I go to war with my family!

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Now I knew why I haven't seen myself in the vision I had about the future. I was still held captive by the hero commission. The truth is I would still be if not for Eclipse. He saved me. Thanks to that I managed to be in time and save my family and my boyfriend in the last second.

It was at such moments that I was remembered how lucky I was to have my shadow creature and a loving caring family. Everything I had was nearly taken away from my by one man only because he was after a fake symbol of peace.

I didn't care why he was after All Might but getting rid of him was not an option I would have gotten rid of him a long time ago. Not only that but Nezu would have done the same. It was just not that simple since he was the number 1 hero and a light to so many people. They needed him and who was I to just take their light away?

However now was not the time to think about that. After I teleported us back to the center of the sport festivals stadium, I saw that my family and my quirks including Endeavor were there. They were all waiting for me and I came back with the villains.

Nezu: Izuku, my son, are you okay?

Me: Yes.

I walked over to my family and went down on my knee to be able to hug my father. He was a chimera and a small one after all. After that I was meet with a group hug from the rest of the group meaning Shiggy, Kurogiri, Toshi, Dadzawa, and PapaMic.

Me: Can't ... breath!

They were all hugging to me much that I needed to say that. Once they heard that they let me immediately go.

Me: Oh yeah that reminds me!

I stepped away and took Shochans hand going towards Dabi.

Me: Dabi Shoto, Shoto Dabi or otherwise known as Touya your long lost brother.

Endeavor: Touya....

Me: I know this is sudden but we have other things we need to do so. This is Dabi and Toga. Both of them are like Shiggy and Kurogiri hold captive and forced to this against their free will.

Endeavor: How do you want to know that.

Me: Blaze, get him away!

That was all it took for my fire bird to take off with him in his claws and flying away only to return a couple of minutes later.

Blaze: I threw him where he belongs. The waste disposal site.

Me: Pfff. Good job!

Hawks: So if they are working against their will then you..

Me: Yes. I offered them a place as a hero as well. No one ever wanted to do this and I regret knowing this! They deserve a second chance! People can change if they want too!

Nezu: I understand. Do you have a home?

Toga: No.

Dabi: I think I will be returning to mine.

Nezu: Well Toga you can stay with me and Izuku then.

Toga: You want me?

Nezu: Of course. If Izuku approved of you then there is nothing I will say against it.

Me: Thank you.

Toga: Thank you *sob*!

She immediately tacked me into a hug and I could see some tears rolling down her cheek.

Me: We still have to finish this fight!

Nezu: Indeed we have!

Me: Thanks to them we know where he is.

Hawks: You plan on going there yourself?

Me: No. We are a family after all! Family means sticking together right?

Aizawa: I wouldn't have said it better.

Kurogiri: If you know the position, then I will teleport us there.

Dabi: It's the old abandoned warehouse at **** road.

Kurogiri: Got it!

Nezu: There is no need to hold back.

Hawks: The hero commission will sure have my head after this.

Me: They are gone as is the building.

Hawks: What do you mean?

Me: They were the once holding me captive and Eclipse there broke us out of there by burning the building down to ashes with its hell flame.

Dabi: Hell flame?

Eclipse: Yes. It's a flame that feeds on ones nightmares and desires and lets them experience the 100x pain of burning to death.

Not only that but it also burns their souls preventing them to reincarnate again. The death by my flames can be quick or slow depending on how much pain I wanted them to experience.

As for the people I made it as slow as possible for the once hurting Izuku and freezing them too while they were close to death and saving them from my hell flames only for them to nearly freeze to death and let my flames eat at their bodies again.

The hell flames doesn't let anything behind besides ashes once there are finished.

I began telling them what my serpent told me so that they could understand what was going on.

Nezu: They still deserved more.

Hawks: Agree.

Me: It was all he could do that time. I was badly injured and he wanted to bring me to safety while also getting rid of any threat. Not to mention of what I would have done if I lost you all!!!

Aizawa: Reasonable.

Mic: Let's go and teach that man a lesson for even going against our Izu!

Everyone: YES!

Shiggy: He is our light and no one can kill it!

Dabi: So he saved you too?

Shiggy: Yes, he saved me from AfO. I was the one serving him before you guys.

Dabi: Oh...

Shiggy: His words are not just mere promises. He doesn't know it but he is like the moon for us in the night sky illuminating and giving us hope.

Dabi: I agree.

Just like that every one of us prepared themself mentally and we all began walking though the portal. My shadow creatures were of course in my shadow so that I could call them by my side way easier. The main reason was for them to not get sighted before they could let loose and be just wild disasters of nature.

Needless to say that everyone was ready to kill a certain someone and no one would hold back!

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now