Can they stay with us?

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It was late that same day and I was sitting with Nezu in one of the libraries at home. Something of today's incident was not sitting right with me. They looked scared both of them of something and then that creature... It was man-made!

Nezu: Izu, why did you want to speak to them? I heard from Aizawa that you teleported them away and went with it.

Me: The situation wasn't sitting right with me and I wanted answers.

Nezu: Not sitting right?

Me: Don't you think it's suspicious?

Nezu: How come?

Me: If they could create such a creature, they could have made easily more of them and let them handle us students but in the end they only wanted All Might to fight it.

Nezu: That is certainly a thing to think of.

Me: But that's not all. All the villains that gathered today were all some low criminals. None of them was a serious threat to any of us even if we didn't had any fighting experience like them.

Nezu: And what did they say to that?

Me: That is the weird thing. I think that they don't want to be villains but something is holding them there. Someone is pulling the threats behind them for sure! It's not like these two could make that creature.

Nezu: That is right.

Me: Abyss told me that the thing had multiple quirks and there is only one person that I know capable doing so.

Nezu: Yes, unfortunately it looks like one of his doings.

Me: All for One, right?

Nezu: We still haven't figured out where they are hiding for now.

Me: Maybe there is no need for that.

Nezu: ?

He tilted his head in confusion and his eyes were glittering of excitement at the same time. I was so used to this expression that it didn't bother me anymore.

Me: I told them that there will be a place open for them on the hero's side ... if they wanted to try it out that is.

Nezu: I see. This will be very unlikely though. I don't think that they will turn themselves in and take a new leaf.

Me: Who knows! They might and I am pretty confident that they will.

Nezu: Why do you think that?

Me: No one ever even tried to save them! Everyone immediately gave up on them. I want to be their hero too. A hero is there to save the people in need that is what you told me. They are also only people and deserve to be saved and given a second chance.

Nezu: A second chance yes but no third one. You know my believes.

Me: I do. So is it okay if they come to get them enrolled into UA in some way?

Nezu: If you want to give them a chance then yes. I will make arranges for that.

Me: Thanks dad!

I stood up from where I was and went over to him and hugged him. It was the moment that I let go of him that the doorbell rang.

Nezu: Do you expect anyone?

Me: hahaha As if anyone besides them could get into UA's ground unnoticed!

Nezu: I know, juts tried to be funny.

Me: Well I'm going to ask them in. You want to meet them?

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now