Bad day!

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Fenrir quickly teleported me back into my room so that I could grab my things and I went to the shower after telling them to go back. Once I was in the bathroom, I stopped right in front of the mirror. There I saw my reflection. I just stood there and looked myself into the eyes.

My own reflection was something I hated to see. There was nothing that could change that. I never liked it and now it was reminding me of my past and I hated it.

I might have a new family and I would hopefully find some friends but looking at myself, no, that was something I couldn't do. My scars were okay for me. I had so many of them. Not only from Bakugo but also from myself. 42 scars equally split on my arms. I would always cut on the same track lines never add more or do it on a different spot. It was something I couldn't control. Then I had one very light scar all around my throat from that time when I tried to hang myself.

They all remembered me of my past but I got used to them and I accepted them as a part of me but looking in the mirror, I could see my own eyes and that was something I hated. Every time I did I felt like I was suck into them and I would spiral down an endless hole filled with nothing but despair. I didn't like it and that's why I nearly destroyed every mirror in the room I had. This one however was one that I never touched and it was the only one left. However, I couldn't help it and destroy it right in front of me. I literally punched the face of my reflection.

I felt angry at myself for being a disappointment again. Even though I knew I wasn't a bother but me being late on the first day messed with my head and I hated it! I needed to let some steam out and so I punched the mirror. It immediately scattered and in the next moment, Kuro and Fenrir jumped out of my shadow.

They must have felt the sudden rage that I had and also the pain of the wound I got from it. Punching a mirror was not the brightest idea. Now I had splitters of it in my hand.


Fenrir: I will get Recovery Girl!

Kuro: Go!

Me: NO!

Fenrir: But, Master?!!!

I was still in my clothing and all I wanted was to change into the uniform and take a quick shower. However in the end, I came in felt the rage of my own disappointment and injured myself.

What a great start!

I felt a mix of angriness and sadness.

Me: Just turn of the lights please... I don't want to interrupt Recovery Girl...

Fenrir: Master, I am sure you wouldn't bother her. We could ask her for help.

Kuro: Fenrir, teleport us back to Masters domain! I will wait there!

With that, Kuro jumped back into my shadow and disappeared. I had a vague feeling I knew what was about to happen. This was not the first time I did something like this. From time to time, I would relapse and they would always be there for me.

After the fox disappeared Fenrir teleported me back to our domain. Blaze came immediately flying towards me. He had some genius healing capability and he was the only one that could actually also heal me.

Blaze: Master, can you show me your hand?

He asked nicely and he was also carefully approaching me. They knew that I could attack them because I did it once. I had a really bad day and they wouldn't let me be and I just snapped and used the Nightmare ability from Abyss without him knowing. This was also the time we found out that I could actually force their ability to activate. The moment I realized what I did I not only felt bad but also collapsed in front of them. I was out cold for 12 hours and they all were close to me and they all cared for me.

I stretched out my hand to the phoenix and he touched my hand carefully with his beak. All the shards began falling down and in the next moment my wounds began to heal themselves.

Me: Thanks Blaze....

Kuro: Master, you are not a disappointment!

Me: Wha-?

Kuro: I can see the sadness in your eyes master and we all feel your rage mixed with sadness and disappointment. It's also not hard to know what you think of yourself. We all love you!

With that he came close to me. I couldn't help myself and hugged him. I felt like I needed to know that he was there.

Abyss: If we knew that us bringing you to the island would make you feel that way, we wouldn't have done that.

Blaze: We are so sorry, Master! We should have thought this through.

Arashi: It's all our fault, Master. Punish us as you wish, we deserve it!

I stopped hugging the fox and looked up at them. Next, I went to each and every one and hugged them too including Fenrir.

Me: It's not your fault! I can tell that you just wanted to surprise me and let me relax and to be honest I enjoyed it very much! So Thank you!

Kuro: I know something that will lift up your mood master!

Me: huh?

Kuro: Let's go back! You can take your shower and change into the uniform.

Fenrir: Kuro, don't you even dare to do one of your little stunts!

Abyss: That is indeed unwise!

Balze: You will make everything worse!

Kuro: Come on guys, just trust me!

I could tell that no one wanted him to do whatever he was about to do but I saw the glimmer in his eyes, how could I not let him have some fun? How should I prohibit him from doing something when all he wanted to do was cheer me up?

I simply couldn't.

Me: Okay.

Fenrir: Master, are you sure?

Me: Yeah, I trust all of you guys!

Fenrir: *Sigh* Kuro, don't you dare and disappoint Master!

Blaze: Kuro, harm Masters Reputation and I will show you wat true hotness of a flame means!

Arashi: Harm him in any way and I will see to it, that you will never leave Master domain again!

Abyss: That will be the least of his worries!

I could hear Kuro gulp before we left.

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now