Nightmares: The user can create a world full of nightmare by simply looking at the victim into his eyes. This will effect will be visible to anyone since the users eyes get a golden circle around his pupils. The victim will after the user sets the condition of the nightmare then fall into a slumber where he can't wake up unless the user frees him.

-Future sight: This is an ability that lets the user see the future when he looks up at the moon. It is very hard to control this part of the quirk since the user can't choose which part of the future he will see.

-Regeneration: The user will heal itself in the darkness or a shadow. He can't be killed while being in a shadow as the regeneration will take immediately effect and heal the user in matter of seconds.

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now