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I swear to god. Dadzawa won't let me be alone at all anymore!

It's not like I can't defend myself.

I mean I have my shadow creatures!

Not even AfO could do something against me!

Abyss was there for me. No one sane in their mind would go against a dragon!!

Then there is the wolf that is following me and the fox around my shoulder.

There was literally no way anyone would approach me with animals around me not to mention that they could get huge and attack anyone and kill them if they wanted.

There is nothing that can happen to me!

It was the morning of the next day after we all sat together. The idea of doing this was Toshi's. He came up with it and whispered in my ears that this would be a good opportunity to be with Shochan. Needless to say that Nezu and Mic were immediately in. Hawks was also thrilled of the idea. He said he didn't had a break for a while now. Then there was Shiggy and Kurogiri who we wanted to get on different ideas. Shiggy has somewhat become an older brother to me and so I wanted him to cheer up and what better way than this?!

Well anyways today was a day off. The teachers meaning Nezu was so kind as to give his teachers a day off after someone proposed that we should go to an amusement park together. Nezu was so into that thought that he immediately agreed.

Now here we are in front of the amusement park and I had no intention on spending the day with my dad's and my brothers. I was sure to make this a date or that was what I wanted it to be.

Nezu: Okay now Izu make sure to not cause any trouble.

Me: I won't.

Dadzawa: Aha...

Me: Fenrir, Kuro, you heard them. No trouble!

Fenrir: Yes, Master!

Kuro: Yes, Master!

Dadzawa: You sure about that?

He even raised an eyebrow at me.

Me: *Gasp* I am offended!

I could hear Toshi beside me laughing at our little conversation.

Dadzawa: Anyways don't use your quirk here. Only Fenrir and Kuro.

Me: Aye Aye!!!

Mic: Let's go inside and have some fun!

Shocha: Let's go Izu!

Just like that he grabbed me by my hand and began running into the crowd completely ignoring Mic's shouting.

This was now a date not a family gathering anymore. My wish came true and this was how Shoto began pulling me through the crowed in order to lose the rest of them.

Me: Wait Sho where are we going? What about the others!

He slowed down and went to the next sidewalk that was leading into a small area without anything. Once we were away from the crowd he cornered me and then kissed me. This took me by surprise. My eyes widen for a bit before I closed them and enjoyed our kiss. It was a short kiss but it was one full of passion and after our lips parted I was sure that I was blushing. The tips of his ears were also completely red.

Me: Pffff

Shochan: Izu?

Me: Your ears are giving you away..

Shochan: They do?

Me: Yep. What are we even doing?

Shochan: Isn't it obvious?

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now