You want to do what?

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Fenrir: Master can I kill that cockroach today?

Me: huh?

It was just early in the morning. Me and Shinso were currently walking to school together since we didn't want our parents to drives us there and anyone finding out that they were our fathers.

Though, I must say him calling me and Shinso by or names and not family names was a little bit suspicious. Lucky no one really mind that.

Toshi: What did he say?

Me: I don't get it myself!

I have Fenrir following me beside me since he was part of my quirk and my protector after all.

Fenrir: Master, I want to get rid of that bulky ass monkey!

Me: Fenrir I don't get what you are saying. First a cockroach and now a monkey.

Fenrir: I don't want to speak the name out since he doesn't deserve to be names but since it can't be helped. I mean All Might.

Me: Say what?

Toshi: Izu? You okay?

If I would have been drinking something then I would have definitely spit out what I just drank. However, since I was walking, I just stopped in mid track. Both Fenrir and Hitoshi were two steps away from me and needed to turn back around.

Fenrir: Master why are you so shocked?

Me: You want to just make someone disappear... How can I not be shocked?

Toshi: Say what now?

Now it was his turn to look at my wolf completely confused.

Fenrir: It's not like he doesn't deserve it.

Me: Still, it's not something we can just casually speak of.

Fenrir: I do not see the problem in that, master.

Me: For one I would get in trouble. Not to even mention what happens if they find out about it.

Fenrir: We will make it so that no one not even the rat will be able to find it out.

Me: Ahm that doesn't make it any better.

Toshi: Who is it?

Me: The number 1.

Toshi: Villain?

Me: Hero.

Toshi: Ohh.

Me: Hm-mh!

Toshi: Welp Rest in Pieces!

Me: You mean peace, right?

Toshi: Nope.

Fenrir: He won't be in one piece after I am done with him. So, he is right.

Me: Toshi please say anything normal.

Toshi: Why? He is the reason why you tried committing so many times.

Me: He is also the reason I got a new family and a quirk. Not to mention what will happen to us... Me... If they find out Fenrir is my quirk and not a stray dog or a wolf.

Toshi: Arg! Fine. Killing is bad.

Fenrir: But!

Me: No buts!

Fenrir: I understand master.

I saw his tail drop and it was clear to me buy his body land that he was sad about it.

Me: You can scare him but no killing, okay?

I began walking again and the moment I was by my wolfs side, I crouched down and began patting his head. His mood immediately changed and he leaped forwards, tackling me to the ground and licking my face for a little bit.

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now