I am a ghost!

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Kuro POV:

Master was feeling down and I had a good idea on how to cheer him up but I was sure that the others wouldn't like that at all. We were in his room and waited for Master to come out. It didn't take him long to shower and change into his uniform.

Me: Master you ready?

Izuku: Yeah, but what are you planning, Kuro?

Me: You will see.

Fenrir: Something tells me that we will regret this.

Me: Nah, not at all. Now teleport us into the classroom.

Fenrir: Do not order me around you little fox.

Me: Ohh I am not scared of a big bad wolf like you!

Izuku: Guys, Enough! Fenrir, please. I don't want to be later than I am already.

Fenrir: Yes, Master. Immediately.

With that, we were directly teleported into the class room. The moment we were in, I concentrated on each and everyone's connection to the darkness. Once we were in the classroom, Fenrir disappeared and I was left with my master alone.

Me: Master was here all the time, you just didn't see him! You also can't see me!

Izuku: Kuro?!

Me: What?! No one ever said anything about me not being allowed to brainwash them all.

Izuku: ... This feels wrong.

Me: No, besides Nezu will tell Aizawa about what happened. I also don't want them to think you are sloppy on your first day. Besides it was kinda our fault so let me at least clean up our mess.

Izuku: Aww Kuro?! Thank you.

I saw master go to his seat. He was right behind Bakugo but in front of Hitoshi.

Hitoshi: Say Izu, How long have you been here?

Izuku: Just came in.

Hitoshi: What?! I didn't see you at all.

Izuku: That's because of Kuro. He used his ability on everyone. I will tell you what happened later.

Time to mess with them all!

Me: Hihihi

I went to the seat number one.

Ohh someone likes blinky stuffs.

Me: You lost your sparkle, glitter boy!

Nothing beats a little bit of mental fun, right?

The moment I said that, I could immediately see the effect taking place.

Sparky: Oh no no no no no no! Le sparkles?! Gone! NO! MY Glamour! GONE!

He immediately took out a hand mirror and began looking himself ito it and I could see him tear up.

Ok next one that Alian!

I jumped on the next desk right beside him.

Hmm what should I do with her?

Oh I know!

Me: Do the Dame to Consita Dance!

This sure will be fun!

In the next moment, she stood up and did exactly what I told her to do.

???: This is not heroic. I must ask you to stop whatever you are ding and sit back down.

Ohh foureyes, you can't wait till it's your turn...

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now