Just a talk

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My dragon was by my side and ready to strike at any moment. I could tell that Abyss was on edge but didn't wanted to show anything. From what I could tell he didn't like it that they were talking kinda down to me. It was understandable since they all call me Master.

Me: Can I ask you something?

Shigaraki: Hmpf!

Me: Why did you become a villain? Something must have happened.

Shigaraki: That is none of your business small fry.

Me: You are right, it's not.

Abyss: GRRRR!!!

Me: You know I was once quirkless and All Might pretty much left me on a roof after saving my life. He crashed my dreams and all I wanted to do afterwards was die.

Abyss: You don't have to tell them your past, Master!

Me: So I pretty much hate that arrogant bastard! He is no hero if you ask me but the people are seeing and depending on it.

Shigaraki: Why are you a hero?

Me: Because I suffered enough to know that there is always another solution.

Shigaraki: You think there is another solution than this?

Me: Yes. Only because no one was willing to save you doesn't mean that there always be no one.

Shigaraki: ...

Me: I won't change your mind. If you want to kill that false hero then please be my guest. But do you really want to put the whole society into chaos? Is it worth it?

Shigaraki: It is! He deserves it!

Me: But what after that?

Shigaraki: I-...

Me: You haven't thought about it, did you? What will you do after you killed him? You will be one of the top most wanted people in Japan if not the whole world.

Shigaraki: That doesn't matter! I will survive!

Me: And what if there was another way?

Shigaraki: What way?

Me: Why do you want to be a villain? If it is only to bring down All Might then why not be a vigilante or a hero as well?

Shigaraki: I don't understand small fry?!

Me: You see I have a quirk that is unique. It is villainous and the hero commission is after me. If I wanted to then I could bring down the whole hero society and gain world domination just with the help of the shadow creatures. BUT I won't and you know why?

Shigaraki: No, this makes zero sense! You suffered so much and yet you don't want revenge.

Me: No. Because I won't feel any better after it

Shigaraki: how do you know?

Me: I know it. I could have gotten my revenge any time if I wanted to and I am sure that they would have even killed him but I can't live with that knowing that he wouldn't regret what he did. I would rather he lives the rest of his day regretting what he did and being in pain as dead.

Shigaraki: I see. So what do you suggest mini boss?

Me: Why not try and see if the hero work suits you?

Shigaraki: Me a hero? hahahahaha

Me: What's so funny!

Shigaraki: There is no way we can be hereos.

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