Why me?

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One week has passed after that incident and I became very close to Shoto. Aizawa was mad at me first because I didn't let him pet my ears and tails when I was a cat or a cat hybrid but after Recovery Girl smacking some sense into him, he could understand how scary he might have looked.

As for the guy that did this to me. Let's say I found Nezu smiling in his office the other day and after asking him why he was smiling that weirdly, he told me the truth and that the guy was broke and living on the street after he was done with him. Though I was sure that he meant that the guy was nowhere to be found and vanished from the face of earth. That was just judging from the smile I got from him but I might also be wrong at this.

All in all, I didn't find it to be that big of a deal since I now was spending a lot more time with Shoto and he also warmed up to me. At first it was hard just having a conversation with him but now... We could speak for ages and had still things to talk about. He also started to smile more often too!

Today me, Shochan and Toshi were walking towards the classroom. It became normal to find ud three to walk around together. Not only that but I would also spend some time with Dark Shadow and Tokoyami just to give the shadow creature some attention before it would go wild.

Shochan: What do you think they have planned for us today?

Toshi: I don't know but dad was in a bad mood.

Me: He is always in a bad mood after waking up.

Toshi: Also, true.

Shochan: Hawks was yesterday rather in a good mood.

Me: Yeah. I still don't get why he is making group exercises and left me out each time just to go against me?

Toshi: He looked to be interested in your quirk.

Me: He should be careful around them though.

Shochan: They just love you and protect you.

Me: I know and I love them too!

Toshi: Come to think of it, didn't he say that he was looking forward to today?

Me: Yep.

We arrived in our classroom and went to our seat since we were just in time before the class would start. The fault for this was mine. Toshi and Shoto came over to the house I live in with Nezu and I overslept. Needless to say, that Fenrir at some point brought me to my domain thinking it would be better there in order not to be disturbed while I was sleeping. Well, he thought wrong and I only woke up 15 minutes before the class start.

This was also the reason why Fenrir was in the shadow realm and I had Kuro following me for today. I don't know what has gotten into that wolf but it was sure not a good thing letting me oversleep. It was so peaceful that I could have even slept for a much longer time if not for Abyss and Pandora to scold Fenrir for that. The loud argument woke me up and after that I quickly prepared myself for the day and met up with them.

What a great start into the day.

Once we were in our seats Aizawa came into the room like a normal person this time. Hawks was also following him.

Aizawa: Listen up, I want you all to change into your hero suit and come outside.

Hawks: As for Izuku, you are meeting up with me on the roof!

After that both of them went out of the room.

Me: Why me?

Toshi: Don't know!

Shoto: Sometimes I really want to make some chicken nuggets out of him. Why is he always targeting you Izu?

Toshi: What did you do?

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