Is this the only way?

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Shigaraki's POV:

That minis boss sure is something else...

Never thought that someone would actually do this...

A second chance...

Someone willing to save us..

Sure, sounds like a fairy tale to me.

After we got back to our villain hideout, I was left speechless. Not only did the small fry get us out of the situation, he also offered us an unbelievable offer. It was something else. Never did I heard about any hero wanting to save a villain, giving them hope and a chance to see the light.

Me: What and unbelievable cheat code that is.

Kurogiri: His offer was sincere. He really believes that we could actually have a normal life.

Me: At first, I thought he was playing with us but he really did mean it huh...

Kurogiri: Maybe there is really a chance we could-

Me: No. We belong to the dark side.

Kurogiri: Should we inform Sensei?

Me: Yes. Bring us to him. I would love to hear what he says about this.

Not a minute later Kurogiri opened a portal leading to my sensei. It was a short travel and it surprisingly looked like he was awaiting us.

AfO: Ah Tomura, I was awaiting your return and the news you are bringing.

Now it was clear to me. He wanted the answer to if I killed All Might. A simple are you okay or did everything went well would have been appreciated.

Me: He was not there.

AfO: ....

Me: I am sorry that we failed you Sensei.

AfO: So you failed again?

Me: I -

AfO: NO! I heard enough! You are as useless as the so-called NPC of yours!

Me: But-

AfO: What happened to the nomu?

Me: It was easily killed by the heroes.

After what he just said it was clear to me that he had no intention of actually asking me for how I've been or how I feel about it nor would he actually let me say what happened. At this point I felt like smalls fry's offer was better than anything.

I had enough. AfO was treating me as if I was worser than a guard dog. Even the nomus where treated better at this point. Although I was grateful for him to save me, this was not the life I wished. He might be my savor but did he actually care for me? I don't think so.

AfO: The heroes?

Me: Yes. Hawks and the rest of the UA staff was there.

AfO: You useless mindless thing! Haven't I told you time and time again to plan your missions properly!

Me: Yes, Sensei.

AfO: Then why haven't you done your job?

A job. First it was a mission now it was a job..

This only showed how little he actually cared for me.

Me: It was my fault, Sensei. I-


Me: Yes...

This was all I could say to him before Kurogiri opened the portal for us to go back to the run-down bar. In contrary to my sensei's hideout this was hilarious! AfO's hideout was under the ground but it was still clean and had everything one can ask for even a nice bed. All we had were some old bed and a some rags as blankets.

Once we were back, we both sat at the counter together.

Kurogiri: You sure we belong here?

Me: No but do we have a choice?

Kurogiri: We could accept his offer.

Me: And get him involved in something like this?

Kurogiri: He is strong and he has ally's!

Me: He is our light, a true hero even if he didn't realize that he just gave us something we lost so long ago...

Kurogiri: You fear that his quirk might be taken?

Me: Yes. If Sensei gets a hold of that cheat code, then the world will end in an instance.

Kurogiri: Let me assure you, that this is not possible.

Me: Huh?

Kurogiri: His quirk is unique and it has a will. The moment he would try getting it for himself, he would fail and get devoured by it. You've seen the dragon yourself.

Me: I did.

Kurogiri: Put a little fait into our light.

Me: I will.

Kurogiri: What is your plan now?

Me: Pack your things! We will go and met our light titan. We will leave this darkness once and for all!

Kurogiri as you wish!

Just like that both of us went to our rooms and gathered our small belongings.

It was out of the question that he was strong. I hated involving him into something like this but if that meant salvation then it would be my only choice. He did offer us help after all!

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now