Quirk Assesment Test: The beginning

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Once we were all outside, I saw Aizawa in his sleeping bag. It was not that hard to find him. A yellow sleeping bag is never a good camouflage thing but he loved that color. After Kuro's stunt with the class, I let him go back to my domain and went out with Hitoshi. We both were the first one out.

Me(whispering): What do you think he will do as a quirk assessment test?

Hitoshi(whispering): I don't know but knowing that he will make it hellish just to enjoy watching us suffer.

Me(whispering): I don't know. Maybe he will be nice this year since we both are here.

Hitoshi(whispering): Nope, remember him training us? What was nice about that?!

Me(whispering): Us? I never participated only watched you train with him for a little bit.

Hitoshi(whispering): Ohh right and you always were laughing at me! I remember now!

Me(whispering): Well that's because you try the dumbest and stupidest tricks. I mean who yells in a battle watch out cat?!

Hitoshi(whispering): You know dad and his fetish for cats, so it was a valid try.

Me(whispering): Sure sure...

It was time for the quirk assessment test. We both knew about the test since Mic and Midnight told us all about it. It was not only a test to see how good we were with our quirks, no, it was a test designed to let him figure out our character. This tet will show us who want to be a hero because they want to help the society or if they are only after the money and the fame.

This was no game, to be a hero was in general no game. Heroes risk their life on a daily basis and as such, the live of the others lay before them.

Aizawa: Took you longer than expected.

Hitoshi: You should have seen Bakugo! He was acting as a dog!

Aizawa: Hmm... I would indeed loved to see that.

For the moment, it was only us three outside.

Me: So this is the moment of your famous quirk assessment test where you expels the most of your students right?

Aizawa: *Sigh* Who told you about it?

Hitoshi: Paps did!

Aizawa: I swear he will get in trouble sometime with his big mouth.

Me: He didn't told us the assignments though. He only told us the reasons why you are doing this.

Aizawa: Good.

Hitoshi: Dad?

Aizawa: Hm?

Hitoshi: You are smiling like a maniac. It is freaky.

This was the moment when we heard the rest of the students come out. Everyone one of us were hanged into their gym outfits.

Uraraka: What are we doing out here.

Iida: Shouldn't we be in the auditorium?

Aizawa: Shut up, all of you!

He used his quirk for intimidation which helped him against the rest of the class besides me and Hitoshi. We were used to see him use it on us and so all we did was giggle.

Aizawa: What's so funny huh?

Me: The class that doesn't have a single clue!

Hitoshi: He is right!

Aizawa: *sigh* You both are problem children!

Mina: What do you mean, we don't know?

Me: Didn't you ever heard of the one teacher that nearly expels his entire class every year?

Hitoshi: The teacher that make the students life a living hell and has earned the nickname the devil?

Kirishima: I haven't heard of this.

Momo: Me neither.

Me: Well you will find out sooner or later what that means.

Aizawa: Can I talk now?

Me + Hitoshi: Sure.

Aizawa: Now, we here for a qurik assessment test.

Jiro: But were we not supposed to be in the auditorium and hear Nezu's speech?

Aizawa: UA gives us teacher the ability to teach their lessons however we want. When I say we do a test then we do one. If you don't want to pack your things and leave!

The whole class began looking at each other unsure what to think of this.

Aizawa: I see no one ready to leave yet. There will be 8 test that I will be judging you by. I am sure everyone did them once in their life without their quirk but you are here in UA now and training to be a hero. I want you to use your quirk on all of these exercises. Everything is allowed.

Mina: Oh that sounds like fun.

Me: Fun?

Mina: Yeah.

Me: Is this some kind of game for you?

Denki: Huh?

Me: Are quirks a game for you guys?

Kirishima: Bro calm down!

Dark Shadow: Don't talk to Master like that!

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow?

It was clear that Dark Shadow wasn't listing to his owner but threatening the others in my name instead. While everyone looked shocked, there was one dandelion that was looking towards the ground in shame. I had a good feeling that I knew what he was thinking. I saw how guilty his expression looked and t was clear to me that he remembers his own mistake.

Me: If you thing life is a game then leave! If you think that being a hero is a game then open your good damn eyes. They risk they life on a daily basis. Is that fun to you?

Mina: No... but we are not risking our life here!


With that a giant shadow like wolf jumped out of my shadow right in front of me and began growling at the group.

Me: How about now? Is this still fun to you?

Iida: It is not appropriate to use quirk quirk disway!

Hitoshi: Not appropriate?! How is this not appropriate? You guys think this is a game! That quirks are given away and everyone is born with one. Let me tell you one thing! Izuku was born quirkless! He knows better than anyone when it is appropriate to use his, he trained harder than anyone here!

Iida: This is nevertheless unheroic and not fit for UA standards.

Bakugo: Stop fucking around with him! If you are that dumb you fucking extra than leave! You don't deserve to be here!

Aizawa: If this is so much fun for you then let's make this more fun, shall we? The person that I ranked as last will be expelled immediately!

Mineta: You can't do that!

Aizawa: I can and I will!

My huge wolf began to walk towards him and growling louder. I could sense the fear that was coming from the group especially from the grape guy.

Mineta: That's a monster! He is a fucking villain with his quirk! I thought this is a hero school! How is he allowed to be here?!

This was all it took for my wolf to pounce at him and push him to the ground with one of his paws. He was growling and fletching his teeth right in front of his face.


Aizawa: You are expelled! LEAVE now! I do not tolerate quirk discrimination.

The moment Fenrir head that he let loose of him, bit right into his uniform and sent him flying over the wall of UA straight to the streets.

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