Tonight's specialty chicken nuggets

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Abyss POV:

The moment my Master told me I was free to go after the chicken, I went after him and even happily announced my hunt with a roar.



Not any later I began walking around the building until I saw a window and just made a dash for it. I didn't care about the wall or anything. I knew that my skin, especially my scales would protect me and that this was not a reason for the building to collapse on my Master.

Once I smashed through the buildings wall, I landed on the ground safely before taking off into the air. As far as I could tell, the hunt hasn't even started but who cares anyway.

Now where would a stupid chicken hide?

If I was a chicken, I would be up in the sky too.

Looking around me, I didn't see anything red until something came into my view for a second.

So there you are!!

It was something red and it was in the opposite building. However I was not stupid. I could smell the chicken and just by that I knew he was not in that building but on the side of the building my master was in. I decided to play along and began circling around the building Izuku was in before landing on top of it.

Just a couple of minutes later, I could hear some flapping of wings and that was when I decided to show myself and look over the edge of the side.

ME: ROAR!!!!

Not only did I unleashed a battle cry but I also used my black flames on him. What would a dragon be without their flames? I was the strongest of my kind after all and that included being an incredible hunter.

Once the flames died out I could see some ashes falling to the ground of a couple of feathers that I got.

So the chicken is fast?!

No problem for me!

Closing my eyes I began focusing on my surrounding and found the chicken immediately. He was about to enter through a window and since I was on the roof all I had to do was jump down on him.

He however was faster than I thought but stupid at the same time. The moment I landed in front of the building, I looked up at him opened my wings to be intimidated and screamed while looking him into the eyes and using my ability.

Me: HAHAHAHAHA How very unfortunate!

Not only did I have him in my control but he was also falling down now. I used that opportunity to send him flying right into the next building and smashing him through the wall to. All I did was hit him with my tail and he goes wooooosh!

After that I went towards him my control still active. For now I would play with his physical body before joining him into the black void I send him in. It was not as black. I made him be chained to a wall in a very dark room that could be pitch black room. On top of that the room was beginning to fill itself with water.

The pain I was inflict8ing on them in their nightmares are real for them. However if I was about to kill him, he would still live in reality but experience the pain of dying. What a great ability I had. I loved it.

Once he "crash landed" into the building I quickly walked over to the building he was in and looked through the small opening. He was there laying on the ground. Without even a second doubt I used my head and smashed into the building and used my mouth to bite into his wing and pull him out just to throw him into the next wall. However the wall was sturdiest this time and he just managed to crack it before falling down.

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