Hunted! Be prepared for what you have started!

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We all walked through the portal completely pared for what is about to happen. It was clear for everyone what needed to be done and so we went though and were prepared for the worst. Though one thing was for sure. We were a huge family and no one could stop us.

The moment we did however went through we were immediately met with an army of the mindless creature that I thought once and that everyone knew by now.

Nezu: We will keep them busy.

Me: But-

Aizawa: No buts! You are the only one of us who stands a chance to defeat AfO.

Hawks: He is right. We will make a path for you.

Just like that I saw them all run towards the creatures and fight them each one of them were facing the creature but they were working as teams now. All I could do was accept the decision and run towards the man in the center of everything.


He was watching us all and not moving an inch. He must have thought that his pets could handle us but he was so wrong. Nothing could stop us. Nothing and no one! We were heroes and we were good at what we were doing!

Charging at the man I saw that two creatures ran immediately towards me only to meet a mic of Ice and blue flames. The Todoroki brothers ran to my side.

Shoto: Leave this to us Izu!

Dabi: We got this!

I nodded and continued to run towards the man in the center. He was the one that ruined my peaceful days. He was the one wanting to destroy everything and the one person that needed to be stop.

As I now was running towards the man another one of his pets charged at me only to be stopped by nothing others then a scarf. It was my fathers and Toshi came running at it going into close combat with a monster and his father at his back.

Toshi: GO!

Aizawa: We can handle this!

Again I could only nod and continue my path. The closer I came to the man the more mindless creatures were send after us.

Hawks: I didn't had much chance to have fun back where the sports festival was, now at least I can get some exercise.

I saw Hawks fly past me and using his feathers as swords to cut through them while Nezu jumped of his back and using his claws on the open brain.


I watched Kurogiri teleporting Shiggy all around the place. He was touching and disintegrating the creatures with a smile on his face.

Toga was and Mic were working together too.


I heard my father scream and watched Toga run with her back towards the sound waves and cutting though her opponents.

They all got my back. I knew that. We were one big family after all and now it was my turn to face the demon.

Me: Kuro, Fenrir, Pandora, Ferluci!

I only called 4 of my shadow creature at my side and they immediately started running towards AfO. Ferluci went after the man first jumping at him and using her claws at his quirk that began coming towards me. Kuro, Pandora and Fenrir began to fight the quirk and it was Pandora who could actually go into a fight with it since she used her ability to erase it or weaken it at least from what I could tell.

Fenrir then went in and tried to decapitate the man only to get thrown towards the next wall. Kuro was in front of me shielding my attack as I was running towards the man and using his ability to try and control AfO but to no avail.

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