You are working for us now! OVER MY DEAD BODY!

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I woke up in a bright room chained to table and having something around my mouth. This was bad. I didn't knew where I was and I couldn't feel any of my shadow creature at all. Not only that but my memories were also a little fuzzy meaning that I was drugged before I blacked out for sure.

This was a bad timing. I knew that the sports festival is coming up and what was about to happen. I needed to get out of here.

With that in mind I started to pull at the chains and get out of wherever I was but I was too tightly strapped up to the table. This went on for a while until I heard a door opening and some voices.

???: Ah looks like you are awake now.

The person that just came into the room, came over to me and injected something straight in my neck and into the vein there.

???: This is only a necessity to ensure that you will not be able to use your quirk against us while we talk.

A couple of minutes later, the man removed the cloths I had on my mouth.

???: Izuku Midoriya, it is a please to meet you.

Me: I can't say that the pleasure is all mine too. I don't even know you.

???: Oh I am just a part of the hero commission. They are eager to meet you so I advise you not to act against them.

After that he went out of the room and I could hear some voices over the communication system.

???: We heard form Hawks that he is training you for us. However he missed to tell us the truth about your quirk. You are here because you are a danger to the others and need to be trained in order to be a proper hero.

Me: You mean a pawn!

???: Yes.

Me: Not even hiding the truth huh...

???: Now then we can do this the hard way or the even harder way. So please just cooperate with us this will make things a lot easier.

Me: Over my dead body! I will never work for you nor will they!

???: How unfortunate!

After that I heard the door open again and the night mare started for me. They came in and injected something into my system. Just seconds later I felt like I was burning from the inside. Pain was shooting through my whole body and I screamed and screamed until I had no voice anymore. It felt like hours until it stopped but the moment it did they immediately used another on me. In between the breaks they would ask me time and time again if I had reconsidered. However my answer was still the same. I had no plan on giving up and let my shadow creatures be controlled by them. I would rather die before they fall into their hands.

This was how they continued to inject different things into me. They hurt so much I was sure I would pass out and die but I never did. It was just torture. After hours of doing that they moved on to physical pain and an injection that would make pain 100x more pain since my pain receptions in my brain were on overdrive. They started break my bones and cut me. Using all kind of different things.

Even after they cut me open and used a healer to heal me again, I would still refuse to give up.

I started losing all sense of time after the first couple of injection and I didn't know how long I was here but one thing was for sure. I would never give up!

3rd POV:

While Izuku was capture Kurogiri and Shigaraki went back and informed Nezu and Aizawa about it. The heroes quickly came to the parks side and only found Izukus blood on the ground. After that they all began searching for him but couldn't find him all they found was Hawks laying on the ground unconscious and having a tranquilizing dart on the side of his neck.

This was alluring them to say the least and so Nezu, Aizawa, Mic, Hitoshi, Shiggy and Kurorigi searched the night through in order to find any lead but to their misfortune they didn't find anything.

The night passed and it quickly became day. Aizawa used his class in and said it was a special training to find Midoriya who was hiding in the city. It was a kidnapping situation and they had to find him with what little information they got from him. Needless to say that Tokoyami knew that something was wrong thanks to Dark Shadow. Bakugo and Shoto knew it as well since they both knew Izuku. He would never disappear just like that not to mention be alone in the city.

The whole exercise didn't sounded right for them and so they knew it wasn't an exercise but more reality.

Nezu also had his staff members searching for Izuku. Nothing helped. Not even Hawks knew what happened to him that night. All he could remember was flying towards the meeting point and seeing Izuku from above when he got dizzy and crash landed.

The day quickly evolved to days and days passed to a week. It was the day of the sport festival and Izuku was still missing no one knew where he was.

Hawks had a feeling that the hero commission was at fault but without evidence he could only make things worse for his brother he knew that from his past experience. So all he could do was ask Nezu for help.

The rat on the other hand already tried to squeeze every bit of information he had in order to get his son back but they all refused to talk to him even being more willing to die or let their carrier end then to talk to him. This was a sign that they knew where he was but were more scared of the hero commission then them.

Since Hawks and Shiggy also knew what was about to happen at the sports festival they had not choice as to let Izuku be for a while for the sake of his family. Nezu held and emergency meeting after hearing Izuku's prediction of the future. He knew enough as to trust in his son's ability and so he quickly began making some defense mechanism and evacuation plans as to not end up in a situation his son predicted.

All the while Shoto, Hitoshi, Tokoyami and Bakugo were still looking for Izuku da in and day out. However no one of them found any lead the past week. Now all they could do was pray for his return and hope that whoever had him was not willing to kill him.

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