Break out!

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I was still in the same room and I have lost all kind of pain. Nothing hurt me anymore. All I was worried about was my family and my boyfriend who would die if I didn't find a way to escape.

???: How are we today? Still don't want to join us?


???: *Sigh* -you sure are stubborn child!

Me: Why not kill me then?

???: Because your quirk is far more important. Get the specialist in!

Said the voice over the communication system. The door opened soon after the voice said that and I could hear someone walk towards me.

???: Hello Izuku. I will be diving into your mind and force activate your quirk. I recommend you to relax and let me do my job if you don't want to feel any pain that is.


I started moving around still trying to escape. The chains were cutting into my skin and I knew that it was only a meter of time until I would break. Still I refused to go down that easy. My body was at his limit but my spirit was not easy to break.

???: Remember that this was all your choice!

With that the man injected me something again and in the next moment I felt like I was burning up and not only that but I felt something inside of me trying to get out. As if that was not enough I began seeing black dots the moment the man put his hands on my bare chest.


It hurt soo much even tough I thought that I couldn't feel any pain anymore. MY quirk was reacting and I could feel it. It was trying to break free and activate a portal to my realm. However I could have that and so I was fighting against it.

???: Fighting is useless.


I closed my eyes as I tried to escape his touch. My quirk might act up but I still couldn't feel my shadow creature at all. Then I felt it. It was not enough. I was currently too weak to hold my own quirk back. There was no chance I would let them into my domain and hunt or capture my creatures.

As my eyes were closed and I was focusing on my quirk I suddenly saw two eyes opening in front of me. They had the color of ice blue and they reminded me of Shoto's.


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I couldn't think straight anymore but I could see a pair of ice blue and red eyes looking at me. They really looked like Shoto's.

 They really looked like Shoto's

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Me: ECLIPSE!!!!!

I had enough of this pain and the moment I was about to give up I felt an extreme heat coming from inside of me and the cold of my surroundings that was when I felt him.


The room was a really bright room but the moment I screamed his name, flames began to cover the whole table including me and the person that was touching me immediately backed away but it was already too late. The flames has touched him. They were no ordinary flames they were pitch black and began eating the man and everything that was around them and in the way of protecting me.


Even tough the man's hands were gone I still felt the pain of my quirk trying to unleash every one of my shadow creatures. This was a bad moment for this. As if that was not enough I heard a Siren going off and the chains around me began to tighten even more. Not only that but I felt a prick on my skin and I knew that there was a mechanism that would immediately inject something into me the moment I get out of control.

The door to the room burst open but the heat of the flames began increasing until the lights exploded above me.

Eclipse: HISSSSSS!!!!

It was the moment that the room went dark that I could hear a hiss coming from behind me and I felt something freezing cold at my ankles where the chains were. In the next moment they broke. The metal couldn't stand the mixture of cold and hot around them.

Soon after that I felt something pick me up gently and all I could see where to large fangs and dark greenish black scales. It was a huge black serpent.

Eclipse: I shall burn this place down! No one shall escape my wrath!

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Eclipse: I shall burn this place down! No one shall escape my wrath!

I was still fighting against whatever was the last injection. The effect was clear. My quirk was immediately canceled and I didn't had to fight the sensation of opening a bridge towards my domain but now I had to fight the surging pain that was flowing though my veins.

However I could see what was happening. Black flames began to destroy everything. Screams were echoing through the hallways as my shadow creature began quickly to destroy everything and find the people responsible for this.

Eclipse: You can rest master! Leave this to me!

I heard some gunshots and was immediately thrown out of my exhausted state.

Me: NO!

The moment I screamed and looked at the people that were shooting at Eclipse the immediately went up in black flames.

Me: *exhausted exhale*

Eclipse: That is my power Master, you shouldn't draw upon it in your current state. I am lucky to have such a caring Master!

From what I know was that Eclipse went through every single floor of the building burning it to pieces. I could hear people screaming but I didn't care. They wanted to hurt my family and my quirk. They tortured me and this is what they got.

After Eclipse made sure that everyone was dying in his flames and his flames beginning to eat the whole building, he went ahead and began going back to the darkest room.

Eclipse: I am bringing Master back! Fenrir now!

The moment he slithered into the dark room, I felt us being transported into my domain. I was barely conscious and didn't really know what was going on but I felt how Eclipse put me down and then a warm feeling that was all I felt before blacking out again.

Blaze: Welcome back Master!

Abyss: I will rip them to pieces!

Eclipse: They are burning into my hellflames!

Pandora: Good that is even more painful than just being ripped apart.

Fenrir: He protected us!

Kuro: We are forever in his debt!

Ferluci: He is our Master after all!

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now