In the disguise of the night...

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This night, me, Hawks and Shiggy including Kurogiri meet up. It wasn't hard to sneak out of the house since I could teleport thanks to Fenrir and Shiggy and Kurogiri went to our meeting place themself meaning Kurogiri teleported them there.

Our meeting place was a park close by Hawks agency and I was the first one there.

Me: Looks like I am the first.

Fenrir: Master, someone is watching us!

Me: So you feel it too. I thought it was my own imagination.

Fenrir: Should I eliminate them?

Me: No. Remember quirk usage without a hero's permission is forbidden.

Fenrir: How about sending Ferluci? She could find out who these people are.

Me: Good idea.

I called upon Ferluci and she immediately came out of my shadow and Fenrir began covering her so that no one saw the cat.

Me: Ferluci can you go and see who is watching us? Find them but don't harm them. Also please report back to me after wards immediately.

Ferluci: Got it!

After that I watched her running off somewhere. Me and Fenrir began waiting and waiting for the other two to come. After 15 minutes after the time we wanted to meet up, Fenrir spoke up. I could tell that he didn't like the situation and neither did I.

Fenrir: They are still not here, Master.

Me: They sure are running late.

Fenrir: Kuro!

The Fox jumped out of my shadow the moment Fenrir called him.

Kuro: Good Evening Master!

Me: Hey Kuro!

Fenrir: Stay with Master, I will have a look around. Ferluci also hasn't returned yet.

Kuro: Yes!

Me: Maybe they are just well hidden and she needs a more time finding them.

Kuro: Very unlikely. That cat finds everything in a couple of minutes. This can only mean that someone found her or that she is fighting.

The moment Kuro said that we could hear a couple of gun shots and a cat's scream.


I was about to run into the direction I heard the cat scream if not for Pandora jumping out of my shadow and over me, stopping me from going any further.

Pandora: Just call her back to your domain, Master!

Kuro: I sense danger!

Fenrir: Get ready everyone!

The moment they told me to do that I closed my eyes and focused on my bond to get her out of the situation that she was in and return to my domain.

Pandora: They are coming!

The moment Pandora said that we saw a couple of people coming out of the shadow and attacking us. They all had some light quirk. One could make weapons out of light, the other one could reflect the light coming out from the lamps and another one could just create light from his palm.

Pandora and the others immediately began circling around me making sure I was save. I wanted to call upon another shadow creature but I couldn't do that. Something told me that if I was to reveal any more of my shadow creature that something bad would happen.

Fenrir: GRRRR!

Padora: ROAR!

Kuro: HISSS!!!

They all were in their shadow form and ready to strike. All they were waiting for was an attack from the other side. It didn't take long for the attack to happen. It was a gunshot piercing through Kuro and exploding into light making him disappear.


I heard his painful scream and closed my eyes because of the extreme light. Pandora immediately reacted and got me on her back before running away.

Fenrir: I will distract them!


Fenrir: Don't worry! We can't die! We will see each other again in your domain!

After that I saw him stop running after us and face the others.

Pandora: Where is that dumb Chicken when you need him?

Me: I am more worried about Shiggy and Kurogiri!

The moment I said that I saw both of them fighting a couple of people.

Me: Pandora!

Pandora: On it!

She jumped over them and immediately canceled their quirk. This made me think of why she didn't use her ability on the light quirk user before. However there was no time to ask her now.

Pandora: They took me by surprise.

Me: Huh?

Pandora: You were thinking why I didn't use my ability.

Me: I see... It's okay as long as none of you died.

Padora: We can't die! If you die we die but otherwise we are undefeatable!

Me: I see.

She was running full speed towards Shiggy and jumped over him biting the man that was about to kill Shiggy with a knife.

Me: Kurogiri get him out!

It was a command and since I was their Master he couldn't help but obey. I couldn't let them fight or be captured. This whole situation wasn't right to me. Someone knew my quirk and was doing this in order to get me. There was no way I would give them a reason to capture me or something to hold against me.

After Pandora and I fought the people here and only left unconscious people behind, we both were sure that we bought Shiggy and Kurogiri enough time to escape. After that Pandora began running again.

Fenrir: AROOOOOOOO!!!!

It was Fenrir's cry that pulled me out of my mind. He was in pain and this was all because of me.

Pandora: He will be fine once he is back into your domain Master! Don't worry about us!

She was running and trying to escape the people after us until we were cornered and not only that all of the sudden a couple of drones were around us and shining their lights on Pandora.

She didn't mind that a lot until they also began shooting on us and one of the bullets hit me and her at the same time.

It was the same bullet that would shine extreme light once it huts it target and so she fell down and I went with her down.

Pandora: MASTER!


I braced myself for impact as I was about to hit the ground and was thrown against the next tree.


Pandora: I am sorry Master! I failed you...

That was all my shadow creature said in front of me before vanishing into the darkness below her. I quickly stood up and was about to run if not for the drones that were circling wound me, cutting my every escape route.

Then I felt it. A bullet hit me right in my chest and looking down I saw blood seeping through my own costume. Not only that I began feeling light headed and I immediately tried to use my quirk to teleport me away which I should have done all the time but I couldn't. I couldn't feel Fenrir nor the others and so I couldn't call upon their abilities.

As if that was not enough, my field of vision began darkening and I felt myself drop to ground.

???: We secured our object.

Was all I heard before blacking out completely.

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now