This is a declaration of WAR!

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I woke up in my real and all I could remember was some black scales and flames.

Fenrir: Master! You're up!

Abyss: How are you feeling?

Me: Better.

Then I saw the huge serpent. It was my savor from the grasp of the hero commission that reminded me what even happened to them.

Me: Eclipse... How did we get here? More importantly are you hurt?

Eclipse: No, I am not thanks to you, Master and I brought us back here.

Balze: And I healed you. I am sorry I can't erase the memories of what happened to you!

Pandora: I am sorry we couldn't do anything other than just watch!

Me: *relieved sigh*

Me: I am just glad you are all okay!

Ferluci: We are! Thanks to you Master!

Me: The other! My family! Which day is today?

Arashi: The day of the sports festival and it also has begun already.

Me: We need to go!

Everyone: YES MASTER!

Abyss went down in front of me and I climbed on his back. Me and my quirk were ready.

Me: Let's go!

That was the moment Fenrir opened us a portal directly to the sport festival and they all went their way. I was flying on Abyss from above and I saw the creatures that were about to attack my parents.


The moment I screamed his name, he went down with a souring speed cutting through the air and using his black flames, claws and teeth's to kill the creatures until it killed every single one on air and landed in the center of the sports festival arena.

Nezu: IZUKU!

Aizawa: IZUKU!


I immediately heard my fathers and I saw them all.

Me: Abyss protect them!

After that I jumped of the dragons back and used shadow transportation to vanish into the shadows and reaper close to a hallways I knew that Dabi and Toga would be come and Toshi would be there. I didn't waste any time and began running in the direction of the villains.


She answered my call and jumped from below my shadows while I jumped into the air. I was immediately on her back and we began running down the hallway until we saw Toshi and the villains.

Me: Eclipse, go!

I watched the flames but the moment I called Eclipse, he came from besides our shadow and immediately froze the whole hallways.

Eclipse: HISSS!!!

He went protectively around Toshi while me and Pandora ran passed them right towards the villains.

Toshi: IZU!!!


I called the fox because I knew that Shiggy would come down this hallway too and every single one of my shadow creatures were in sync with me. We were working like a well-oiled machine and not only that but it was as if they knew what their job was without me telling it to them.

Maybe it was because of the things that the hero commission did to me or it might also be because of how much I went through with them. No matter what it was we were closer to each other. Our bond stronger than anything. It was even thicker than blood.

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