Quirk Assessment: Distance Run

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Once I was lined with the others it was time to call upon Kuro. He was one of my dear shadow creatures from my realm.

I hope Kuro won't do something stupid.

He might try and use his own ability here...

This might get in a wrong direction but I still want to give him a chance.

Hmmm. He won't be that fast but he also won't be able to run extremely long which is not necessarily here.

I wonder if it is not better to call upon Arashi.

He has wings but he is also part lion and a bird so he might be better suited for this.

But Kuro might is smaller and if I choose him he might not freak out the others that much since he will running instead of me.


Aizawa: Get ready! GO!

Just like that I watched everyone start the distance run, everyone but me.

Aizawa: Izuku?

He looked at me clearly confused.

Me: I just wanted some space in order not to hurt anyone or irritate them.

Aizawa: Okay.

Me: Kuro!

A black fox jumped out of my shadow and right in front of me,

Kuro: Yes master?

Me: Can you help me out with the task?

Kuro: Sure!

Me: Will you let me ride on you?

The moment I asked him that he came around me and then lowered himself so that I could get on his back.

Kuro: Hop on Master!

I climbed on his back and then told him to run. While we were running together I told him what the purpose of this exercise is.

Kuro: But Master, Distances are not quite my thing.

Me: I know but I still wanted to give you a chance.

Kuro: I see. Thank you master!

He sounded very happy the moment I told him that and even picked up some speed. We were trailing behind everyone but the moment he heard me say that he began running at his full speed and jumping over the people. He was careful though. It was clear to me that he was watching them and carefully jumped over them making sure not to hurt them.

He went even so far as to run in front of everyone even Iida and he was the fastest.

Kuro: I will get you first place Master!

As Kuro was running and I was holding on to his back, I could see something red approaching us from the side. It was no other than Hawks. He was flying beside us.

Hawks: Say, why are you not using a faster creature? The cat over there looked like it was a lot faster?

Me: She is but the others would get jealous over her if I would use her twice.

Hawks: Others? How many are there?

Me: I have Kuro here, Fenrir the wolf, Arashi a griffen, Blaze the phoenix over there, Abyss a dragon and Pandora the tiger-dragon mixed breed over there.

Hawks: I am curious. Do they have a quirk too?

Me: Yes, they do and my quirk allows me to use theirs as my own.

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